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  1. What tool do you use to display your badges , is it easy to install, I am useless at pc stuff, i can barely send an email
  2. I started as a Praetorian, then you have the problem that you wont be able to get the V.I.P. badge, so as far as I know it is not possible to get 100% completion of the badges no matter where you start, if there is a way I cant find it having looked at dozens of badge guides
  3. Thank you so much, I am impressed it has given me some great pointers without me having to experiment as much
  4. Thank you all for your input
  5. I'm using the same , Controllers are my prefered Archetype, if its not a pain to ask this what is your build? I have gone with sorcery as an aditional power set but I am not sure if it was a good move, i am a bit lacking in much that does damage
  6. I was a CoH player back in the day and recently discovered it has been back for a while so I have jumped into the game and have set myself the target of getting all the badges, HOWEVER this is where I am puzzled, there are contradicting things said about if it can be done or not. I have read posts saying you can only do it if you start as a Praetorian, if so why? Others say no need to, it can still be done whatever character you start with. They cant both be right so what is true? Are there any missable badges? What are they and how do I avoid missing them? I am a level 20 Controller in Preatoria and I am wondering if I will need to restart, if so that takes me to my next question. Ffinally, I know people are going to say "whatever you are comfortable with" well I have hit lvl 50 with them all at some point and I like them all equally, but there may be some advantage to picking a particular Archetype that I am unaware of as I havnt gone down the badge collecting road yet, and if so what power sets are best suited to use to get all the badges? Thanks for taking the time to read this, hope you can help an aging gamer out.
  7. Thank you for that, I tried looking for ages on the net but you explained it perfect.
  8. How do I reject inspiration drops and recipe drops. Also how do I get the pay off debt badges? I dony know what to do to get in debt let alone pay it off
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