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  1. Sakai

    Dark Dark builds

    No, you can use up to 5 Boosters to make the enhancement slightly better. There is no effect on Procs so save yourself the time/influence.
  2. There are Badges in the regular sewers?
  3. Sakai

    Extra 0s

    You can boost PvPs? Wonder if I k ew that.
  4. Thats right. He's the Goddamn Stygian Owl.
  5. Sakai

    Diablo IV

    I have a Sorcerer as well, mainly the cold spells. Maybe level 30. Not sure if the game is going to suck me in or not...really miss the monkey from number 3.
  6. Speaking of the Dark Times I also only saw Spiderman in theaters during it all. And we weren't allowed to buy snacks. And they wanted us to wear masks. And did I mention the no snack thing? Was horrible. We hadn't bother to eat figuring popcorn was due 😞 Had they shown Raiders in my area I would have been there. With a bag of snacks.
  7. I kept making Psionic Weapon/Dark Armour of various types...never got out of the low teens. Until the avenging angel concept occurred to me. She didn't hit 50 quickly but it turned into an enjoyable ride and a great deal of fun to work on Incarnate stuff with.
  8. I would like an option to have no visual effects on Fire Armour as well any other set that suffers a similar visual nightmare.
  9. Didn't he drink from the holy graile? Think he will live a while.
  10. Will the names of the low level characters I seem to ignore be changed to Generic 1090091 (or some such thing) or do the names remain on my screen the way they are until someone else decides that they very much want to be gHOUlieZ GotTA gO at which point I lose the name?
  11. Boy I wish I could start TFs from this thing. Would totally make me feel like Adam West Batman getting a clue. Maybe sink it up to Ouro. As well , dare I dream, AE missions and a holodeck training simulation is always at your finger tips.
  12. Is the teleporting a recent change? I also single them out for immediate defeat then move on to other random things. I have never noticed it but maybe I just defeat things that fast 🤔
  13. Sadly the times I use the Random option this is all too true.
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