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  1. I think pys real problem is its just unremarkable. It lacks the inherent utility of sets like dark and staff. The damage of super strength or energy. Or the Aoe of claws or spines. The fact it feels like a worse, reskined version of fire or when its resisted you can feel it is just gravy.
  2. The benefit of having it inherit to the build is you can Exemplar, as opposed to relying on incarnates. Next to movement speed it was definitely the biggest con to the build. Anyway it looks really good now. I'm looking forward to giving it a shot.
  3. I've also been playing with trying to make the perfect Granite tank and this looks amazing. The only thing I'm not sold on is if using 10 slots or so for what amounts to a fast walk is worth it. You are still going to be spamming teleport to move everywhere in a group anyway, why not just use those slots for more regen and getting over your crippling ageless dependency. I know its completely personal preference, but other than that this is fantastic and I'm definitely stealing a large portion of slotting. Looks awesome.
  4. Thank you for further explaining this. At the end of the day we can posite a million reasons as to why red side is so underpopulated. Astetic Personal morality Self propagating population on blue side Nostalgia But its completely inarguable to say that unreliable and inconvenient mechanics play a large role in this. These mechanics only exist because NCSoft originally wanted two monthly fees, realized people wouldn't double pay, and tried to make a fix out hopes and spit. Just have everyone be a vigilante in the games code and change the red/rogue only missions to be vigilante missions. I know this is a ton of work, but if the developers would seriously want to make red side more appealing this is it.
  5. The problem with it is its not that easy or convenient when a group you actually want to run pops up. You saying "alignment can be changed instantly in the pocket D, and TUNNEL/bases allow you to teleport anywhere from anywhere" is completely disingenuous, because it takes minutes to do these things. Most people don't want to ask 7 other people to wait as they: >leave the mission >walk to a portal >teleport to blue side All to just to be able to accept to the invite. Sure this isn't a ton of work, but it takes awhile. Awhile for absolutely no reason whatsoever I might add. The reason Red side is so empty all the time is 95% of the player base doesn't level on red side. A huge reason that being invited to a group just takes awhile. This is what I mean by convivence. A lot of people not liking the content is probably true. However, I think a lot of people realize that choosing to play red is basically choosing to be completely unable to interact with the majority of players.
  6. I think the Homecoming developers should give serious consideration to just removing the mechanical portion of heroes/vigilante/rogue/villian alignment. Just make every quest, trial, task force and area open to every character. At this point who cares? 99% of players play as rogue or vigilante anyway. I think the biggest reason most people play blueside is just flat out convince, if you want the option of grouping easily you are going to hang out in blue side. If you could do red stories and get invites to blue groups without several zone transitions or vice versa you see a massive increase in redside activity.
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