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Jiro Ito

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Everything posted by Jiro Ito

  1. Staff Blast An origin-neutral staff blasting set. Your mastery of your staff enables you to steal some of your enemies’ life force to shield yourself from damage. You might be a wizard, focusing your power through any old stick; you might not have any innate magical abilities but managed to pick up a magically-infused wand; or maybe you built yourself a powered staff in your laboratory. Staff Bolt: Single target, minor energy damage, chance to absorb a portion of your enemy’s health in the form of a temporary absorption shield. Blackwand's temporary power attack. Staff Catapult: Single target, moderate smashing damage, chance for knockback (mag 0.67). You use the power of your staff to grab a heavy object and propel it at your enemy at high speed. Gravity's Propel animation, but holding your staff. Staff Blast: 45° Cone, moderate energy damage, chance to absorb a portion of your enemy’s health in the form of a temporary absorption shield. Demon Mastermind's Enchant Demon animation, holding a staff. Staff Barrage: 60° Cone, moderate energy damage, chance to absorb a portion of your enemies’ health in the form of a temporary absorption shield. A Throw Caltrops animation, but holding a staff. Staff Focus: Self +To-Hit, +DMG. Standard build up animation but holding staff. Imprison: Single target, moderate smashing damage, hold. Cage your enemy in a force field you generate with your staff. Demon Mastermind's Abyssal Empowerment animation, but holding staff. Acid Rain: Location AOE, minor toxic damage over time. Rain of Fire animation, but holding the staff in your hand. Transmogrify: Single target. Sniper attack. If enemy is not outright defeated, it is shapeshifted into a harmless dog or cat that cannot move, use abilities or take damage. Summon Demonlings animation, but holding staff. Staff Dominion: PBAoE, extreme energy damage, stun, chance to absorb a portion of your enemies’ health in the form of a temporary absorption shield. Moment of Glory animation, but holding the staff in your hand. Some weapon skin options:
  2. Architect Entertainment is still a thing, why wait for the devs to write your story when you could do it yourself!
  3. I just wanted to point out, AE npcs have the player-version of powers, not the in-game enemy version of the powers, and they typically run stronger. Comparing AE enemies to standard enemies isn't apples-to-apples. Also, isn't knockout blow one of the highest damage powers in the game? Enemies with knockout blow should be wrecking players, especially defenders.
  4. What year is it in City of Heroes? The first Rikti invasion was 2002. Has it been 5 years? 20 years?
  5. "Shard?" Homecoming calls them servers.
  6. Absolutely not. If I wanted the large server experience, I'd play on a large server. I know where they are. This ^
  7. That's funny, I always imagined them to be in the south Caribbean, amongst the French-speaking islands, due to a lot of the French history and influence we see in the Rogue Isles in the game.
  8. We already have animations in the game for the "for fun" frisbee power from the START vendor where you both throw and catch a frisbee. All you would need to do* is swap in a boomerang e voila. *I have no idea how easy the swap is, coding-wise.
  9. No! This is NOT the time management tool I needed lol
  10. Great Value Morrowind, Skyrim (mods!) Fallout 3, 4, New Vegas Planet Coaster Knights of the Old Republic I and II Dragon Age Origins City of Heroes, it turns out! Poor Value Starfield 😞 Dragon Age II and III Any other Star Wars game I've played since KOTOR WoW
  11. Yes the description is an error. Outdoor maps do not have "fronts" or "backs", they are all one thing, so in your example you get 33 only, and only 11 collections. There is also no way to set what spawns where outdoor, like if you wanted an AV to spawn towards the back of the outdoor map. That can only be done on the indoor maps.
  12. I read quickly but not sure I saw anyone mention his endurance drains, which is usually what i have the most trouble with. a base buff of endurance debuff resistance helps a ton if i can remember to grab it before starting, or some blue insps.
  13. rad/rad Glowing One 😉
  14. I've never been able to get a workable arc over 50% file size. I usually start crashing in the 40s and have to start scaling back.
  15. Thanks so much for playing, my friend, and for supporting other authors' work in this cool format!
  16. I have a lvl 50 AE arc with a couple of missions full of optional mobs at level 5 and 35, for story reasons, and it's REALLY fun to jump into the middle of them and use Mighty Judgement to launch them into space. Also, you get to set a giant monster loose on the level 5s, which is funny. It's kind of a one trick pony though.
  17. Nobody said Warshade, so, Warshade? Dark energy damage. Armors. Tank mode. Ranged damage. Self rez. Steal essence self-heal. Steal essence self-HP buff. Steal essence self-rez. Explode dead enemies. Steal essence to create pet. Steal essence self-endurance. Pretty vampiric.
  18. I just wanted to point out that the game's hardest content disables all temp powers like base buffs, START buffs, Shivans, etc, so you'll never see gatekeeping like this.
  19. I do like the idea of plaques or trophies that can be displayed in your base after completing certain badges, tfs and arcs in the game. Bonus if they are clickable to show the date earned (not date placed in the base).
  20. Just because I want Hurricane on ALL of my characters: Weather Mastery Brute, Tank Direct Strike: Ranged (Sniper), Foe -Endurance, Special Hurricane: Toggle: Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe -Range, -To-Hit, Repel, Knockback Thunder Clap: Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Disorient Jet Stream: Ranged (Cone), Foe Knockdown or Repel Tornado: Summon Tornado: PBAoE, Foe Knockback, Fear, Disorient Scrapper, Stalker Direct Strike: Ranged (Sniper), Foe -Endurance, Special Hurricane: Toggle: Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe -Range, -To-Hit, Repel, Knockback Hailstones: Ranged, Foe Chance for Knockdown Jet Stream: Ranged (Cone), Foe Knockdown or Repel Tornado: Summon Tornado: PBAoE, Foe Knockback, Fear, Disorient Dominator O2 Boost: Ally Heal, +Resistance(Disorient, Sleep, Endurance Drain), +Perception Wind Shield*: Toggle, Self, Resist (Energy, Smashing, Lethal) Hurricane: Toggle: Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe -Range, -To-Hit, Repel, Knockback Chain Lightning: Ranged (Chain AoE), Foe -Endurance Tornado: Summon Tornado: PBAoE, Foe Knockback, Fear, Disorient Controller Direct Strike: Ranged (Sniper), Foe -Endurance, Special Wind Shield*: Toggle, Self, Resist (Energy, Smashing, Lethal) Stormwinds: Self, Defense (All), Resist (Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Fear) Jet Stream: Ranged (Cone), Foe Knockdown or Repel Chain Lightning: Ranged (Chain AoE), Foe -Endurance Sentinel O2 Boost: Ally Heal, +Resistance(Disorient, Sleep, Endurance Drain), +Perception Hurricane: Toggle: Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe -Range, -To-Hit, Repel, Knockback Thunder Clap: Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Disorient Keening Winds: Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Foe Confuse, EndDrain, Self +End Tornado: Summon Tornado: PBAoE, Foe Knockback, Fear, Disorient
  21. It certainly reads like something AI generated.
  22. this year it tells you that it has reset your character to level 1
  23. On this note, I'll cast my votes for @Zhym and @TerroirNoir2 for their continued support and amplification of AE writers.
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