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  1. I have gone through the lore list of pets; and I can't seem to find either of those - can you include a link for me to them please?
  2. True enough - but I think some lore pets might help more than others.
  3. I am a Beast / Nature MM and I am quite happy with my damage (took the Alpha Damage Ability Musculature) and my characters healing. I have taken Clarion in Destiny and Diamagnetic in Interface. Where I want to improve my character is in its survivability. Which support lore pet would you suggest for helping keep me alive in encounters? Thanks!
  4. Thank you very much for the very well thought out and explained answer. Much appreciated! (Resistance, PVP) Gladiator's Armor TP Protect/+3% Global Defense (Defense, PVP) Shield Wall TP Protect/+5% Global Resistance 1. You listed 2 sets that say they are pvp sets - does this mean their resistance and defense bonuses do not work in pve content? 2. To give things context - sometimes when I group I will send in my pet to attack the same target as our group lead and sometimes I get aggro. How can I summon my pets back to protect me and be in bodyguard mode and attack the mob at the same time? Because right now I think I am doing something wrong.
  5. 1) Can someone please explain how this power works? 2) I am assuming that pet damage suffers while this active? 3) Is this an "oh shi^" power when your pets get in trouble / or do you use it most of the time? 4) Can I slot pet io's in this power? Thank you!
  6. I have both. Comparing the two: Time is more of a buffing/defensive set imo Dark is a more aggressive attacking style set - and suits my playstyle more. Both sets are VERY good.
  7. So the animation is really cool and I like using the power - but the damage seems really piss poor imo for the activation time and the fact that it just kind of shoots everywhere. Is it worth taking? How should I slot it to help make it more effective? I was just really excited to make a Crab - I have him up to lvl 42 and he just seems weak. Does he get better as I put more levels into him or is it that crabs are really good and I am just not building him correctly?
  8. Can you tell me what those sets are called please? Thanks!
  9. Hi all, I have noticed that in some bui.ds people will have stanima - which from what I understand it is from the Fitness Pool. So my question is how can I get Stanima so I can run my toggles more effciently. Thank you!
  10. Thank you Verix, much appreciated. So are you saying with Times Juncture I can put 5 Enhance Defense in? Right now I have 3 -To Hit and 3 + Defense. Is that wrong? and because that will max me out on Defense, take Mu Mastery instead and focus on Resistance... How would I stack for resistance? (Sorry I am new so I do not know which IO's to buy).
  11. Hi all, So far really enjoying my new Demon/Time MM. Curious, what powers I can take to help him be even more tankier or give him better survivability? An ingame friend suggested; Mace mastery: Scorpion Shield. Anything else?
  12. oh I didn't know that! Do you have a link to the details? ps - I played thugs/Storm and yes it is a very fun/powerful set - I just wanted to try something different.
  13. Hi all, Is there a place where I can find a description of what each item does on the P2W vendor? Thank you!
  14. Ended up going with time, and he is at 36 now. It seems to be a very strong secondary, gameplay is smooth. /bind KEY powexeclocation target Distortion Field Makes things easier. I wish the heals in MM in general had longer ranges. I mean fine if I am a melee character - short range to be expected - but a range character? GRRRRRR.... Demons are a blast to play. And I edited my pet attack key to say; petcom_all Attack Defensive I group a lot and they do aggro off once and a while, helps keep them reined in.
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