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Everything posted by wijnen

  1. In "it special Malta power feed", "it" should be "its".
  2. Later in that storyline, Daos says: "play along and" should be "play along with".
  3. From Mako: "It was only through the intervention of .. that saved the Mu" is not a good sentence. One way to fix it would be change the ending into "that the Mu were saved".
  4. In a clue from Mako's second mission, it says: "undercover" in the last sentence should be "uncover".
  5. More Grillo, two right after each other: This should not start with a quote. "these new breed of Snakes" should be "this new breed of Snakes".
  6. From Operative Grillo: in "the secrets these scientists have is rightfully ours", "is" should be "are".
  7. Efficiency Expert Pither has so far done this twice: in the mission summary, it says: 2 Defeat heroes (in the other case commanders) should be 2 heroes/commanders to defeat. Another one:
  8. In Shadow Spider's Crimson Hunt mission, it says: The first "contact" should be "contract", as it is written the second time.
  9. "I what do I have to show for it" should not have the initial "I".
  10. More telempathic amplifier, so that's probably intentional. But also "you once you have the sample you" should not have that "you" at the start.
  11. "telempathic" should be "telepathic" Or maybe not? The word is repeated several times in the clue, so it seems intentional.
  12. "is well know" should be "is well known".
  13. The clues you find in "Seek clues to Circle plans" from Mage-Killer Zuhkara are: The last one shouldn't start with quotes.
  14. Not really a typo I suppose, but it seems close enough. Arbiter Daos says after completing the first mission: At this point, you can call him. Then after the second mission he says: The comment about the private communication codes should be in the first message (or calling him should only be possible after the second). (These screenshots were taken through Ouroboros; normally Absolute Vengeance is not the first mission chain he gives.)
  15. Not sure what was intended, but "It's subtly astounds even me" is incorrect. Perhaps it should simply be "It astounds even me"?
  16. "he Doctor himself" should be "the Doctor himself".
  17. "the others" in "any other Bane Spider the others" should not be there.
  18. "The rumors on the street is" should be "rumor ... is" or "rumors ... are".
  19. "put when they" should be "but when they".
  20. A clue from Johnny: "it's signature" should be "his signature".
  21. "your back" should be "you're back".
  22. Both clues in "Defeat Aurora & get books" start similarly: In both clues, "These passage is" should be either "This passage is" or "These passages are".
  23. "with 2 hours" should be "within 2 hours".
  24. Magus Mu'Drakhan says: "a recent trend" and "something new" seem to be the same thing, while they are presented as opposites.
  25. A clue in Hardcase's mission "Collect demonic essence" is: In the last sentence, "it's" should be "its".
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