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Posts posted by Naraka

  1. 1 hour ago, Burnt Toast said:

    Just from the way you are talking about defense etc... I have a feeling you are not built well... especially considering you went with Munitions. THIS could easily be your problem - a bad build - you may want to get others to look at your actual build and offer you advice to help make your blaster sturdier. 

    No one really wants to hear that their build is bad.  Personally, it's not about whether a build is good or bad but does it accomplish what you built it to do.  A build can be good and have 0 def.  If the build is aiming to amass lots of def in combat though, Afterburner is not the power for that.

    29 minutes ago, Joshex said:

    I'm well aware of my options, and avoiding damage seems the best possible outcome.

    There's other options besides def for that.  The other options are mez/debuff and damage.


    I've got a Beam Rifle/Temp blaster that doesn't have any defense but he sure can destroy a boss in complete safety thanks to the combination of knockdown, stun and the absurd DPA of its attacks thanks to the disintegration effect.  You can also get quite a bit of control effects even if you're not Plant, Atomic Manipulation or Tactical Arrow.

  2. 11 minutes ago, tidge said:

    I keep coming back to this complaint...


    If you take your villain 'all the way through' Red side (lvl 1 - 50), you will get a significant amount of NPC dialogue that is *very* respectful/fearful of your accomplishments. For example, finish the Lord Recluse SF and there are several Red side NPCs which congratulate you. I don't recall any dialogue kudos for having done the Statesmen/Ms. Liberty TF.

    I feel somewhat the same.


    Ontop of what you said, if people already feel that their character is a lackey on red side...why not make a character who is a lackey?  Are people just incapable of roleplaying different things?  And it can't be they don't want to degrade themselves to such a lesser position...if they play blue, you're practically an errand-person literally there to do the bidding of others, i.e. a lackey.  You're hardly organizing a force that upholds operations and leading them or anything or even changing the status quo.


    While not all of my characters are lackeys, I do have a few who are literally curious cats that just do stuff for bad people to make friends.  Or they just go around laughing at people's misfortune.  I do have characters who seek more of a world domination goal, but nothing presented here even comes a lightyear close to such types of goals or how they'd want it to turn out in the end.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. On the opposite end of the spectrum: Are there any bubblers out there that get peeved off when people exit the mission and run off or enter the mission first before everyone assembles at the door?  I can't double stack my shields that way!  Granted, I don't enforce it or anything, but it's just so much better to get over soft-cap for the whole team for at least the first couple min of a mission or crazy resistances for a while.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    my apologies i stand corrected. Is the elec proc that it might give you end back? Its been a long time since i've played Electricity


    While it is true that a few other powers do cause secondary procs as you stated. They are nowhere near as disruptive to "typical" (please notice the quotation marks, i do not wish to be taken out of context) gameplay as knockback. Nor do they require specific strategy to use effectively. The idea I am attempting to communicate is that while you can use use knockback effectively with proper positioning sometimes KB doesn't proc rendering your strategy meaningless. I know hovering over a foes head turns KB-KD but this is unfeasible for some indoor maps and many foes have -fly. Again i position instinctively at this point so its irrelevant to me. I would love to read about this alleged vector based knockback as it would make yanking enemies toward you feasible. 

    Which powers are you talking about?


    There is a lot of distinctions that should be made with regards to KB.  It's not "typically" disruptive if you're knocking back *a* target reliably.  Even if they are pushed outside of normal melee range, that typically means you didn't immobilize that foe thus they have the opportunity to simply move outside of melee range regardless of if you use KB or not (which *IS* typical, especially for not tank ATs).  For standard AoE chance of KB, it's likely the proc would give you a positive effect if you merely didn't want to get the secondary effect of KB.  You don't have to properly position anything if you're focused on *a* target and if you don't want your AoEs to knock stuff, that is typically what the proc is for.



  5. 11 hours ago, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    ok so. Secondary effects usually accompany damage heres a quick rundown to elaborate on my point


    fire reliably does dots

    darkness reliably applies -to hit debuffs

    ice blast reliably applies slow

    psychic reliable applies -recharge

    radiation reliably applies -defense

    sonic reliably applies -resists

    water reliably applies chance to choke foe (just kidding, but shouldn't it tho?)


    anyway the point is: the only other power that has a secondary effect that is a proc is electricity and the effect of end drain on mobs is relatively meaningless since their abilities require only 1 point of endurance to use. And the reason that end drain is a proc cause if elect regularly drained endurance it would be an absolute pvp monster.


    So to recap. most knockback powers only have a chance to knockback. while the other abilities apply their secondary effects on a regular basis. I apologize if what i said was confusing. The line should have read, "It is also well known that KB is the ONLY secondary effect that works AS a proc."

    I think the distinction that should be made is:


    Those first examples = debuffs/damage


    Knockback = mez


    It's also not the only effect that works on a % chance.  Stuns also work on a % chance and it's a mez.  Some KB powers are 100% just like some mez powers are 100%, but as more of it is sprinkled in a set, you rely on %chance to keep it from chaining/stacking to absurd levels.

    • Like 1
  6. I know this is a Granite Armor thread, but decided to read up on some ideas tossed around for the set overall.  I'd agree to giving more options for the Granite Armor vfx, maybe give it different models like the earth control pet model, sardonyx from devouring earth and stuff.


    As for changes to the power, how about tweeks to the set?



    Those threads had some ideas and I figure I'd borrow some aspects of them.  Basically, Stone Armor is a set that has 2 separate modes: Granite mode and Other.


    In Granite Mode, you're likely running Granite Armor, Rooted, Mud Pots and have access to Stone Skin and Earth's Embrace.


    In Other, you've got everything of the previous mode sans Granite + Rock Armor, Brimstone Armor, Crystal Armor and Minerals.


    My idea is to have 2-3 "pivot powers" that grant unique advantages to each mode.  Those powers could be Earth's Embrace, Mud Pots and Minerals.


    Granite Mode - 

    • Earth's Embrace has an additional effect that removes the recharge and movement speed limitations for 60sec (not the full duration of Earth's Embrace)
    • Mud Pots get an additional +1 mag to its immobilize as well as a chance for +2 mag immobilize.

    Other -

    • If Brimstone Armor is active, Earth's Embrace also gives a moderate damage boost to all (like +20%) for 30sec as well as an additional increase to fire damage (like 15%) for 60sec.
    • Minerals will impart its +perception and confuse resistance to allies within 20ft but if run with Crystal Armor, Minerals will also grant def to psi, energy and negative energy and def debuff resistance to allies within 20ft.

    Of course, those are just ideas conjured up after reading other people's ideas.  There's probably better ones or even other ways to do a similar idea.  

    • Like 2
  7. Why not just make it so powers like Repulsing Torrent or Burst providing multiple stacks.  If I'm not mistaken, either of those attacks don't give any Power Siphon stacks while its active.  If you can just reach the max of 5 quicker, you have more time to use Concentrated Strike.  You might even be able to pass off CS having a chance of "refreshing" the stacks' durations in or out of Power Siphon's effect, basically giving you a longer effect that way.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    If it stayed a thought-AoE it would have to be competitive with no-thought AoEs and become wumbo OP to be worth

    I don't personally think so.


    Outside of ATs like Stalkers, the set has other utilities that could be the set's focus since that is what the set's gimmick is.  If, for example, Shadow Maul remained the same cast/arc/rech but the damage was slightly bumped, it wouldn't be meta but it would still be useful.  It also wouldn't be OP but then it doesn't need to be.  The set's gimmick is utility, not AoE.


    7 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    Conversely, sets like Kinetic and Dark (pre change) were at the bottom as they paid too heavily for what you have to manage and end up losing output to many sets which can just jump into the fray and swing or sets like the upper echelon which can both just jump in + reward players for mastery.

    To those sets' credit, your metric to rank the melee sets purposefully omitted aspects like out-of-set AoE which would benefit Dark Melee the most.  Coupled with Soul Drain, those late-game and pool AoEs get a generous boost and patch up a shortcoming the set has in the AoE department.


    It's unpopular, but I'd have rather the set remained more ST and utility focused.  Same with players advocating to keep Energy Melee ST focused, I personally don't get how those players seem to get more credibility in their view of the set but anyone pushing back on modernizing DM are mostly scoffed at.


    1 hour ago, marcussmythe said:

    Galaxy Brain does touch on an interesting point - how do you balance 'no thought' sets vs 'active management' sets?


    Should there be a payoff for having to keep track of weird mechanics and line up cooldowns, or is that just a feature of a set?


    As they've added mechanical complexity to offense sets, they have at the same time often added more 'oomph' - though I don't know if this is by plan, or simply a matter of 'newer sets get more complex mechanics because we've learned how to do them, and newer sets get more power because we've changed the design balance point of the game since the early days, and also maybe cashshop lol'.


    Assuming good intentions (and it is always best to do so), lets presume that the design intent was to make some sets capable of higher performance at a higher 'workload' - two of the current top performers, Bioarmor and Titan Weapons, are to my mind prime examples of responding very well to micromanagement, and paying that back in very high performance - extreme outlier performance when used together.


    But do we want to buff things like Dark Melee by giving them more power, at the expense of more cognitive load?  Whats the right balance point?  What of players who TOOK sets because they were easy to drive?


    ((Note, this is aside from the issue that some sets are both very easy to use and very, very powerful - right under TW lies the likes of Fire Melee and Warmace, both powerhouse sets that perform quite well if you simply hit the keyboard with your face, repeatedly... and they lie far ABOVE other sets that require all sorts of mechanics, or even require their mechanics be ignored because they are so bad, to get performance that is still mathematically inferior - Dual Blades, Kinetic Melee... and the basic issue of power creep is still there...))

    I feel another aspect that gets ignored is power pool access.  In the early games, Cross Punch didn't exist.  Wall of Force, Spring Attack, etc etc.  These and other powers are bridges that shore up gaps that you can either live with or actively fill if you desire.  Instead of seeing this as a benefit, it's viewed as a detriment.  If the set cannot fill all it's own gaps, it's a hole, IOs don't count and what is meta is the goal.  Ignore the fact sets like Titan Weapons don't often deal with out-of-set attacks, that should really be a benefit to sets that can...but it's not...and it should.


    It's one of the reasons I liked the idea of Dark Consumption being a long duration DoT.  If it was a DoT, that gives the power room to do more damage than normal, it opens up the prospect of other effects like debuffs and it would still fall more into the set's actual niche of being more a utility set vs a DPS AoE machine like many other sets.  

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, TalynDerre said:

    Frankly, @Naraka, it sounds like you want to play a tabletop game with a human GM

    No sir.


    I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion.  The reason I suggested aiming the suggestion toward AE is because it already exists and there is already a consensus for more content and using the community to get it.


    10 hours ago, TalynDerre said:

    But this suggestion was made with the limitations of the City of Heroes game in mind.

    How do you come to that conclusion?  From rereading your OP, you're requesting to add a lot of systems, contacts, tutorials, stories/arcs/paths, incarnate integration, unique item drops, etc.  While some of these things can technically be considered as already available systems, you're still requesting all new stuff.  So who writes the arcs?  Who codes the contacts and tutorials?  Who lines up all this work?


    10 hours ago, TalynDerre said:

    That being said, I think that if the Devs took this seriously, crowdsourcing the actual writing would be absolutely necessary. 

    *throws arms up in the air*


    Lol that's AE.  You just added a bunch of extra work into the suggestion.  But like I said before, you can probably make the suggestion a lot more simpler if you actually try to use AE and cut out the majority of the unneeded complexities.  The barebones already exists.



    • Haha 1
  10. 10 hours ago, Solarverse said:

    I think I am alone in this, but I wish Shadow Maul had been made a single target damage and have the damage increased. Making it a larger cone IMO was the opposite of what it actually needed. Before anyone rips me for this statement, just first realize that I have acknowledged that I am most likely alone in this opinion.

    Not really alone.  Granted, I don't see a reason to make SM ST, but I'd have preferred it stay similar to how it was rather than a no-thought AoE.

  11. I have it on 2 builds, my Bio/Fire/Mako Tanker and my Dark/Martial Dominator.  Technically, I have it on other builds but they tend to only use it for the fly speed out of combat.


    The Tanker is a flier so taking Afterburner wasn't a big issue.  As is, he's a semi-hover tank who uses lots of cone attacks.  How he uses Afterburner is for an Alpha-strike softener tool.  With it on, he has nearly soft-capped defense to all which he uses by hovering into a spawn with it on, lets the mob throw their initial volley and then turn it off to start using AoEs and control.


    For my Dominator, it's kind of a utility tool.  He's a teleporter so I had to take 1 extra power besides hover to get Afterburner (I took Air Superiority in place of one of my secondary melee attacks) but I specifically slotted it with a stealth IO, several other defense uniques and slotted the defense up too.  It's use, for a teleporter, is to combine it with something like Ninja Run to gain increased manuvering control (kind of like combat jumping's extra mid-air control...but you can actually run it with ninja run), stealth when I want to bypass foes and a good chunk of defense.  He isn't at max level so he doesn't have Scorpion Shield yet but the build would be soft-capped with it on.  Of course, you can't use it during combat but I don't need it to.  Again, it's more a tool to run around stealthed and not be disturbed.


    Neither are likely optimal uses or for meta-builds, but it does does have its uses and I enjoy making unorthodox builds.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, BZRKR said:

    @Naraka,  should make a suggestion thread for this!

    If "Increasing the Villainside Population" is a goal, then merely adding AE content won't do it. Having new characters go into the AE building in Mercy and only coming out to level up won't help the "empty" feel of the Rogue Isles. However, if there was a "Candidate for Villain Content" flag that folks could put on their AE missions, then the devs could select from the best rated ones to put into the game world outside of AE. The player made arcs would just be the first step.


    I probably will eventually.  I rarely see suggestions for AE.


    But it a structure could be created to facilitate sliding such arcs onto contacts, perhaps even setting up a rotation with some merit rewards, you could probably manage to make something similar to what the OP is aimed for but using community resources...that and maybe expand some options in mission creation.

    • Like 1
  13. I tend to build characters around combos, themes or colors.  For example:


    I was playing around with Psi Melee color and really liked the look of Mass Levitate colored bright white and blue.  As I started messing around with the other powers colored the same, I noticed how it looked a lot like wind or air and with some considerations of what I wanted to pair with it, I ended up creating a Cryokinesis/Ice Armor/Mako Stalker, the Cryokinesis being Psi Melee colored bright white and blue.  I conceptualized Boggle as using Snow blinding, creating tiny ice mirrors to focus light into a target's eyes and confusing them.  The rest of the set is pretty consistent, creating currents of super-chilled super-dense air to hammer, toss and hold foes with pressurized jets of cold air formed into blades and fists.


    On the reverse end, I thrive on creating combos that are mismatch and coming up with concepts for them.  I don't think I could ever stomach being limited by conceptually thematic choices, especially when other sets fit better.  Anything fire likely benefits from mitigation which fire doesn't have.  Anything Ice likely benefits from offense since Ice tends to come with the holds/-rech.  I've been enjoying the pairing of Energy Melee and Dark Armor as pairing DA with DM seems rather bland to me but stacking stuns is a game in itself.

  14. 33 minutes ago, Grouchybeast said:

    AE missions are fine, they can be fun, but they're playing pretend inside a world that's already playing pretend.  I, and I'm going to guess quite a few other players, are never going to find them as satisfying as content integrated with the rest of the game world.

    To put this in an analogy with regards to my perspective:


    To you, AE missions are playing pretend as this suggestion is to me being a make-believe solution.


    While I can certainly see the prospect of AE missions being unintegrated into the world/game, why not look into making AE *more* integrated?  Why not create systems where you can "attach" mission arcs to existing contacts or new contacts?  Why not allow players to pick buildings and places for the mission entrances?  You can then just put labels in the mission text that describes what motivations are in the arc.


    I think the only argument might be they aren't "canon" or dev sanctioned or something...but a lot of the suggestions are pushing the effort of these kind of projects onto the community anyway so where do you stand there?

  15. 9 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    The OP never stated this would be "simpler" in any way, shape or form. Offering that up as a rebuttal is kind of a strawman. Yes, this looks like it'd be hugely complex.

    The underlying argument, if engaged, would have been that given how hugely complex it is, it likely couldn't achieve everything desired either by the individual's speculated suggestion or by the community who would eventually express changes and additions to it.  It wasn't a rebuttal, it was a demonstration.  A demonstration of how it is hugely complex and the shortcomings it will undoubtedly have.


    12 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    The main differences I can see are (1) someone who doesn't know, like, etc. AE will have access to them and get to experience them without foreknowledge (some people do like just "seeing where a story goes,) and (2) they can affect the world, in every way from the small (I have badges!) to larger (dialog, possible other missions, reactions of NPCs.)

    1. Good news!  Someone else can make arcs for you!


    2. That is the overarching problem I'm pointing out.  Affecting the world is what many people are pushing for villains but it's unobtainable.


    15 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    Now the downside is, of course, that even with all these paths and branches, assumptions *have* to be made about the player's character. (Which appears to be Naraka's point.) 

    My main point was, you're not going to please everyone.  There's going to be something that isn't covered.  I'm not chasing perfection, but moreso emphasizing the complexity involved and simplifying it would really just put you closer and closer to making AE missions...but even at its most complex incarnation, it wouldn't have the complexities of AE missions.  I'm still surprised at some of the usages I've read with regards to how AE is used to facilitate roleplaying and it's really downplayed because many view it as just for farming.





  16. 28 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:

    If you don't want to play a role then you might as well stay in the AE and fire farm all day - once again, my opinion.

    Hey now, listen...


    There's a lot of potential and good story telling using AE as a tool.  Just because some abuse it for rewards doesn't take that away.


    Also, as much as I disagree with most of your preferences, I do have to agree with the portion of playing a role tends get flack here despite it being an RPG.  I think people are taking this whole prospect of "I'm a big-bad! I do what I want!" and then roleplaying that as the player sitting at the desk.  No, you're just a lowly participant in the game.  The game dictates the boundaries and you play within it.  Just because your character thinks they can do what they want doesn't actually mean they can unless you put forth the effort to make that happen.


    I hear a lot of complaints that you're just a lackey, but what if I'm not?  To me, the contact needs me far more than I need them and I can headcanon just how much I leverage that.


    As for the earlier proposition of rewriting the dialog, can we not?  I'm sure it's in good faith to make "character agency" easier to roleplay, but as described in the post itself:


    "As much as the rewritten version of this is "scrubbed" of the original flavour, and as much as the original flavour was "fun"..."


    You're pretty much removing flavor and fun for blandness and staleness.  In the given example, being confronted by something inoffensive and vague will get an inoffensive and vague response.  If confronted by something more directed and offensive, it's easier to grasp the emotions that would accompany such.  If an uptight shrink did post something like that about my character, how the character responds is indicative to the character's psyche.  If they get angry and defensive or go on a rampage or attack the person, there might be some underlying truth to their analysis.  If my character doesn't care, it could be that my character has some acceptance of the analysis...or the analysis is so hilariously wrong, I see no point in actually acting out in response.


    Flip the script and use the second example, I either have to conjure what the shrink said about my character AND my response, removing aspects of genuine emotion...or just accept the text at face value and see the shrink as a target and nothing more.  The heft of the issue is, to get the flipped script version, extra work has to be put forth that ends up *removing* the previous interaction's authenticity.  I feel it's just better to put said effort into additional content instead.

    • Confused 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Zeraphia said:

    Simpler? Obviously not. 

    It obviously is because you can do it now.


    2 hours ago, Zeraphia said:

    But making your own AE missions isn't the same thing as he suggested. In the entirety of 99% of the contacts you do in the Rogue Isles as a villain, you are a lackey. 

    Exaggerations aside, you're basically saying give character agency without player agency.


    To differentiate those terms, "character agency" is the buzzword thrown around mostly with regards to story threads created by writers not lining up with motivations created by players.  In reality, it's moreso suppose to outline the illusion of the character participant affecting the story.


    "Player agency" in this context is the player sitting at the keyboard and their participation in fulfilling their character's motivations and decisions.  This can be as simple as creating "headcanon" of what your character would actually do or say in the context of different situations, or as complex as creating outside and/or inside content to facilitate these decisions.


    At the end of the day, I'm not stating something is a bad idea or shouldn't be implemented, I'm more or less trying to be frank and the frank truth is, you basically want someone else to provide your character agency.  You don't want to put forth the effort beyond creating a character, costume and bio, to facilitate that agency.


    Yes? No?  Or fuck you, Naraka?  Probably the 3rd response sense that tends to be the vibe I get every time I put forth this type of rational.

  18. 1 hour ago, BrandX said:

    One doesn't have to RP their character as having done that.  Seeing as how those who do RP ignore stuff all the time when it comes to in game lore, that is easily one of them.

    You don't even have to ignore all that much to RP that.  Just change your costume and think of a means of getting to the Rouge Isles.  You're mostly beating down villains with a few Longbow but if players can justify their killing of enemy mobs as "arresting", they can surely justify knocking out a few Longbow and sending them to their own med-bays in Nerva or wherever.


    Whether it's just getting a scoop into the inner workings of Arachnos' forces or attempting to upheave their command structure from the inside, there's plenty of ways to work through doing these arcs while in-character.

  19. 42 minutes ago, RCPK said:

    It opens the door to PvP. It let's players forget about number crunching to make the best build and allows for the focus to be on themes, customization, animation preferences. It makes the focus more on the archetype and less on the powersets.

    PvP players don't care about themes, customization or animation preferences.  They care about what works best to lock foes in place, deal damage efficiently and staying alive.


    In fact, I'd wager most PvP players across many games care mostly about PvP effectiveness.  Themes, customization, and stuff not related to effectiveness is usually the realm of PvE players that like to look pretty on teams or RP certain concepts.


    PvP is a very different realm.  Clout, skill, merit, adaptability, knowledge...those are the things that matter to PvPers.  Overall, CoX isn't a particularly skill-based game though.  Certainly not on the level of other twitch-based reaction type competitive gameplay like your arena shooters, battlegrounds or even MOBA and RTS type games.  Some MMORPGs have some really good PvP but it's not really the realm of CoX at all. 

  20. 5 hours ago, Redlynne said:

    This is the explicit reason why at no point have I (personally) advocated for the elimination of the Null the Gull option.

    Instead, I look for ways to reward PCs for committing to playing Redside content as either a Villain or a Rogue AFTER the 7 day countdown for a Tip Morality Mission is completed.  It doesn't "push" anyone into playing Redside, but it does reward them for sticking with it in the Level 20+ bracket (because you have to be minimum Level 20 to get Tips).  That way, you avoid the "Day Trading in Villainy" option via Null the Gull for making better rewards on Redside "too accessible" so as to reserve them for people who commit to playing Redside content on a longer term basis.  You want a carrot ... not a stick ... to encourage a small fraction of the people playing Blueside to decide for themselves that playing on Redside might be worth their while.  You don't need to convince EVERY Blueside Player to switch (and stay switched) to Redside, and indeed you wouldn't want to bring over EVERY Blueside Player(!) ... but if you can bring over even as little as 5-10% of the Blueside population to Redside, that will make a pretty dramatic difference in the Redside population, without affecting the Blueside population all that much.

    The fatal flaw in your prospecting solution is...you can just make an alt red.  Whatever benefits you impart to "staying red" are funneled into said alt if that benefit is desirable and then those that simply wanted the goodies go back to their blue mains.


    I feel the main misconception that people are making with regards to "population" is that people that are playing their heroes?  They often have villains too.  It's just they aren't playing those characters...or they are but they're doing "Day trading in Heroism".


    The other issue might be you're gunning to punish the latter villain players as well and for what reason?

  21. 1 minute ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    There is no conceivable reasonable way to handwave away the difference between visitor and resident as "a semantics thing".   

    There is.


    The entire population of the HC server is technically the population of City of Heroes and City of Villains.  You can conflate specifics like activity levels or preference to population but in the grand scheme of things, there is no solid "population" since likely many players on hero side have played villains and vice versa and gravitate to specific activities due to preference but nothing is currently stopping them from playing whatever content is available.


    I see this type of thought process with stuff like fandoms as well.  People assume that just because you are a fan of a game or a fan of StarWars, that now you're all some united community brought together in one whole of a group.  It's a nice sentiment but it's just not real.  It's a mental construct that ignores other aspects and choices.  Similar here, there is no concrete "population" since there is no paywall or faction wall anymore.  Those barriers, for better or for worse, have been destroyed so now the game is basically just a big themepark and to increase activity in one side of the part is synonymous with increasing its population...I mean, do you consider the Animal Kingdom section of Disney World as having a separate population from Magic Kingdom?  Or is it more like traffic/activity?


    I suppose if you'd rather refuse to consider other perspectives, there is inconceivability in said perspective.  Like I said, I understand the distinctions being made but it's on you to figure I'm just crazy to think it's a semantics thing.


    12 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    Changing the status quo...

    The underlying result of your desired change is synonymous with "how to decrease population on hero side" since I doubt you're seeking to bring in new people that aren't playing the game.

    • Like 1
  22. 7 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:


    Certainly, increased rewards will generate increased activity...  but the topic of discussion is increasing population.  The two are not the same.

    Okay.  I see that prospect of increasing population as more of a semantics thing though.  As a player that plays both sides, what does that say about such players?  Are they not apart of the "population"?  Or what if you just aren't playing a character that is villainous?


    If that is the basis for the discussion then I suppose the answer of just letting heroes do missions in red-side zones is the solution.

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