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So, I've run Striga contacts at least 30 times (alts!!). It is, by far, my _least_ favorite zone. Really, I only do it for FOMO the Wedding band and Wolf Whistle. And because it's the main bridge between Faultline and Croatoa. I hate Striga for two main reasons: 1. Chain guns. They are everywhere. Brap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap. Did you one-shot the guy? His corpse goes Brap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap. Oh, and btw, most of these missions you have to find glowies in a maze. So it's open menu, adjust sound up, close menu, find glowie, open menu, adjust sound down, close menu, kill mobs. Repeat. *Please either change the sound or give us the ability to macro/hotkey volume.* 2. Kill 10, kill 20, kill 30... Do a mission where ambushes magically see through your stealth... kill 20. My usual pattern for Striga is to run a few missions, then Auto-complete when I get to a hunt, then log and park the toon for three days when I get to the next obnoxious mission. I generally end up doing this at least 3-4 times, per toon. It's just not fun. My hope is that these new arcs have fewer chain guns and fewer pointless barriers.
" I could tell you that that's now how I fight EBs/AVs with an Illusion Dom because it doesn't work at high levels" Well, that has absolutely no bearing on this topic now, does it? Since it is about an Elec/Elec Dom fighting at 22? And since the only reason that got brought in at all was because you wanted to brag about yourself? "You started this thread with a tantrum" Actually, my first post was pretty even tempered and reasonable. And, yes, I still think it is bad design, and could be easily fixed. "Your other contribution..." Wow... you _really_ have no life. That's twice you went digging into prior posts looking for ad hominems. (That's a logical fallacy, btw). "The usefulness I'm adding here..." LOL, Wow!!! So you are a righteous defender of truth?!? Sad, small, and trollish. Here is a helpful suggestions for you: read other people's contributions to this thread, there have been quite a few good and helpful ones -- something you might learn from.
Indeed, I love static. Yes, that would have helped a lot, just hide in the bubble.
Sadly Elec, Fire, Martial, Rad, Savage, Thorny and Psi do not. Only Dark, Earth, Energy, Icy and Sonic do.
I'm sure you are right. As I stated elsewhere, after the first run I was just frustrated and didn't bother to try to build Domination. I did go back and check the combat logs, and that first run was dominated by a streak of 'miss 96%'. followed by a streakbreaker, followed by another 96% miss, and then a third time. So, just terrible luck. As for aoe controls... jolting chain does kd, and static field does sleep, and neither will turn off a FFG once it is up. Which they were, due to my first few misses. I _think_ that confusing the engineer first does not help, as he still summons, and the FFG is still your enemy. You'd have to let him summon, then confuse the FFG, which requires hitting it...
It's about you coming into my thread and attacking me while contributing nothing. "Tanking" >> 'taunt power' You said "...Dominator PA absolutely does not tank..." They do, indeed, tank. They pull agro, and are indestructible. So you are, in fact, wrong. Yes, they would pull agro better with an actual taunt. But it is not necessary. The entire thread was about my struggle with EB Capt. Callisto. If I had had PA, I could have had 60 seconds of Hold stacking without ever being targeted. Or firing attacks, or even using rest. Because I would be perfectly safe while PA was up. You are now 6 posts in without adding anything useful. You have, in fact, spent the last two spreading disinformation.
Ditto on the bad info. Try it and see. I just did. It's called 'empirical data'. My Dom attacked a group, which promptly agroed on me. I summoned PA. After one volley, the group switched to the PA and ignored me. I don't know what your definition of 'Tank' is, but pulling agro off of a squishy is exactly what I expect a tank to do. Maybe safest to assume @Panache is just a troll. He's five posts in so far, and still failed to add anything that was useful.
Of course PA tanks. I just loaded my ILL/EB Dom, at tossed PA into a pack of same-level Red caps. All of them attacked the indestructible PA, and ignored me completely. You obviously know less than you think you do about game mechanics. Most people who want/need help are likely to be frustrated and want to vent as well as get help. That is why they are asking for help. And you provided none. Here's a suggestion: if all you are going to contribute is gaslighting, snark, and negativity, maybe keep it to yourself.
"I found that old post because I wanted to see if there was a history of 'tongue-in-cheek' threads, because this one was hard to take at face value." There was nothing remotely 'tongue-in-cheek' about my original post. I was frustrated, that's all. You were looking for an excuse to gaslight. When I said 'I have no idea what this even means', I followed with stating exactly what I had done. Since I was dying before I could get enough mag to stick, what @MoonSheep was suggesting made no sense to me... were they saying I should stack holds with immobilize? Obviously I would stack multiple holds if I could. Opening with a snipe to eliminate the engineer, with a hold following before the snipe even hits? Yes, that is the smart play. If it hits. You have nothing to contribute except negativity. Seriously. Look at what you posted in this thread. Not a single suggestion... just you bragging about how you did it with an Illusion Dom. Wow. Impressive. I would have done it easily with Phantom Army as well.
So for those who have tried to actually be helpful (which is the spirit that I have always loved in the CoH community)... Thank you! In retrospect, the first time I went in, built Domination, popped a small yellow and red, and did build-up, and missed my snipe, streakbreaker hit with my hold (which was not enough mag to hold yet, and then missed when I attempted to interrupt the engineer next to him, and at that point it was two FF generators, a lot of misses, dead. On attempts 2-4, I was too annoyed to take the time to clear the area and build domination, and my snipe was not strong enough to kill the engineer, and I inevitably missed the next shot (95% t/h), so again into double FFG. Without Dom I would get web grenaded and quickly killed. I think I will try again in Ouroboros and see if I can actually stack enough confuse to stick... I didn't think that would work on an EB (I've used it on bosses). (EDIT: I _just_ got 'Synaptic Overload', so only a single slot, for accuracy, at the time of this fight, at lvl 22... it's the last power before Gremlins). I still think my core point was valid... only Doms and Controllers have their primary power so heavily neutered against EB's and GM's.
You make a lot of assumptions about someone you've never met or played with.
I find it interesting that, rather than attempting to post something helpful, you actually took the time to dig that up. Number 5 on that list should have been, 'No inspiration purchase, or 'inner inspiration', only what drops'. THAT entire post, tbh, was more to look at the game from the aspect of running an 'Ironman' challenge. As someone who started playing the game when it first went live, I found the endless posts about "I just made this toon and powerleveled him to 50, and now I'm spending 1 bill inf" to be very weird. So, you are conflating that post, which was looking at where the weak spots are, to this post, where I am focusing on one of those weak spots. Yes, I did finish the mission, solo. I just feel it's meaningless to do so with popping pills.
Nope. 4th death. Used med yellow, red, 2xpurple
I tried all that, two posts up. Yes, I'll go in with 2-3 medium purps, and just power through... or I could ask for help... or I could auto-complete. All of those are crappy hack band-aids on bad game design. I could fix it with one line of code. Why is it that all our holds are mag 3? Hey Tankers! all your armors only work on Lt.s and below! Hey Blasters! All your attacks automatically miss 50% of the time on bosses or above!
Third time. Medium yellow, red, and purple. Got every power off once, then hospital.