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Everything posted by Teebone

  1. weapon mastery has sword? i made psi/nin thats what made me think about it thx for feedback!
  2. Idk how to even go about this, lol but have been getting into star wars recently, and would really like to have a telekinesis powerset, if possible be paired with a sword power set, like maybe add gravity or telekinesis to blaster archetype, because it already has ninja training that comes with sword powers. idk where else i could pitch my ideas besides forums lol
  3. can someone give me advice on this build? Dual Pistols Ninja Blaster Final (1).mxd
  4. any updates on this topic?
  5. Teebone

    Spine/Rads help

    how do i do that?
  6. Teebone

    Spine/Rads help

    okay just started up playing the game again these past few months and thought i was on to a great idea with this character, just reached lvl 50 and the performance of my toon isnt what i hoped for, if anyone has any tips to help me make him better would be very appreciated, having endurance and defense problems. Damage is okay, but not sure what enhancements would work best with this combination of power
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