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  1. It would be spectacular if a CHECKBOX system were implemented where you could sell entire stacks of an item by simply checking all the items you want to sell as an entire stack.
  2. I recognized your point in the entire proposal I developed. In none of these posts am I calling for the AE's to be nerfed.. I acknowledged that the destruction of the economy would harm and not help the game but that does not mean the entire game needs to be centered around the AE. The incarnate system proves that the game can focus on both at the same time. With everything I have posted NONE of it impacts the importance of farming but rather a way to develop your character a little more while you are not farming... If you so choose.
  3. Why is it your assumption people do not enjoy grouping and playing the content? The most difficult side of building a character in CoH is the farming of money/enhancements. My argument becomes why does CoH force players to repeat the same farms over and over again to give him/her the resources he needs to build his/her characters? Why is farming in the AE's a much more efficient way of getting recipes and money? That said these games are MMO's and the vast majority prefer grouping up together and achieving goals together. I think you are confusing the disparity in efficiency with the enjoyment of the game as a whole. I would say 99% of the people I play with enjoy the arcs, TF's and other content far more than canned AE fire farms where there is no challenge BUT to maximize their characters these people farm 2/3rds of the time as a price to enjoy 1/3 of their play. To me it appears that you are looking at the symptom ..not the cause.
  4. Thank you. The focus of the End-Game plan was PVE with after thoughts for PvP. The inspiration actually is one of the best TF's in POSI 1 as it incorporated a good storyline and you battle your own group. The goal of an end-game is to dust off those toons you all PL'd up in the AE farms... Exploited and sped through the TF's to get the accolades.. Outfitted with enhancements you farmed for weeks for in the same AE. Hopped in BAF 100 times to get the incarnates solved... Exploited and sped through badges you value then when that was done you put the toon in the closet and rarely play since. What few here remember was that when Villains was rolled out invading the Super Groups base was one of the key visions. What my plan outlined was a way to turn what was supposed to be a PvP centered concept and brought it into the PvE environment. The vision I outlined is actually one of the core visions the Villains had at the core. Lord forbid anybody actually truly play a character other than a brute in an AE. Such a waste of some great storylines.
  5. The projects offered for development would be decided by the devs ... Why? continuity, storyline, and vision needs to come from the devs. What it does show is the appetite of the players... For example the Dev's todo list includes as an example: 45 new Additions to the existing costume catalog. Creation of New Attuned enhancement sets to compliment the Winter sets. Expansion of the Pretorian story line to level 45. Addition of the new Archetype SUPERMOD So lets say the set of financial goals for these development projects is $12,000, $3,000, $45,000 and $36,000 respectively. What it allows is the dev's to see there is great interest in let's say costumes as it reaches the goal in a day yet the new attuned Enhancements sits for months at $1,000 and despite the higher cost the new archetype garners its goal in a month. These are still all the dev's ideas and the ability to allocate development resources or acquire development resources gives the team flexibility and the ability to plan concepts for the future with less risks.
  6. If this is still indeed true then you resort to the teams selecting one of a dozen existing maps to defend... My motto has always been to find ways around issues rather than let obstacles become barriers. The obstacle few acknowledge is the resources it requires to build new content. Something that should be considered is the development of a non-profit fund for development where CoH fans could sponsor defined updates for the game. Different donation levels and projects could include a variety of in-game gifts for donating. It would also allow the devs to see with real dollars where the players want development. Those most invested in the game are the most likely source to find success. The way I understand it is part of the agreement to operate the servers is that there be no for-profit fundraising but sponsorship of development projects would allow development time to be compensated and allow the developers to become more ambitious in regards to building new content. To keep the game viable long term the game needs the ability to be allowed to evolve.
  7. My Proposal for an END-GAME The end game has always been an issue in CoX with the apparent end game in place since CoV was released. The premise is very simple : Arrest Warrants are issued for Villain's (Super Group Team Leaders) Bounty's are placed on hero's (Supergroup team leaders) These Arrest Warrant's & Bounty's are issued Monday after Sunday's formation where the Super group builds as many 24 character Leagues as possible in each tier. Each League can only include 1 character per account. (Initially PvE would be the first option for release as PvP rewards and mechanics would take longer to tweak for equitable play.) There should be level tiers 10-20, 21-35, 36-49, 50 IO's, 50 open. The Mission itself would detail the League targeted with arrest bio's for the league you are facing and the 3 missions that need to be completed so your invading group can deliver and use the portal code to access the Villain/Hero Superbase. EDIT - Once you have a Warrant you can form a league with any players to gain arrest & bounty points... The only restriction is you gain no points unless you have that warrant/bounty. --/EDIT Mission 1 -- Capture and control 3 points simultaneously. To gain access to the capitol building or Tangle. The 3 points focus on a diverse set of skills needed. The assault team primarily tanks, and healers will be due for close combat enemies with non-melee attacks doing little to no damage because of shielding as they fight their way into the lobby's of the buildings through the back door. The ranged team will be responsible for taking out drones dispatched to the buildings. Every drone that gets in will increase the melee assault team's difficulty as these drones are almost impervious to damage once inside. The third team will need to consist of controllers and dominators that take out the power sources One under Atlas and one under the Recluses statue out front in front of the Tangle. The hold durations will accumulate to stop the power generation. This team will need to hold the room until the assault team is successful. Mission 2 -- Battle for the Control room. All out battles of in the corridors of various player character heroes and villains in the halls of the Tangle and Capitol buildings to get to the transport temporal portal control rooms. Upon success the league will continue on to the superbase. Mission 3 invasion and capture of the targets in their superbase. The defender will be able to choose spawn locations, defense armaments and technologies, and of course base design. It will be a 24 V 24 shoot em out the players will enjoy that includes all Archetypes. The end game comes into being with 5 slots for tech, magic, mutation, natural and science based augmentations. Though there are 5 slots a player is permitted to build 7 devices so 2 can be swapped out at the players discretion These slots will require bounty/arrest points to be accumulated from PvE and eventually PvP bounty and arrest warrant missions. Characters will be allowed to battle every combination in their tier once to obtain the most points possible. NPC's will of course hold the least bounty points while player characters of higher levels will yield more points. These points will be accumulated to achieve 10 security levels that consist of 10 sublevels within. Each sublevel will be worth 1 point while the security level itself will be worth 3. Security Levels: Security Level Juliett 1 - 9,999 bounty/arrest points ( 3 Research Points rewarded) 1,000 - 1 research point rewarded 2,000 - 1 research point rewarded 3,000 - 1 research point rewarded 4,000 - 1 research point rewarded 5,000 - 1 research point rewarded 6,000 - 1 research point rewarded 7,000 - 1 research point rewarded 8,000 - 1 research point rewarded 9,000 - 1 research point rewarded Security Level India 10,000 ( 3 Research Points rewarded) 12,000 - 1 research point rewarded 14,000 - 1 research point rewarded 16,000 - 1 research point rewarded 18,000 - 1 research point rewarded 20,000 - 1 research point rewarded 22,000 - 1 research point rewarded 24,000 - 1 research point rewarded 26,000 - 1 research point rewarded 28,000- 1 research point rewarded Security Level Hotel 30,000 ( 3 Research Points rewarded) 34,000 - 1 research point rewarded 38,000 - 1 research point rewarded 42,000 - 1 research point rewarded 46,000 - 1 research point rewarded 50,000 - 1 research point rewarded 54,000 - 1 research point rewarded 58,000 - 1 research point rewarded 62,000 - 1 research point rewarded 66,000 - 1 research point rewarded Security Level Golf 70,000-149,999 ( 3 Research Points rewarded) 78,000 - 1 research point rewarded 86,000 - 1 research point rewarded 94,000 - 1 research point rewarded 102,000 - 1 research point rewarded 110,000 - 1 research point rewarded 118,000 - 1 research point rewarded 126,000 - 1 research point rewarded 134,000 - 1 research point rewarded 142,000 - 1 research point rewarded Security Level Golf 150,000- 309,999 ( 3 Research Points rewarded) Example enhancement devices: Bolster Defense +1% defense - 1 research point >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of common salvage origin type + 50 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +2% defense - 3 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common and 1 stack of uncommon salvage origin type + 100 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +3% defense - 6 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common and 2 stacks of uncommon salvage origin type + 250 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +4% defense - 10 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common and 2 stacks of uncommon salvage origin type + 375 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +5% defense - 15 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common, 2 stacks of uncommon, and 1 stack of 5 rare salvage origin type + 500 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. Rare Recipe & PvP Recipe drop rate increase +2% - 1 research point >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of common salvage origin type + 50 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +4% - 3 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common and 1 stack of uncommon salvage origin type + 100 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +6% - 6 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common and 2 stacks of uncommon salvage origin type + 250 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +8% - 10 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common and 2 stacks of uncommon salvage origin type + 375 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +10% - 15 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common, 2 stacks of uncommon, and 1 stack of 5 rare salvage origin type + 500 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. Influence rate increase +2% - 1 research point >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of common salvage origin type + 50 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +4% - 3 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common and 1 stack of uncommon salvage origin type + 100 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +6% - 6 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common and 2 stacks of uncommon salvage origin type + 250 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +8% - 10 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common and 2 stacks of uncommon salvage origin type + 375 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +10% - 15 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common, 2 stacks of uncommon, and 1 stack of 5 rare salvage origin type + 500 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. Defense Piecing % of damage that ignores defense +1% defense - 1 research point >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of common salvage origin type + 50 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +2% defense - 3 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common and 1 stack of uncommon salvage origin type + 100 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +3% defense - 6 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common and 2 stacks of uncommon salvage origin type + 250 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +4% defense - 10 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common and 2 stacks of uncommon salvage origin type + 375 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. +5% defense - 15 research points >>> recipe >>> 2 stacks of 10 common, 2 stacks of uncommon, and 1 stack of 5 rare salvage origin type + 500 pieces generic research salvage bound to character from TF''s, Main Story arcs and Trials. The higher the difficulty the more generic salvage. Summary The great thing about basing the end-game around other players is that as the players increase their abilities so to does their opposition. The ability claim the bounty only once per league will encourage heroes to convert to Villains as they will be able to fight more times claiming more points. (Example if there is 1 villain league and 3 hero leagues the villains can fight 3 times to each heroes once. To ensure this is not exploited if you change your alignment you will not be able to claim a bounty or arrest reward for 1 week. This will prevent people from playing both sides.) The devices powers will be significant enough to make their Hero or Villain stronger but not enough to damage the content. This system provides 5 key elements: With the use of the tangle and Atlas Maps in combination with existing player characters and super hero bases development is quick and easy. Few graphics to be created. no new zones. By tying resources to all TF's and key story arcs with rewards for more difficulty missions will no longer be raced through and manipulated because as important as completing the TF is killing the mobs for research salvage will almost force players to play the TF's and missions as intended. This in no way will diminish the farmers role in the economy. The increased TF and Missions will create a stronger player community and thus a more certain future. Super groups will finally have their place in the game that the developers intended. SG's with active memberships and organized SG leaders will be sought out so the players can acquire the most research points possible. This end-game can have endless security levels and the ability for devices to be created at any thus engaging the player base in new adventures.
  8. None of what I mentioned nerfs farmers. It allows them to continue as it is. What it does do is it rewards players playing the content story lines. And yes Very rare should drop more often in the content. So what if it cuts the farmers cash flow? Don't like it play the content. Players playing the story lines should benefit more as it promotes socialization which creates a healthier MMO. As for "Not playing the right way" there is nothing here that changes how you choose to play short of farmers not being the only source for very rare recipes and salvage.
  9. Increase Task Force and trials XP by 1.5 Times. Increase Salvage and Recipes drop rates by double. For every plus to level it increases the chances at a rare recipe and salvage drop. Increase Merits by double. Make all sub 40 recipes require uncommon or lower salvage and have 2 level ranges 10-25 and 25 plus for stats. (Lower level recipes are far too rare and cost far too much to build) All post 50 TF's should drop rare recipes at double to triple the rate of any other. Less people would "farm" AE's and would participate in TF's more. Most people farm AE's as it is the most effective way to obtain rare recipes and salvage while power leveling. Better drops rates in TF's would do 2 things. More people would participate in Task Forces and the speed runs at -1 utilizing stealth and speed to avoid clearing the villains would stop as all players would be more invested in obtaining the rewards. My 2 cents for keeping the game vibrant.
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