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  1. Temporary titles? Not permanent?
  2. When fighting GMs or Very large enemies such as final fight in Market Crash task force, trying to use Transfusion or Transference on a kinetics, its casting above the team and not healing or buffing at all only if you’re flying since its casting from the torso of the enemy. Is this normal?
  3. Would love to see more options for beam rifle weapon options. Such as some of the temporary powers from Dr Aeon SF, and the Sewer trial rifle when fighting the head of the hydra. Also, there are a few more rifles that enemies in game have that I would love to have the option to use on my character.
  4. Possibility to Have weapons on back of character? I know staff and bows can do it. When can beam and rifles be held on the back of a character when not in use ?
  5. While in mini mode today my destiny barrier was not shaped properly like it is in normal mode. it was shaped like an egg. The power FX was much different while in this mode.
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