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  1. Chemical Assault (Dominators) Celestial Blast (Blasters, Defenders, Corruptors, Sentinels): powers strike (mostly) from the sky; the idea comes from the ranged powers of druids in World of Warcraft. Have secondary effects dependent on the night/day cycle in the game, and on the surroundings (outdoor, cave, building) I haven't actually run the numbers on this next one, so this is a starting point for a discussion. Celestial Armor (Tanks, Brutes, Scrappers, Stalkers, Sentinels): armor has selectable mixed secondary effect modes. All mode changes have a 30 second cooldown (once you pick one, you are stuck with it for 30 seconds). celestial (default, no buffs, no debuffs) solar (extra DoT, no knock or immob protection even with IO procs) lunar (huge buff to resistance; -7.5% DEF ALL; -10% ACC; tanks and brutes get -1 threat level, others get +1 threat level) stellar (attacking mobs who hit you have regen debuffed 500%, debuffs your own recovery 50%, cannot benefit from +END IO procs), gravitic (+25 status protection ALL, -50% damage, all click-taunts disabled, -20% move speed (but no attack rate debuff). magnetic (doubles taunt ability (time and number of targets); immune to hold and confuse; +10% DEF; gives brutes Gauntlet (along with Fury), gives tanks Fury (along with Gauntlet), gives others +20% ACC and -1 threat level; immobile (can move via teleport); -15% attack rate; disables all recharge speed IO procs on player) nebular: every mob who hits has a 20% chance of +4 confuse for 30 (yes, 30) seconds; -5% To-Hit on players; -10% To-Hit on mobs; player has 5% chance of being hit for triple damage; mobs hitting the player have a 2% chance to be killed instantly if minion, 1% if lieutenant
  2. Shouldn't this be "Altaholics Unanimous"? ;D
  3. I want to thank those who worked to bring back this game. For over 6 years, I have desperately missed my Peacebringer, who made a return this past afternoon. What a joy to fly around Atlas Park again! When and if money can be accepted to defray costs, I will be sending some. There were, and are, sure to be bumps along the way. That is fine - I am patient. Again, many, MANY thanks for your efforts!
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