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Everything posted by Dogooder

  1. Can casting Tide Pool get an animation? Thanks for your work.
  2. Dear Devs- I believe this concerns an anniversary prize the, interruptive, bat. Once hit by this bat can a person become immune to it's effects or repel the bat wielder or can the power go on a cool down? Last night I saw someone bully another by constantly hitting them with the bat. There was a group of us (3+) dancing waiting for a MSR to begin when a person walked around and hit each of us interrupting our dancing. I started again as did another toon I could see (it was getting crowded in Vanguard). The person with the bat hit a second toon again. They started dancing again and they were hit again by the same person with the bat. The dancer stopped and the batter continued to hit the them. The dancer started typing that the person was a jerk and that they were being singled out. The batter continued to hit them. After a minute of some the better walked over to the stage with Lady Grey and waited. When that same person started dancing the batter came down off the stage and hit the dancer. Soon the batter would just come down hit the person now not doing anything at all, run back onto the raised stage and then run back down and hit the person when the effects wore off. Eventually the MSR league and the dancer, myself included, were moved to an instance to play the MSR. The batter was not part of the league and was gone when the MSR ended. It was pretty maddening to watch this and not be able to do anything.
  3. Dual Pistols powerset was not my prime ask, but I can understand any confusion, but they could certainly be included if it were not too difficult. If an alternative FX is the path of least resistance then so be it. I'm a fan of the good and not the perfect.
  4. This is actually a broader ask. In short, if I pick a beam/energy rifle or pistol I'd like the shot powers to have beam/energy sound effects. For me, it's completely immersion breaking if I have a Flash Gordon/Star Trek/Star Wars /Advanced Energy Rifle or Pistol and it produces bullet sound effects (BANG! or an Automatic weapon Burst) when I shoot it. I'm actually less included to use the character because of the immersion issues. I believe this would be hard work so I'm completely happy with recycling existing energy weapon sounds in game (eg. Ritki). It would be nice to have another sound effect option; a Energy Weapon Sound Effect bank. For Arsenal Assault those powers that would receive the Energy Weapon Sound Effect are: Burst and Sniper Rifle. For Thugs those powers that would receive the Energy Weapon Sound Effect are: Pistols, Dual Wield, Empty Clips For Mercenaries: Burst, Slug And so on. Thanks for reading and considering this. And thank you for your work.
  5. Thanks for reviewing this. I've been having connection to mapserver issues on Excelsior and Indomitable which has less traffic. Last night the game because unplayable on the less trafficked Indomitable. I switched to Excelsior and had no problems. Today the next day Excelsior is becoming unplayable with mapserver interruptions. Any solutions? Again thanks.
  6. Dear Devs and Developers, Thanks for your work. 1. I'd love a 4th and 5th powers try that is visible and stackable like the current 1-3 power strays in game. 2. I'd also like to see more animations for powers in game to individuate characters and powers. 2a. Executing Blaster Powers through guns. 2b. Musical instruments (microphones old and new, guitars, sax, etc.) for sonic powers. 2c. Move certain idle animations over to combat animations (texting, calling, etc. to initiate attacks) 2d. Grapple gun/Web slinging for flight power movement. 2e. A Ball and Chain as a Titan Weapon 2f. Elongated/Stretched limbs as distance attacks, holds, movement (striding) (I think something like this happens appearance wise when characters move to Oro) 2g. Executing powers through eye animations. 3. I'd love to see more shirt (long and short sleeve), pant, belt, and neck, wrist, ankle costume pieces and accessories for women. The shoulders on trim ppl men and women who wear suits look squished together and a bit odd. 4. I'd like to see a returnable item attack power (e.g. a thrown shield or boomerang) that has a long build up, (to be fair) is interruptible (because the attack is auto returnable), I could see the power disorienting or knocking down an enemy. A few more thoughts on point 2: For me this (in this case seeing more generalized animations) is what would keep me making new and different characters. I find I have a character idea and the animations or ability to use multiple colors limit my ability to actualize that character. For example, I make Donut Hole Man who can throw donut holes at enemies. There is no generic animation I know of that could simulant multiple small objects that I could color and roleplay as thrown donut holes (or pepper or salt or pistachios). To my knowledge there is no generic blast animation to simulate thrown granules that I could call salt, pepper, donut sprinkles or hummus or donut dough or donuts. And I know of no generic small particle animation that I could color in more than one color to simulate a donut sprinkle or salt, or pepper, etc. attack. Donut Hole Man could throw generic midsized particles (I would role play them as donut holes) as an attack power and globules of mid to small size particles (I'd roleplay them as bits of donut dough) to hold or slow a foe. Salt man shoots salt, Pepper man shoots pepper, I certainly do not need individual powers for dough, salt, pepper, insects, shrimp, etc. the generalized animations to roughly simulate those attacks would go a long way in realizing individual toons. New powers are great and fun and having Pancake Hero throw generic small or mid sized objects at enemies that I can call and color as pancakes is more satisfying for me. Thanks for taking the time to read and consider this.
  7. I tried this and will relook at it given your suggestions. Thanks for your help.
  8. I'm running the game on a very old computer. On medium load servers this can cause slowing and stuttering in some places like AP (if lots of people are there, and sometimes in situations. where I'm in the middle of combat zoomed in. Usually it's no real problem. Sometimes when I switch instances in mission and there is combat in the new instance-like exiting an elevator where people are fighting my screen will go white (after showing a cloudy image of the new instance) and the program will stop responding. Is there anything I can do graphics wise to lessen the load so that it doesn't crash? (I'm assuming that is happening but honestly do not know why. This is the second day in the row it has happened and it's embarrassing to drop out of a team mission b/c of this). Thanks for the help.
  9. Thanks for reading this. I quickly leveled up to 50 a Storm/Storm Defender and I'm looking at purchasing and crafting enhancement sets like Aegis, Titanium Crafting, Unbreakable Guard and Gladiator's Armor for Steamy Mist and Charged Armor. Currently I have SO's and IO's crafted in both powers (END Red./2xDef Buff/3xResist Damage in Steamy Mist and End Rec/3xResist Damage in Charge Armor) and intended to replace them with sets or parts of sets. As I looked over the enhancement sets I noticed +Rech modifiers and was confused. I was further confused because some of the Resist Damage Modifiers totals in the sets seemed less that the amount of the modifiers I currently had. I just realized today that I run both powers continuously, as they are always on (and seem to use little END) and that people might not do that. Hurricane takes up too much END to run continuously so I toggle that power. I've looked at builds and seen people slotting +Rech pieces in powers that could be left on, which I do (especially for tankers), and this confused me greatly until my epiphany that some might turn the defensive powers off today. In the past, I looked up that recharge reductions were not needed on powers that were always on e.g. Stamina and Health and figured the same would apply to powers that I left on. I've looked up recharge mechanic's. I've tried goggling recharge and always on powers and tanker basics and no one was answering or addressing my question of "Why have a recharge bonus in tanker/defense/resist damage powersets give that the defensive powers are always on?" I'm interested in your opinions and thoughts. 1. I think just slotting IO's instead of sets, given that I do not turn the two powers off, might be the way to go (outside of diminishing returns). Am I missing something about game mechanics concerning toggle powers or powers that are always on? 2. Do you play with your defensive powers always on? Thanks for wading through this.
  10. I'm a returning player still new at the game. I'm currently playing a Storm Summoning /Storm Blast powerset Defender (lvl50+). I was excited about the new powerset and interested in playing a Defender. This post is a stream of consciousness post and I apologize for the disorganization. I broke up my paragraphs with number to try to provide quick reference points. The purpose in writing this is to say: I think END issues need to be addressing in this powerset. With that said, some of my thoughts so far. 1. Self-Heal needed. I think Storm Blast, o2 in particular, should have a self-heal aspect. It's a shame having to rely on inspirations to heal oneself. And it was frustrating and continues to be frustrating that I do not have a single power in a Storm/Strom set to heal myself so that I can continue to heal others. 2. END costs for core power-building powers can be problematic. I generally slot one damage enhancement and one of the P2W Dam/Recharge enhancements (thanks for making those free) when I have the space on a power. I found the solo combat (using the default mission setting (1/0)) to be long and unsatisfying as I would sometimes run out of END in more protracted fights and lose by dropped defenses. I honesty found it pitiful.. And teamed with another friend using Storm Blast, I'm not sure if it was primary and secondary, could become comical as we would both fight until we ran out of END and then were defeated, The END costs of laying down Storm Cell, Cat 6, Freezing raining and following up with support attack powers to try to do enough damage to remove an enemy set piece over and over again would drain my toon. And some individual powers like Gust are not powerful enough when not being used in the thematic Storm Cell build. 3. Low damage can be a problem And part of the reason the fights lasted so long was the lack of damage done by the powers. At first I was expecting my snipe power to be similar to the one on a blaster as a primary power and figured the lower class and different archetype led to different damage output which is my oversight and unfamiliarity with the archetype. The middling to seeming lower damage from the other powers was surprising, and with some confusing given the names of the powers. 4. Team play difficulties. And when used in a team setting the manual placement (and inability for the system to register my selections/clicks sometimes) of some of the cornerstone powers becomes hard to deploy with the mobs of toons, technical problems of the system not accepting my clicks, shifting camera angles to deploy cornerstone powers, or the speeds at which some team events happen. And the blaster click and blast fall back options (when dealing with fast teams) of Gale, Direct Strike (Hailstones Chain Lightning Cloudburst are good and have longer activation times which limit their availability) are underpowered damage-wise in my opinion. The small area of effect of the AOE powers and their longer cast times (Strom Cell and Cat. 5) can be an issue in fast moving team settings where the battlefield moves in seconds knocking out any damage multiplier for the low damage powers. Perhaps increasing the AOE sizes (or reducing casting times) is a simpler solution. 5. Set Design I believe I understand the power set purpose: Build increasing attacks around a deployed Storm Cell. When deployed properly it is a somewhat decent set. Individual powers (Gust, Jet Stream, Chain Lightning, and Cat 5) working out side of Storm Cell set came be less capable which I think can be an issue. I like the Storm Cell follows you as a pet does (centered on you I guess), can that be indicated in the game world or map? By a border or animation besides rain? 6. Animations are wonderful, but the game play is not. The animations are gorgeous and the description gave me the idea that I would be decimating foes via weather. And the reality has been a low damage de-buff set which leads to overly long battles when played as a secondary power. Quite underwhelming and frustrating. 7. Showing appreciation and frustration, as I want the set to be better, with the powerset I appreciate the new set. Solo play is painful and long because of END issues and low damage. Play with the set has been frustrating in solo play and embarrassing (running out of END, cast times for core powers resulting in casting after a battle is over, small AOE sizes, being ko'ed because of no self-heal, and underwhelming damage) in group play. Concerning group play; this undercuts the basic goal of my archetype, to defend teammates. It has not been fun overall, I would not recommend this power set in combo with Storm Summoning on a Defender (And I'm not crazy about Defender's from this experience). 8. Hailstones is a fun power. The chuck of ice that falls if procced is very satisfying, and enjoyable! Thank you! Thanks for taking the time to review this and for bringing CoH back.
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