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About McCormack

  • Birthday 05/14/1971

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  1. Hey JJ ty anyway but i did find your post on Ice armor/BA thanks for all your hard work
  2. Ive been looking over your builds and maybe i missed it but i havent seen a Ice armor/Battle Axe Tank could you make one Plz and TY
  3. I would like a stone armor/broad sword tank Granite and non-granite builds plz and ty
  4. I'm looking for a way to get these badges: Defeat 100 Immature Paragon Protectors Defeat 200 of Crey's Gamma Tank minions. Defeat 50 of Crey's Cryogenicist bosses. does anyone have any ideas on the best way to get these?
  5. Ok so yes I was in the Navy so since that is the case i was hoping they developers could install sailor uniforms. I would love to make an alt that looks like they are in the Navy, we already have soldier uniforms which resemble army not to mention that it would give us the chance to make sailor scouts. Hope this gets some consideration let me know what you all think please. Thank you
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