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Posts posted by desarix

  1. 2 hours ago, leeowensoas said:

    Hard disagree. If anything I think it is incredibly underrated on Scrappers. My purpled out MA/SD does better ST and AoE damage than my purpled out WM/SD, and cheaper on End as well, and we all know how good War Mace is, so that’s sayin somethin.


    Dragon’s Tail, when used in combo with Eagle’s Claw and a Force feedback +rech is all the AoE you need, you can just constantly spam EC->DT->SK/CAK non stop, with Dragon’s Tail and the third attack getting GUARANTEED criticals whenever the CS proc fires (72% of the time as I have it slotted). Thanks to its blazing fast animation, DT does better AoE DPS and is therefore more spammable than almost any other scrapper AoE attack but Claws’ Spin, especially when it’s constantly critting thanks to Eagle’s Claw(+CS Proc). I legit sometimes forget to even use Shield Charge/Judgment because critical Dragon’s tail is so tasty and addictive to spam. I never even thought about taking fireball or cross punch or any other mediocre  additional option, you’re better off just spamming more and more EC->DT. 


    Hint: use Eagle’s Claw with the CS Proc and NO other slotted recharge in the power, and make sure to get a Force Feedback in Dragon’s Tail


    Could you please link your build . I just came back after 3 years away and am eager to try a scrapper. Always adored the MA animations.

  2. Have you tried to command them to attack in defensive mode. This prevents the frequency of them from running off considerably. Only problem is that they won't kill the mob sometimes and leave a sliver of life and you have to ask them to attack again.

  3. I play a thugs /poison build let me tell you ambushes are not your friend. You will die and you will die often because they cannot handle a lot of mobs, against smaller groups it is great but ambushes really display its weakness.

  4. I know this is anecdotal but I made a beasts/sonic and I was only low level but I got 4 orange mobs and 2 yellow in a level 13 mission the arachnos one with Manticore the shining star base one. It was a stupid mistake on my part and bad pull with teleport foe. Anyway I thought okay the beasts are going to die and I will have to resummon them. I had put two Single Origin for resist damage (yeah AH) sheilds and lo and behold they hardly took any damage and actually did better than the beasts/FF build I also have. I was quite surprised how well sonic worked and I had no heals at all. I didn't even use the green candy just loaded them with yellow and red ones.


    I think sonic is really undervalued.

  5. can someone clarify to me why my dudes stand around and do nothing in defensive mode? That is the only mode in which I share damage with them right? Well I seem to only be able to get them to attack anything if I have them attack my target, which immediately pulls them out of defensive mode.


    This is because they are in defensive and will only attack when something attacks you. Often even when they get attacked they will not do anything at all and continue to lose hp until you get hit. Use the command the default attack command aggressive and change it to defensive. So they will target and kill what you target with the command and go back to bodyguard mode after.


    What I normally do is use a debuff on a mob and the mob will attack me and then the pets react.





  6. Wow, six slotted at lvl 35 what about your other powers do you ignore them all in favor of the pets? What about health and stamina too


    Actually by 19 the first and second tier are at least 5 slotted. Granted the others skills are only 3 or some 2 slotted but the pets are what I feel I need for the damage and they need the slots in my opinion. The skills that support in my secondary the more important ones are 3 slotted. This is only at 19. I also try to get the best pet set at a low level and then I just attune them so I don't have to change them until I am ready to change them out for a purple set if I get the money for those.


    Just the way I play of course. Others probably do it differently. I just like my pets to be max slotted fast so they have good accuracy and damage if possible. I can do +2 and with trap and time even +3 if I use teleport foe a lot solo. Of course this is just my way of playing and I'm not saying it is what others do of course.  If I do a shield secondary then the shields are 4 slotted as fast as possible. I have done elite bosses with this set up quite well at lower levels but it does not work with some primaries. They take an even more expensive investment to even do +2 so the primary and secondary choice is also important.

  7. Sell a couple of orange salvage for a million each. Money problems solved.


    When you say summon pets do you mean as an MM. If as mastermind you pets should be 6 slotted at level 35 esp the first two tier ones.

  8. The biggest issue with melee pets is the AOE they are exposed to when they go into melee range. So they are more susceptible to huge damage spikes and all of them get hurt at the same time since they are all near the source of the damage. This is one of the reasons people say beasts are weak.

  9. I know what overwhelming force is but sudden acceleration is something I am not aware of. Which enhancement category is it ?


    I am thinking of a zombie/rad build. No sheilds true and defense is low so ninjas will die all the time but I do love ninjas too. Wish a Ninja/Rad could work.

  10. Apart from the cost of the catalysts yes, that's correct. And even without the luck you can bid on the set at its lowest level in the market and get it at that level even if someone put it up at a different level. So if you intend to attune you might as well always grab it at the lowest level for earliest slotting.


    This is amazing information. I did not know. Thank you. This changes everything. OMG I sold off some low level pet IOs because there were like 200 of them with no bids. I could kick myself. OMG the shieldwall level 10 recipe..... please ,please don't let me have sold it.

  11. Ah ha, more good info!


    Another question on set IOs...can they be of any level, or are some of the set IOs only a certain level or max at a certain level?


    @Redlynne...taking your Time/Dual Pistols/Dark Defender build for example...most of the set IOs you have posted in your build are Level 27. Is this because these sets do not come in higher level versions?



    Since we can attune them, levels for sets don’t matter as much. Merits are easy enough to come by, plus you can trade attuned enhancements now.


    Hang on let me see if I understand this correctly. Let's say I have managed through some sheer luck to get a full set of recipes for an MM pet damage set but the recipes are level 15. Since these are low level recipes their ingredients are also cheaper than their 47 level counterparts. So I then make this pet damage set and then attune it. So are you saying I can use this completed pet damage set to level 50 because it levels with my level and I would have only spent the amount I need for low level ingredients. Is this correct ?

  12. I remember playing the game all those many years ago, I got an nVidia graphics card and it had the PhysX support. When I turned it on, I noticed some amazing stuff - used shells from my (and my pets) guns would not disappear when fired, they'd LITTER THE GROUND. There were shells everywhere, and my powers would affect them. I'd see grenades send shells flying all over the room, storm powers would blast objects and shells everywhere around with gusts of wind.


    My machine these days is light years ahead of that, and while it doesn't have the dedicated PhysX support it used to I imagine it should have no problems handling the extra opjects. Is there any way to turn all those physics objects back on? To make used shells from guns actually stay around and interact with powers? Is there any way to make all that fun and uselessly cool stuff still happen?


    OMG I recall that...damn wish we could have it back.

  13. The mistake was letting heroes play the Villain AT. Look the most popular ATs. Brute and Mastermind and they were villain ATs. They should have kept the separation and a villain can become a hero but had to change their AT. Then you will see a good villain population. Unfortunately they just made a soup of everything, no distinction of being a villain really.

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