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  1. TW definitely has excellent sustained ST. What times are you getting with axe?
  2. Super Strength/Energy Aura Brute [Capable of Overload cycling but didn't use that here for this test] 0x8 w/ Bosses - 204s 4x8 w/ Bosses - 329s Pylon - 226s - 255s range Brute (Super Strength - Energy Aura).mbd
  3. Revamped the build a bit and enjoying leviathan 0x8 w/ Bosses - 206s 4x8 w/ Bosses - 327s Pylon - 148s at best, 186 at average Brutal.mbd
  4. Spine/Stone Brute Pylon - 193s 0x8 w/ Bosses - 216s 4x8 w/ Bosses - 344s Brute (Spines - Stone Armor).mbd
  5. AT: Corr Powers: Water/Marine Pylon Time: 142s 0x8 Time: 234s 4x8 Time: 397s Character Name: The Shore. The Shore.mbd
  6. Run Type: Pylon Division: Division 4 Archetype: Scrapper Primary Powerset: Titan Weapons Secondary Powerset: Bio Armor Time in seconds: 52 Burst: No Hybrid: Assault (toggled off) Build is usable for General Purpose: Yes. Version: Test server, i27pg1 build attached. This run was done in September of 2022. cs ft twbio.mxd
  7. Mind/Storm/Leviathan Troller 0/8 Clear Speed: N/A (didn't do lol) 4/8 Clear Speed: ~660s Pylon: ~300s Build does great against mobs, chugs on bosses. Main thing that slows me down is low ST damage.
  8. It isn't giving momentum, I use it often between momentum or right before casting Build Momentum power quite often so maybe it looks like it does sometimes
  9. Not really any issues hitting as there are enough +acc and toHit from offensive adaptation, you definitely don't have a huge padding of extra accuracy but vs +3 (+4 becomes +3 after you get incarnates ranked up) you have 95% chance to hit most enemies that don't have higher defense than normal. Having extra accuracy and toHit isn't a bad idea for padding against -toHit or +defense on enemies - more just a build choice you'll have to make. That build in particular is also quite a bit cutting corners on the survivability side and relying on clickies - another build choice you don't have to follow if you want to chase more sturdiness. The ageless destiny is more just a pylon thing imo but some really like it all the time. I like barrier far more (and using recovery serum as backup if needed). I think the extra panic button from barrier is super powerful and if you want to go for radial you can revive team members which is fairly nice too. Core gives you full duration on the buffs though. The build is far from set in stone, there's a lot of leeway and I wouldn't say I've fully come to my own conclusion on what powers in the set should be taken and which to be slotted in some ways. I mainly lean heavy into damage on TW just for feel, I see big weapon and I want massive damage 😅 Lately, I'm thinking titan sweep is good to take and not using crushing blow isn't much of a hit so opting for defensive sweep at an LoTG mule is good. It'll be awhile before I come to a conclusion one way or another which starter powers are better and whether titan sweep is worth the pickup, but I've been enjoying the extra AoE attack. And fold space + combat teleport is super nice. I'd recommend going on beta and experimenting for a bit before you spend influence on a build for the live servers TwSc.mbd
  10. It's still really strong. The damage numbers for the attacks got lowered across the board more or less and the nerf removed the DoT on Follow Through and Whirling Arc. Whirling Arc used to be 15ft radius but now it's 10ft. One addition the changes brought is allowing you to not have redraw animations which is really neat. You can use a snipe now in Momentum uptime attacks because of it. Or fireball for example. The combo (and titan weapons more specifically) is still really good. It's strong at ST and okayish at AoE. Still at the upper end of performance in relation to all the melee damage sets.
  11. Already have a bunch of those runs in here
  12. I like the test, critical knockback is the most annoying part of the test as a whole (really as a feature that was added into the game period) and as you mentioned the personal forcefield bubble guys really not being all that great either. I like seeing the boss that gives it's allies a bunch of defense by spawning a big ff bubble, makes it more engaging as you need to target him down to lower defenses of that mob. Overall I am finding the map a fantastic start. I'll need to look more closely at mobs a second time around but just general blind feel it's close to trapdoor.
  13. I don't think envenomed daggers belongs in division 2, it's a repeatable attack power not belonging to any pickable set and obfuscates in-set performance (namely the DPS metric). Edit: Judgement might meet this criteria to with the exception of frequency
  14. What's the point of banning lores when allowing signature summons?
  15. I'm hit with darkest night for the duration tanking my tohit. Sure, no hit rolls, but just like how bopper solved the interface issue in the past with collecting data in the manner of seeing ticks you could derive an assumed position of inheriting caster (de)buffs
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