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Everything posted by Xenon62

  1. This shows only the period from December 2023 to March 2024.
  2. Has anyone figured out where the "Trick" and "Treat" sound effects (the "thunk" for Trick, the bells for Treat) are found?
  3. I like the old format better. I found it easier to read.
  4. Character creator, Tanker, Psionic Melee, wrong text for Mental Strike.
  5. In the character creator, when selecting Psionic Melee as the Secondary Powers set for Tankers, the description for Mental Strike has the description for Frozen Fists instead.
      • 2
      • Thanks
  6. The other day, building an SG Base, the entrance portal (the blue swirly column) replicated itself in a room adjacent to the main entrance. It functioned like the main entrance. When I tried to move it into another room, it replicated in the other room but stayed in the original room as well, so at one point I had four of them. The last two gave me "You cannot enter" messages, but the others worked normally. And while they showed up in the room inventory, the "Sell" button was greyed out, so I couldn't delete them. The next day, went back into the base editor, and the three duplicate portals were now green instead of red, labelled Vanguard portals, and I was able to delete them. Everything has been fine since then. I am posting it here in case it happens to other people; when I asked for help elsewhere in the forum, and reported the next day that they turned green and were able to be deleted, someone suggested that I should post it as a bug report.
  7. Went into Base Editing mode. The green ones all identify as Vanguard Portals, and I was able to delete (sell) them. Problem resolved. I would close the thread now if I knew how. :)
  8. Logged in this morning, used a different toon (also one with base-editing privileges). The original entrance is in place and works as intended. The other three are now green instead of blue, and when I click on them, I get a message saying that the teleporter needs a destination beacon to work. Further investigation is under way.
  9. I'll keep an eye on it. No one else was coming in or out of the base at the time, and I was in Base Editing mode. I first discovered it while adding items to a room adjacent to the entrance and saw "Secret Entrance" in the room inventory.
  10. On further examination: the original entrance now has the same options as the nearest teleporter, the second one functions like a normal base entrance, and the third & fourth give me "You cannot enter" messages. They all show up in the room inventory in Base Edit mode, but the "Sell" button is greyed out.
  11. I have no idea how it happened, but now I have multiple entrances to my SG base (the blue swirly column). They all function the same; if I leave the base via one of the duplicates, I arrive the same way when I return. I want only the original, how do I get rid of the other three? (The four of them are in four separate rooms.) I can move them around within each room, but I can't delete them. And if I try to move it to another room, it creates a duplicate in the new room and leaves the one I moved behind. (Which is how I wound up with four -- initially, I had just two, the original and one in an adjacent room.)
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