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  1. Thanks for the reply, Argentae! Very good tips to keep in mind. 🙂 I suppose the main reason I am looking for build help with Mids is because there are so many seemingly counterintuitive slotting setups that I would have never considered but make for outstanding builds. My brute and tank are 2 examples. I started to DL Mids but my antivirus said it was unsafe, so I backed off for now. Thank you again!
  2. Anyone happen to have a build they find effective that they'd be willing to share here? 🙂
  3. Your help is more than appreciated! Edited to add that with y'all's help, this toon is perfect. lol Extremely tanky tank. 🙂
  4. Thank you, Omega! Really do appreciate all the help!
  5. I very much appreciate that, Seig! As far as capped defenses go, is that up to 90% and is that essentially as effective as capped resists? I have a brute with 90% S/L resist that I was hoping to get close to, or better. If capped defenses are just as effective in damage mitigation I'll be thrilled. ha ha 🙂 Appreciate your help!
  6. I know you posted this is 2020, but I was wondering if this setup will work for tanks as well and if it caps resists and defenses?
  7. Thank you for the advice, Seig! Much appreciated.
  8. I'm hoping someone can help me with a build for SD/BA. This character is at 50 now and hopefully I won't have to start him over. My main struggle right now is stamina. He runs out in no time. Also his S/L resist is only at a base of 66%. Hoping to get that higher. Edited to ask, too, if anyone has a Mids layout I can use for this. Any help is appreciated!
  9. Okay, it was, in fact, the power substation foundations. They just made incredible use of them. :)
  10. I've searched high and low through the tabs for alternative wall options and just can't seem to locate anything suitable. I have tried the cement tiles (too small and require extreme patience lol) and also the power substation floor tiles. Those seemed like the answer until I realized they're transparent one side. For example, I'm trying to build a wall that's perpendicular to the built in base walls to make a more natural looking corridor. Another player base I recently visited made masterful use of something that I think is a column of some kind (octagonal with smooth sides), but I cannot find any such thing in the editor, or at least I haven't been able to identify it. I hope I'm making sense. 🙂 Any help is greatly appreciated!
  11. I tried that and found that they're invisible on one side, meaning you have to use 2 and line those up. I was so excited till I realized that. The cement tiles I'm hoping they will increase the size of are opaque on both sides. 🙂
  12. I would humbly like to request much larger concrete building tiles. We currently have 2, but I'm hoping we can get 20ft x 20ft and perhaps 10x10 tiles to do such things as wall building. The "cement tile large" is only about 3ftx3ft and stacking and aligning those gets to be quite a task. 😀
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