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Everything posted by moondoon

  1. After a bit of testing (from both before pet and after the update), I do not care for the pet. I am a huge MM fan, and I love pet classes and abilities in general, but this felt very clunky. Having to resummon it every 30 seconds in order for my chains to affect me. Plus it was kind of a pain to switch from enemy to the pet in order to cast the chains. (I don't have a macro set, but it almost feels mandatory for smoother gameplay.) Loosing the constant heal, but more specifcally end gain from static consumption actually made the lower levels much slower, having to pop more end inspirations between and even during battles. As some others have stated if you're in a group or once it is proliferated to controllers and especially MMs the pet will not be needed. If you wanted the chains to be able to affect the caster why not just have it originate form the caster. I would say change it so it starts with the caster and one ally (teammate or pet) and then each stack of static adds to the chain from there. With this change I would leave the strength the same for yourself and secondary target with reductions after. I otherwise love this set. I don't mind the spammyness of the set so much; at least at lower levels, but I can see where others are coming from who don't. I have not tested this at max level, but would imagine it could become cumbersome to reapply the buffs and debuffs so frequently. I'd also like to mirror what some others have said about the endurance reaching 0 on enemies, If some additional effect could take place, some sort of AoE damage or self +end or +recovery, or even if that summoned a galvanic sentinel. (That last one is probably not gonna happen, but it popped in my head and sounded rather cool to me, so included it.) I think that would be nice and depending on what it is could really add something unique to the overall theme of the set. Actually now that I've written that last part I could see that being the main mechanic instead of the static stacks, but i do like the chaining effect, so I don't know for sure. I'm gonna go test it some more.
  2. Just a couple of personal MM requests. I'll keep playing them even if this doesn't get changed, just things I would like to see. 1. Can the upgrades at 6 and 32 be made auto, so that I just summon the upgraded henchmen and I don't need to upgrade them each time I summon them. I mean, I don't use the abilities very often as is, unless my pets are dying a lot, but it is still a bit annoying. 2. Increase the survivability of the medic and arsonist. I finally got my medic yesterday and went into a mission. He died in about 2 seconds. I don't even know what happened because it happened so fast. There was a mob when I entered and then the medic was dead. 3. Remove the "brawl"/melee attacks of bots, mercs, and thugs (except for bruiser of course). 4. NEW 11/03/19: Turn all minion KB to KD. KB is not my favorite thing, but as a MM I hate it even more, it makes controlling your pets just that much harder. And when your pets are knocking things all over the place and end up aggroing more group than you can handle because of that KB, that is not good. I'm using sudden acceleration KB to KD in all three of my robo pets. And some random changes that I would never actually expect to see because it would change the core powersets too much, and these may not be for everyone, but I like musing over them. 1. Necromancy: A. Change the third tier 1 pet into a bloated zombie, no brawl, but has a targeted AoE vomit bomb and a vile stench aura the does toxic DoT with a small chance to "sleep" enemies as they are gagging. B. Change the tier 2 knights into 2 separate knights, one with a sword and shield, the other with a Titan Weapon or maybe dual wield. I mean I would prefer it just be a 2 handed weapon, but the only option would be Titan. Maybe remove the ranged blasts. C. Change Soul Extraction to work on enemies as well. Shorter duration and recharge to compensate. 2. Mercs: Really other than the no brawl from my above request; maybe only one attack for medic, give it another heal or henchmen buff, like a mini stimulant ability. I may add more to this list later, but I just like musing and putting it out into the universe, even if no one reads this or comments, etc.
  3. As an altaholic I have many characters and whole I don't mind leveling one or two characters the traditional way, but after that it becomes a slog. A couple of thoughts to speed up the process a bit, a stacking xp buff for each level 50, and/or a stacking buff to everything (damage, to-hit, acc, def, end red, etc.) for each lvl 50. Obviously these would no longer be active on level 50s. Not sure how easy this addition would be to implement, but it would make leveling your 3rd+ character a bit easier.
  4. Toggles is a fantastic idea.
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