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  1. "Doing a pre-ED build is not pretty simply doing a checkmark. It would mildly be days if not weeks/months worth of work. It's perfectly fine to do a build using SOs and HOs but factoring in ED." Lets see what would be needed... We need an Arraylist to store IO pointers used in the build. If ya add/remove an IO, it gets stored/removed in the Arraylist. When ya go to calc for ED, if arraylist.size == 0, don't do ed. It is all ready doing a ED check, does this power have more than three acc's, if yes, do ED. It would just check for IO's instead. No IO's, no ed.
  2. Morning all. Being an "old" Champion server player (two three weeks after game launch), I would like to "old school" it with pre-ED builds. Before ya all have an aneurysm, it would be limited to HO and SO builds exclusively. Without looking at code, seems like a pretty simple if else block to check for the existence of an IO enhancement in the build. Waiting on the ice water....
  3. Thanks. I realize it is not live yet. I am worried that 5 days is rather tight. Do SG names fall under this reservation release system? No activity in five days, the SG name is free for the stealing.
  4. I got it also. The character in question, a level 34, was only logged out five days. Is that how tight this is going to be, five days? I can be gone from my (game)computer for 30 days or more. Next extended trip is down to Australia for about 3 months. Will I lose all my sub 50's (only about 10) names in this case?
  5. Oman

    Xp On/off macro

    Hello all. First credit to this person: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cityofheroes/comments/tv6oe8/introducing_toggle_macros/ Here is an example of an on off toggle for XP, though you could bend it to do other things. First step is to execute the following: /macroslot 30 "xpOff" "option_set noxp 1$$e XP is off$$Bind_Load_File /bind/xpOn.txt" If 30 is in use, pick a different slot (macroslot 30 is tray 4 slot 1 - see link above for slot count overview) When slash command is executed, it will create a macro("xpOff") in the slot specified. Next click the macro. This will produce an error like: Unable to read in keybind file: e:/Games/Homecoming/settings/live/bind/xpOn.txt If you have made binds before then you know where the bind directory is. If don't have a bind directory, create one in the appropriate location. Next create the following files in your bind directory: ::xpOn.txt $$macroslot 30 "xpOn" "option_set noxp 0$$e XP is on$$Bind_Load_File /bind/xpOff.txt" ::xpOff.txt $$macroslot 30 "xpOff" "option_set noxp 1$$e XP is off$$Bind_Load_File /bind/xpOn.txt" Next open the options menu, scroll to the bottom and ensure if your xp earn option is being set to on and off as you click the macro. Now you can easily turn xp off/on so you don't out level content/contacts as is my case. Please note one other option: Option_Toggle noxp I could not find a way to interrogate the state of the noxp as to make this useful. Hope this is helpful.
  6. Sorry I didn't get that memo. You need to ensure "Everybody" gets it next time.;)
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