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Posts posted by InStim

  1. Information on changing fonts is at:




    Edit: This is for the font face, not font size. Still need the other changes outlined above for sizing.



    I play on a TV and I've settled on Source Sans Pro from the Google Fonts. It is available under the Open Font License.





    I just found the link with the full details on substituting fonts so haven't played with all the options yet. I used SourceSansPro-Bold.ttf for mont_demibold.ttf, and SourceSansPro-Black.ttf for mont_hvbold.ttf. Those were the only substitutions I was sure of before, but they cover a big portion of the text in the game.


    I wanted something that was easier to read but still true to the spirit of the original font in weight and style. Another big factor for me was improving the distinction between commonly confused characters such as iI lL and oO0. I tinker around a lot with slash commands, binds, and macros and wanted to make it easier to spot typos!


    So far this has worked out and I've been happy with the readability. I wish the spacing was a little better. It's not horrible but it could be better to my critical eye.


    Now that I know the other font names to try substitutions I'll keep playing around to see if I can find the "perfect" combo for my eye!


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