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  1. I'll give my opinion on the Medic since I think he is the weakest link in Mercs that is holding the set back. Increase the range of SMG Burst and SMG Heavy Burst from 70ft to 80ft. Ever wonder why the Merc dies so much? He has a shorter range on his attacks compared to the rest of the Soldiers! If anything, he should have an even longer range to encourage him to stay away from the enemies. Swap Frag Grenade with Venom Grenade. Frag Grenade isn't very strong and the Knockback is annoying. Venom Grenade doesn't need to do a lot of damage, the -res will MORE than make up for that. As long as it doesn't have a super long cooldown (60 seconds or less) it will help Mercs deal with their mostly Lethal damage issue. Change Stimulate to a group buff. The Medical pool's Stimulate was so bad, they buffed it into Injection and it STILL isn't worth taking. So you can image how useful the Medic's Stimulate is. At best, the Medic can keep 3 pets (but not himself) buffed with Stimulate. But it is unreliable since he buffs randomly. Furthermore, he spends all his time buffing which can be really annoying. The power is very niche. It can be great if you are dealing with status effect enemies but it is pointless if you are not. As such, I recommend changing this to a PBAOE group buff. It could still be status protection but I would recommend it have something that is more useful in general such as +def or +dam. Beast Mastery Wolves and Lions have powers that act like this. Use them as a basis. Add a group healing ability. There are a few opinion here. A PBAOE heal like Healing Aura could work but that might clash against the "non-supernatural" theme of Mercs. Triage Beacon fits the theme but the healing is low, the beacon is stationary, the cooldown is long, and the AI is very, very dumb. So I would skip this one. My pick is a +Regen aura similar to Suppress Pain that is always on the same way that Demons/ Ember Shield works. This way, the medic is constantly providing support to the Mercs (and the MM, the aura affects them too) without needing to spam their heal. You could also attach other buffs to the aura too if you want to make it stronger too like +Recovery or +Recharge. Mercs is the worst MM primary by a long shot and I look forward to the day when it becomes better. I hope this helps.
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