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Everything posted by jackalcoh

  1. Looks like they are coming back online now:
  2. This is what the server status page looks like too:
  3. Was playing on a TF, then got server disconnected. Now they all show grey and the server status page will not load either.
  4. Another update... another Scanning screen. Is there any way to add a % completed to the scanning screen? There's no way for me to know how far along it is, and how much further I need to wait.. or if it's doing anything at all. Recall last time I waited 40 minutes before giving up and starting the 2 hour process of reinstalling the game (it took three times before it would reinstall, and required manual 'brew' commands to get it to reinstall). I'm running this on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7, with 16 GB of memory.... plenty enough.
  5. Which I tried... and it failed 3 times. And I documented that here -> It did finally work... My question is are their good "reinstall" instructions out there? Because I felt like I removed every piece of it I could find, and it still failed to reinstall giving me errors that "Game Client Not Detected."
  6. Except this was on a Mac. Not Linux.
  7. I have never once crashed while playing COH on my mac. Not once. However, after I'm done playing I MUST reboot. If I don't reboot after playing and I try to use basic application like Firefox I get all sorts of graphical artifacts, and within minutes of that, my laptop will freeze and crash. Anyone else experience this issue? It _only_ happens _after_ playing COH. Never during.
  8. Just an update - 3 hours later. I did get it to finally re-install. I have to manually go -> brew cast install xquartz -> brew cask install wine-stable Which previously I did not have to do it and it just worked. 😞
  9. It's saying game client not found _even while_ it's downloading it.
  10. I can't seem to get a clean uninstall/reinstall and get it working. rm -rf coh/ rm -rf /Applications/Island\ Rum.app rm -rf ~/Downloads/Island* Is there something else I need to remove?
  11. Now I'm caught in a re-install loop. Each time I want to re-launch Island Rum, it tells me it can't find the install and prompts me to re-install. And then it says the installation is complete, and then it never finds the client and re-prompts me to re-install again.
  12. I removed everything. rm -rf /Applications/coh And then removed my Island Rum binary and reinstalled Island Rum. It installed. I let it finish installing. And then it was ready to play. I quit it so i could copy over my custom power sets and costumes. I tried to relaunch it and here's what it says now:
  13. Backing up custom stuff before re-installing: mkdir ~/coh-backup cd /Applications/coh cp -r Costumes ~/coh-backup/ cp -r PowerCust ~/coh-backup/ Confirm it's all backed up: find ~/coh-backup
  14. So the screenshot was taken at 11:02 am. It's now 12:48 pm and it's still running...... something tells me this is NOT working correctly. So it's been running for almost 2 hours now.
  15. Currently 50 minutes in and still "SCANNING". Wish there was a way to see what percent it was through.
  16. Just launched Island Rum, and see there's a new patch being installed. I've going to time it this time. I wish there was a way to see the progress of "SCANNING" since you don't know if it's got 20 more minutes left or 40 more minutes left..... And this is a SSD drive so it's super fast hardware.
  17. It finally finished. Took 40 minutes. Btw- I found where it installs itself. And the Costume are not in "data"... There's a "Costumes" and "PowerCust" folder for each respectfully. It installs itself in /Applications/coh/. $ pwd /Applications/coh $ find . |grep Retro ./Costumes/RetroMagic2.costume ./Costumes/RetroFlame2.costume ./Costumes/Retro Magic.costume ./Costumes/RetroFlame.costume ./PowerCust/RetroFlamePowers.powerCust ./PowerCust/RetroMagic2.powerCust
  18. I have a very fast MacBook Pro. Maps/Missions load super fast. It's now been stuck on "SCANNING" for 40 minutes now. I don't think it's doing anything. I can't find where this thing installs itself on my Mac... i'm looking... so i can back up the "data" directory.
  19. My install (Island Rum on a MacBook Pro) is stuck on "Scanning." It's been "Scanning" for 30 minutes now. How long should it be "Scanning?" 30 minutes? An hour? Is it bugged? Does it ever end? I don't want to blow it away and reinstall cause I'll lose all my custom costumes.
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