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Posts posted by Jeneki

  1. Dark's sustain also requires a single-target hit check, so 5% of the time you just don't get the buff.  That's the one thing I dislike on my darkity-dark disorientation blastroller.



  2. 14 hours ago, Apogee said:

    To-Hit nerfs happen every patch/update. It was hardcoded into the software.  It was well documented after every patch when the game was Live.



    My favorite running joke went something like, "After each patch, tohit will decrease 1% each hour until someone posts about it, at which point it returns to normal so everyone can call that person crazy."

    • Haha 2
  3. What I did on my Bane is organize my attacks into groups, to minimize redraw annoyance.


    Step 1) Start with gun AoE attacks.  Venom, burst, and if any small fry are left toss the frag.  By this time the group is probably doing cleanup.


    Step 2) Switch to the mace, and single-target the remaining hard targets into paste.


    Once I switch to mace-mode, I do not switch back to gun unless it's a long drawn out AV fight and I want to re-venom.


  4. Probably the sets that don't have a tier-3 single target blast.  Electric, Assault Rifle, maybe a few others.


    Back in the day I played a ton of Electric, and I would have dropped the snipe for another regular blast in a heartbeat.  These days perma snipe comes naturally with the way I build blasters, so I'm loving it.


  5. UniqueDragon never left.  He watches eternally from above, seated on His golden throne in the heavens.  He needs not speak, as His prophecy has already spoken.  Do no ask for him by name, do not beg to be saved, and do not prostrate for forgiveness, as a request made by unclean and unworthy tongue will not reach His righteous ears.  Give praise onto UniqueDragon for His words of wisdom, hope for the future, and COH IT WELL BE GONE TO THE AMERICANS!!!!!!!

  6. I like the look of weapon sets when hovering, and the way some attacks lean downward when striking from above.  Back in the day I felt like cavalry wading into the enemies lines.

  7. Assault Rifle / Bio.


    Assault Rifle has so many changes it feels like a whole new set.  It's been quite fun trying different things out.


    Bio, based on my personal testing between Fiery Aura's Molten Embrace and Bio Armor's Offensive Adaptation.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. I picture a tiny WB cartoon character sneaking around with a ridiculously large mallet behind its back when I think of stalkers with titan weapons.

    Stalkers cause a lot of weird mental images.


    "Hey do you guys see a column of fire walking around?" ... "No, not me."

    "Why is it so cold in here?"

    "Man this new council base has a lot of static electricity."

    (short stalker) Street Justice ASSASSINS JUNK PUNCH.


  9. I see lots of invites for farming and other power-leveling.

    I just make my own teams.


    "(blue 15+) Running story missions in Faultline, pst for invite"


    Or whatever.  I've had no issues finding teammates, even during off hours.


    As for what you're "missing", it's more of the same with different stories.  Mixing high and low level content keeps things interesting for me at least.  As the saying goes, everything in moderation.

  10. The Atta mission is even more ridiculous now than it was before.  Back in the day I could get ~3 levels from that one mission alone, and now that anyone can double xp anytime it's nuts.

  11. Related to instant snipe, I've found it useful to monitor tohit in my combat stats.  I already knew most of enemies with tohit debuffs, but now that the exact number is important I've found some new ones.  When I find myself unable to snipe when I think I should, I dig a bit deeper and find out exactly what enemy is causing it.

    I've adjusted a few targeting priorities due to this, when I want to instant snipe.



  12. I generally prefer building for perma-hasten over soft caps.  I'm a super fan of inspirations and combine them constantly to reach caps when needed, but there's no recharge inspiration.

  13. Back in the day I put off playing Rad for a long time (I think it was Defender-only at launch?), but once I gave it a shot I was really impressed.  It's a good mix of close and ranged, which plays into my jump-jousting playstyle.  Cosmic Burst is also super fun as a huge hit that also stuns.  And of course, mushroom clouds :D .


    If you like procs you can put Achilles Heel resist debuff procs into things.



  14. I love the way my Dominator plays. I like the juggling of mezzing targets and burning one down. It just takes what seems like forever; very slow moving.


    Some of the newer sets have AoE mezzes in them.  If you've picked up Pine's Hero Designer you should be able to find them all, usually towards the last few powers in blaster secondaries.  Also in the ancillary pools you can pick up more single target mezzes, or if you have stuns you can get Oppressive Gloom to stack with it.


    Something to be aware of though, Blaster mezz may have shorter duration than you are used to on Dominators.  So you may have to be a bit quicker to reapply (or just kill everything hehe).

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