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  1. I'd agree if this were live but the homecoming rebalancing of snipes, tankers, the addition of crazily efficient secondaries to blasters, and the nerfs to brutes among other things gives me the impression that there's a bias towards hero classes. I don't think it's malicious or anything but scrapper dps is crazy on top of getting instant snipes, blaster dps got crazier with instant snipes and then half the sets now have aoe holds on top of absorbs/regeneration/etc. Tankers are so efficient at damage now that a TW tanker is about 95% of what a Brute does on top of the extra gains to group utility by moving them to controller scales and giving them higher aoe caps. I get it though. Before the tanker patch I would never have considered making one because brutes were more optimal at tanking in my opinion due to the added damage. Now it's a tossup in my opinion but tankers can dedicate less IOs towards defense and more towards inherent damage/recharge/proc monstering that it's become rather silly. By giving tankers damage, brutes lost a bit of their identity. It's probably healthier in the long run, but the issue I have is that when they gave tankers damage, they took it away from brutes. Lowering their damage cap from 775% to 700% feels bad in group content. Brutes were already just a smidge below scrappers before factoring in crits. Villain ATs always felt more fun to me in that I could control what my character was doing and being able to go off and do solo content alongside group content instead of relying on rng crits to output damage or bringing zero utility but damage. I may sound sour, but I'm glad Tankers/Blasters/etc are getting decent overhauls. It just feels that they're at the expense of villain ATs. They made Tankers able to solo more efficiently like a brute, while boosting their group utility. Brutes had their damage cap lowered but fury gain made more consistent so it's overall a nerf except for having more than one brute in a team. Dominator love was just making some sets have shorter cast times (which does feel good). Mastermind pets don't block doorways anymore but still feel slow to follow outside of beast summoning. Stalkers feel good but have an inferior version of /bio (this is just my opinion) so they don't reach the highs of scrapper ridiculousness like with tw/bio. Corruptors are pretty interchangeable still so I don't have an opinion on that. Soldiers are great, but suffer from being able to self buff to their own damage cap easily (bump it to 500% >:) ) Anyway hope this explains why I claimed what I claimed.
  2. Add a City of Villains Homecoming theme to the forum (or if there already is one, let me know where it is in options) >:) Feels to me like the name and the blue prime people towards heroes subconsciously. I try and keep my characters villains in game but it's very inconvenient. Probably has been said but I'll say it anyway: removing the restrictions for heroes/villains in terms of going places and inviting people to teams would be nice. If everyone's a hero except for me, I have to get all the way over to RWZ before getting an invite instead of just being able to accept one while I'm in ouro. Also I feel like there's a bias towards the hero classes in terms of balance. I came back after a year to find fury smoothed out and brute max dps capped while Tankers get more aoe/easier defense and resist caps/competitive damage. People make brutes outside of wanting to farm AE content ya know. It was like this last year when CoH came back and blasters had all these crazy new secondaries alongside instant snipes, as well as scrappers doing crazy damage abusing zapp/moonbeam. Blasters feel better than their counterparts on redside, Tankers feel better than their counterparts on redside, and scrappers feel better than their counterparts on redside. Defenders also have that weird inverted relationship where they have the best modifiers so sets like sonic or dark end up being better than rolling the same thing as a corruptor. When I came back last year and immediately started pushing content on Torchbearer, these things were noticeable. Now it's all been boiled down to Fire/fire blaster, TW/Bio scrapper, and Cold/fire def or fire/cold corr, along with the current bug making tar patch insanely powerful. Now could I be a villain version of those hero classes? Sure. But in my head Brute/Corr/Masterminds/Doms/Soldiers/Stalkers are so ingrained with the villain identity that seeing them in this relatively weaker state hurts. Could I also solo the entire game with any of those classes and IOs? Yeah, of course. City of X has never been a hard game. It's just increasingly more time intensive compared to being efficient with instant snipes and crits and all that jazz. I was grateful seeing some of the love Dominators saw last year especially with earth assault. I want more of that. I would like to see interesting buffs to Brutes to give them an identity that's just not "compromise between tanker and scrapper" at the moment. It's crazy to me how wide AOE is for tankers is after being a brute guy all my life. I want mastermind henchmen to run faster through instances or have a recall button like t4 inc to drop them unsuspectingly on a group of mobs. I would like to not have to throw out upgrades. Just make it easier to be a villain and those of us who love the redside will happy wait 7 days to keep our alignment frenzy without having to drop it to join the rest of the community 😛
  3. hello
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