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War Hawk

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Everything posted by War Hawk

  1. Yes your bots (and possibly nearby party members) will fly. They will go sightly slower than you, so it's not worth it for long distances unless you auto follow a minion and give them GoTo commands, but it's very nice on maps during combat where you need to keep the bots in a group near you. Interesting, team TP move them better? I had team fly but never thgouht of it and bots before .
  2. Level 30: Group Fly (A) Soaring - Endurance/FlySpeed This make bots fly?
  3. I have been looking for a reason to build a time, I now have one. On a side note I remember you from the live forums! you and dancing gif!
  4. Purpose of the build 1) Shoot first, shoot fast and shoot often Limitations 1) With dev as my secondary, I am gimped with no build up so I am seeking to use chance for build up, assault, and IO bonuses to a keep DPS high. 2) No resist, no def out side of hover, and field operative. My current build has scorp. shield at around 33% def. but I do not mix it up at melee so I feel it is useless power, if someone get to close i drop trops and hover higher. http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1461&c=680&a=1360&f=HEX&dc=78DA65D4594F13511407F03BEDD4DA96CA52B6524A370A0874DA46130DA0242AE20324448C3E92493B298D4DDBB435DA27D74745F4C544168D5BD004243EA8D10FE1F6395C1E8D80E3E9FC4FA1B193B4BF9933F79E39F7CC327DE554C3C6E4F57121394F66D46271EE04FD97B482FD9C9698CFE632B95459D066BBA016FC67D4CB17FD563AF2F0A0B9B36A36A5259589AC56489531B5A37A6EF6523E9F2B9494493599D24A45E198C9E532CAE94C3A355FB21BFBB3794D4B3A8DDD692D994EA4B35AA37134A5A949AD509C4FE7DD13F97442A9A69C56131AFD55F6CB9D5447987E474475D365F1D02C445C16A625761936ADB0ABF0EADE1C21BA84113B4A489C471A36193139C22AB025CAC6A0839A61E63CE610F28C1016C42C16211BB17D126B82DD665686FD1668A37C56A308DD6CDD928CD8FE6D76074677E8B45716372A77056365DB4BD4637FC6AEC1F6E7EC0B384AA31DBC46C727D4DBF099FD027BBEB2DFE018E1E4EB385791E7C023F609EC7DCA3E86A25D88465CC7D4D886BA7B7EC3F81F18A4B53623AFA97908D78AB071F616E1C2188BEB3672B7DE611760E75D76110EDE8321CADF86B9A22DC26BA25807D7D5B14EE35C54F3061C7E0D7D34C6CDEB758F4846AFBB46D93118380643C761E5A5F0F073E0E1DA5B28E6E5F5790388F9FF739CF0F1FDF06DA16EFF360CECB07F615C872ECA1BE4BCC125D41C5A6657E04218EF46A56F61EE5B1FF7AD8FFBD6C77DEAE7BEF5731FAFD1AC019E3BF006F7EAE006BBC9AEC3C135F615BC49B386783D431F295F2BF5F52DF20EBF83910FEC7BE8A5F528982329DCBB682F5CA445C4B8AF313ED72DD7BCBB3A6D2220575F5D5D1FAC3B1BAB8BC4EB2287EA2287EB2253B5117E9E66E4DD6F8690B83E5BD3EE3741FF6EA7F3FC0C4AFC7DF8591B3B8FBEFDA88D0D60DCAFBD98243D40AFA2F7E13F5C2DDBF4
  5. Concept Mansion So far I have only worked on the ground floor, there is a pool, hanger, club for out door areas. In a google album https://photos.app.goo.gl/wHxn1dwRsFSo9oJs9
  6. Energy blast!
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