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Posts posted by BigJimPringle

  1. Speaking from personal experience with devices - you ought to take smoke grenade and drop time bomb unless you're simply using it to mule. With one hit debuff enhancement smoke grenade does something like -6.2% hit, which is really useful in any given situation, and i've personally found time bomb to be entirely useless in practice. And i think you really should 6slot lancer shot and penetrating ray, as they are your primary st damage dealers along with piercing beam, of course. You're also missing 3% def from the unique steadfast protection enhancement and i'm not sure, but i think that chance for recharge you have slotted in Kick will only ever proc if you're actually using the skill, since you have it slotted in an active skill. And put a celerity +stealth in your sprint, i'm pretty sure it stacks with the fieldops stealth.


    p.s. if you decide to go with pistols, which have KB only if you're NOT using any of the specialized ammo, look in this thread - dp/dev discussion

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  2. @Crysis I see. I asked about caltrops because i had it at one time, but every time i dropped it on a pile of mobs they immediately started trying to waddle out of the damage zone and that kept messing with my aoe. Maybe it was because i was throwing them at range and not when i was in the middle of the pile.


    Also, i don't know how i did it, but i managed to make the build actually worse. S/L is a little bit higher, even more so if we factor in the -6.5% to hit from smoke grenade, but the other defenses, damage and resists dropped noticeably. But hey, another free +100% regen!
    Check it out, worth the giggle.



    Blaster - DP-DEV v2.mxd

  3. @oldskool I honestly never considered animation times. I thought t2 > t1 because it does bigger numbers, Lord have mercy...

    @Crysis This looks real nice, but tell me - taking both pistols and dual wield, caltrops and taser, are all of those actually used or are they just set holders? Because so far i've never found any situation where i'd consider taking and using caltrops and taser and i'm curious.


    Still, thank you both very much for the input.

  4. Here's the haps guys. This is my first ever character, i'm soon to hit 50 and i don't really know how a fresh 50 build should look like and i couldn't find any dp/devices builds i can learn from. I came up with this. Ain't got no fancy purples in there, because at 20ish mil a piece those are way out of my budget for the foreseeable future. Will this work for team content and some solo play on lower difficulty settings and if not - what can be done to improve it, keeping in mind that i can't afford the good stuff. Also no incarnates neither, because i ain't got a clue about that mess.



    Blaster - Dual Pistols - Devices.mxd

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