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Posts posted by Baney

  1. 10 hours ago, EmperorSteele said:

    When you say "ableist", do you mean from an in-game perspective, or a real life one?


    Cuz if it's in-game, then "not really". You don't need a crazy incarnate IO'd build, you just need to pay attention to what's going on instead of leeroying all the mobs.


    If you mean from a real life perspective, well, ALL video games, by their very nature of being an interactive medium, are abelist. You need to be able to see (and sometimes hear) what's going on, be able to know what to do with the information provided, then be able to execute by manipulating the controls (usually with your hands). So calling master badges ableist feel really disingenuous.


    If you want to talk badges that are specifically problematic in that regard, then the convo pretty much begins and ends with the ski slopes, as those take actual reaction time and ability to make subtle movements and micro corrections. Master badges just require mindfulness (and teammates who also have situational awareness. This is usually the hard part!), which can be more boring than difficult.


    That said, if you legit have problems getting these and are on excel, shoot me a PM and we'll get a posse together and bang 'em out for ya 😃


    I greatly appreciate that offer of help! Fortunately, I have all the current badges and a great group of people to run with in Everlasting.
    But thank you anyway!

    • Like 2
  2. Please remove the "No Deaths" requirement from master badges. That requirement is ablest and gatekeeper status at best.

    "No deaths" is not fun, especially those of us have done them dozens or even hundred of times and those of us who help our community members trying to get the badges collected. They turn into one or two team members doing the carry and preventing the rest of the team even attempting to help, simply for fear of dying and screwing up the whole run.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Faultline said:


    This is not always the case - each Paladin Construction site is actually composed of many "Heap" spawn locations and one "PaladinEvent" spawn location. When the "PaladinEvent" spawn triggers, it spawns gear piles or waves of clockwork in the "Heap" spawn locations, and those spawns created by the event script will follow the Paladin when he is finished building. But those "Heap" locations can, and will, spawn either gear piles or clockwork defenders on their own, without the event being active, and those spawns, generated by the normal spawn mechanics of the game, will not follow the Paladin once its built.


    Note that currently, each spawn location is set to wait a random number between 0.001 and 36 hours before spawning the Paladin. If the event is too rare I can easily lower the maximum time, but that's what it was set during the entire lifetime of the game and I saw the event relatively often.

    36 hours too WAY too rare, I spent days on live at the time hunting for that guy. If you have a 5 Min window in a 36 hour period, it could take you months or longer to get him. 
    I honestly think it needs the same frequency of Sally/The Troll Raves/Steel Canyon Fires, Multiple times a day at least.

    Please reduce the time.

  4. I've been rolling around on my Gravity controller and the Singularity has most certainly been getting "stuck" on things (which it didn't before),I could fly to the end some of the larger Maps, and he's just floating in some doorway. At first I assumed he was beating up some NPC, but when I go back to help out, he's sitting there, bobbing in place. 

    Another one of my weekly groupmates plays a Gravity/FF and shes also been having trouble with hers getting stuck. 

    It's almost like the leash is too long and they  don't know to catch up.

    OG Singularity (for all of its time on Live and here) was always like a shadow. They were not fast, but they always moved with you. They would float up behind you and crush and bump things (if you liked it or not).
    The new Sing is much morepowerful, and I Love that, the new "Attract mechanic" is brilliant. But I need them to keep moving with me.

    • Like 1
  5. I would love this option.

    Or at the very minimum, let me have all 3 tabs of the "Incarnate Abilities" window open at one time.
    I assume it was Originally designed this way to Save Screen real estate back in 2005. A good many of us are playing on Monitors 2x-3x larger then we did back then.

    If we can't get a "you have all the bits, lets just create it" button, can I get all the windows open?

    • Like 2
  6. (I Ran a search for LFG and Cavern, and didn't see this, sorry if this is a repeat)


    The LFG Window lists the incorrect number of merits awarded by the Cavern of Transcendence trial. It's listing the reward as 7 merits, when it should be 8 merits.

    While using the LFG Queue, Hover over the entry for the Cavern of Transcendence trial and wait for the tool tip window to appear. In this window, it will list the information about the trial. The Entry for "Rewards" states the trial awards 7 merits at completion, when in reality it awards 8.

    I have attached screenshots of the LFG window Entry, as well as my reward window for completing the trial.





  7. While using the Mission Transporter (and waiting for it to Transport you), if somebody clicks on an Oro Portal (to enter Oro), it will Inturrupt the Mission Transporter.  This is highly repeatable.

    What you need:

    Make sure both people are near each other. 

    (I'm not sure what the max distance is)

    Person 1: Have an Active mission, and the mission transporter.

    Person 2. Have an Ouroboros Portal Power.

    Person 2: Summon the Ouroboros Portal.

    Person 1: Activate the Mission Transporter.

    While Person one has their hands out, glowing, waiting to teleport to the missions:

    Person 2: Click the Oro Portal to move into Oro. 

    This should:

    Move Person 2 Into Ouroboroso, as well ass Inturrupt the Mission Transporter Power of Person 1. 

    Powers Needed:

    [Power:Prestige Travel.Mission Transporter] - [Ouroboros Portal]

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, The Curator said:

    ShockTherapy_Defibrillate.png.4240c0c29aaf0058ef648d0c6d0a5ed4.png T7: Defibrillate (Melee (Targeted AoE), Ally Rez, Self -Static)

    • Strike a defeated ally with a highly-charged jolt of electricity, reviving them and any other nearby defeated allies. The amount of health and endurance allies revive with scales with the number of stacks of Static you have. Defibrillate will consume all stacks of Static, and each stack consumed in this way will restore a small amount of your health and endurance. Recharge: Long

    I'm not sure how I feel about this. I love the AoE Rez, but I'm not thrilled by the Variable Health recovery.
    I assume Static works like Tidal from the Water Blast. Does it have the same duration?  For Tidal you only have to stack 3 and doesn't last that long, Static is asking for 5. So how long does each layer of static last? 
    How much health do they get with a base of 0 Static?
    They get fully recovered with a stack of 5 Static?

    If 5 layers equals 100%, I assume they get 20% of there health is 1 layer on Static?
    So I either horde my static *just encase my team dies* or I Spend it for the boost?



    7 hours ago, The Curator said:

    ShockTherapy_InsulatingCircuit.png.b97afc962569e3b16bcf87222a943fb6.png T6: Insulating Circuit (Ranged (Special), Ally +Absorb, Self +Static)

    • Create a circuit of protective energy between yourself and two nearby allies, granting them a small protective shield. Every stack of Static you have will cause this power to chain to an additional ally. Each successive jump along the chain will shield the next target for less. Insulating Circuit grants 1 stack of Static. Recharge: Slow

    I can only stack 5 Static, so I can only buff part of my team? Or does this have a quick enough recharge where I can apply it to a whole team?
    Or is this not meant to be used as a team wide buff?

  9. 16 hours ago, Zolgar said:

    If you're going to fix the slash command, can we at least have the interrupt time of the base transporter reduced, or even removed and make it so we can't activate it if we've been in combat in x seconds? Possibly also it's recharge reduced.


    The base transporter takes way too long to activate, is interrupted by the drop of a hat, and has a 15 minute recharge timer, making it nearly worthless.


    The slash command, which I acknowledge should never have been made available to players, is much closer to what the base transporter should be. (Being able to evade death in MO runs and PVP, no recharge time, and no cost is a little too much, I agree)

    I'v had it (and the mission TP power) interrupted by ORO portals.

    So +1 this.

  10. 21 hours ago, archgemini24 said:

    Checked out your primer on options, and I would love a Null the Gull option to just turn all my KB into KD. I think your suggestion would be the easiest way to go about it: a global setting for the character that drops KB mag on every power on said character to 0.67.

    This this this thisv

  11. Could a GM or the OP edit this post every week and Strike out the ones that are over, so we could quickly find the current one?


    Well, I moved them to the bottom of the post - does that work for you?


    Works much better! Thanks!

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