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Everything posted by bluehinter

  1. Thanks. I didn't realize that it only created the folders once they were necessary. I did exactly as you said and created an empty "test" AE mission, then logged out, copied my old files over into the new directory, and logged back in. Everything is there, except, as you said, some of the costumes have errors, and there are certain costume bits that appear to be Architect only, so I'm having to go through and check all 81 of them individually within AE and tweak/resave to be safe. Still, I'm glad that something I put a ton of effort into over a decade ago still survives, and I look forward to republishing it shortly.
  2. Hi there, I just discovered Homecoming existed, and believe it or not, over 10 years ago I exported all my .costume and .storyarc files from the original CoH mission architect just in the off chance somebody did exactly this and resurrected the game on a private server. If anybody cares or remembers, I was the guy who made Challenge of the Splendid Pals, the 3-part Super Friends parody that just about broke the original mission architect because the file sizes were so large. (I also did Rise of the Ro-Bros, You Only Die Twice and a few others, though Splendid Pals was one of the most popular non-farming missions of it's time.) I'd love to bring it all back, but I didn't see a folder for .costume and .storyarc files in my COH2020 folder, so I'm wondering if they're stored somewhere else locally, or there's some other way to convert them over without having to recreate everything from scratch? Luckily, I took screen-caps of all my Splendid Pals and Legion of Doom characters, so I at least have visual references for all the main characters, but building the mission packs was a ton of work back in the day, and I really don't have the time to do that sort of thing anymore. (It took me about an hour just to recreate my original CoH alter-ego Aquaman rip-off, 'Blowhole,' only to find out there's already some jerk running around with the same name on Excelsior. 😡 I'm simultaneously touched and peeved that somebody remembered the character well enough to recreate him without me.) And just to share with the class, here was the lineup for... On the hero side, we had Splendid Man (who never actually fought crime, he was just really nice) Brassiere (firm supporter of Amazonian justice), Blowhole (master of the stormy seas and friend to sailors everywhere), Speedo (able to tap into a mysterious power he calls the 'speed thrust'), Dark Bishop and his underage sidekick Choir Bird, and the Double Twins, Wilty and Whitey. And in the villain's camp, we have lazy criminal mastermind Lax Looter, underwater assassin SnorKill, crotchety old farmer The Scare Cropper, the unexpected Olestra, nimble master of ice, Parkour, perplexing asker of unanswerable questions, The Stumper, villainous party clown, Playtime, the man who never showers, Grungy, leather-clad warrior, Gigantrix, the overheated Fursuit, Czarro (who comes from soviet Russia where crime fights you!), the perpetually on the prowl, Cougara, and the galaxy's most villainous math teacher, Calculus.
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