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Posts posted by taiyu

  1. Tequila running out of memory so much when downloading really bothered me so I wrote a simple bash script to replace it.

    It depends on aria2c, curl and xq

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    xqprg='.manifest.filelist.file[] | [."@name", ."@md5", .url] | flatten | join(" ")'
    curl -s "$manifest_url" | xq -r "$xqprg" | while read name md5 urls
    do aria2c --checksum=md5="$md5" --out="$name" $urls


    Anyway, onto another issue

    The 64bit version does not work properly for me. the character creator does not display the character model at all, I have yet to see what it looks like in game, might check that at a later time.

    The 32bit version however does work as far as ive seen so its not a big problem though.

    searching the forums the only thread with something similar was this thread, in how it has the same error messages in the log (the 32 bit version has them too, but that works so i dunno)

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