So it occurred to me the other day as I was experimenting with how the hardlight hologram "costumes" interact with other powers... If the hologram is just a toggleable power (one that conflicts with other shapechange powers like Khelds and Granite Armor) and MMs already have a power class that applies only to their pets (MM aura buffs from enhancement sets), then technically wouldn't it be fairly doable to make a hardlight hologram power that applies only to the MM's pets via the aura buff function? Or is the actual execution of the MM aura power code wonky in a way that won't mesh with the shapechange powers?
Sure, it's not true customization, and it would change all the MM's pets to the same look, but it opens up a ton of thematic options for people using existing HLH costume powers.
(Fully expecting to hear back that there is something truly wonky in the way the MM aura powers work that makes this seemingly reasonable idea completely impossible in actuality... 😅)