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  1. The back right elevator door is the best elevator door.
  2. While we're at it... anyone have a Seismic / Stone build?
  3. We ought to pick a Task Force (or may be a farm map) and have duos race to finish it. Fastest time wins.
  4. FWIW... Time Shift can have 3 damage procs added to it, giving it 193.7 points of damage. Nothing to write home about, but it's not a bad addition to your AoE arsenal. Toss in some recharge (which won't change the procs) and an Accuracy and you're good to go.
  5. Anyone else wish the Vulnerability animation had a little more pop to it? It's kinda weird when mid-battle you stand up straight and just point at your target.
  6. Thanks for the response.
  7. Did I win a prize? (I hope it's ice cream.)
  8. It would be cool if there was a way to respec just a few powers on a character. In particular I've got one that I'd love to change his travel power, but don't want to be bothered with the doing a full respec for that one change.
  9. I'm going to stick my toe in the water here... I hope you're not including the -12.5% DefDebuff in your calculation. It should not apply until after the target is hit by Neutrino Bolt. So it would affect any follow-on attacks but not the initial one.
  10. It's a combination of Tactics, Targeting Drone, and set bonuses giving 79% Acc to everything, and then slotting at least 45% in each attack. I did a handful of fights with Last Chance to Hit displayed, and it never dropped below 95%. I knew I needed to respec this 'toon. Now I have some more criteria to think about.
  11. That's an interesting tidbit. Thanks!
  12. Thanks, Sovera. That's a good technique. I suspect I've way overdone it. --EDIT-- Yep. Way over did it. Imported my favorite blaster into Mids. Lowest - Slug: 219% against +3s. Highest - Full Auto: 342% against +3s. I said I hate missing! 🤯
  13. I normally monitor both Acc and To Hit in the upper corner of my screen, just so I know if I'm under a debuff. Not a bad idea to add Last Chance To Hit. I take Tactics on just about all of my characters, keep ~40% Acc in each attack, and gain another ~45% Acc via set bonuses. Curious when overkill sets in.
  14. I hate missing so I tend to slot for Accuracy and To Hit. But how much is enough? Is there a "soft cap" equivalent where it's not worth going above?
  15. If I can turn off Hasten's glowing hands, I should be able to turn off anything else.
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