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Ice Ember

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Posts posted by Ice Ember

  1. 7 hours ago, LKN-351 said:

    Thats a pretty nice build.

    How's it run during prolonged fights, like AVs? Is that end discount proc reliable?



    I dont have endurance issues at all.  The only thing I dislike is fighting carnies because they have a defense to psi attacks.  Dark Regen saves the day and the self rez takes care of me not paying attention.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. this new update to mids is a pain... now I cannot export the datachnk in a link, sorry it is failing tonight



  3. my mids is no longer working after downloading your build.


    I will say my psi/dark is a blast and does very well.  After I figure what is wrong i will post the build and look over yours.

  4. On 2/6/2024 at 10:13 AM, arcane said:

    I just said a T3 costs less than many complete IO builds. Most posters here seem to talk about how IO’s aren’t out of reach like they were on live, so why is a T3 out of reach? Do you have IO’s on your characters?

    I do have IO builds on multiple characters.


    They are benefit to playing.  Costumes are not.


    Opportunity cost.


    And, not every build is stupid expensive.  Between drops and converters many of my builds are cheap, especially since I dont use Winter Sets on everything.  Even transferring hero merits I am reluctant to drop them for winter sets. 


    I get you have much more time to play this game than I do.  Again, opportunity costs. 


    So, when it comes to outfitting another character to play or have a special aura or mini mode... I will pass on the glam.  I would rather do a TF or play a new concept.  I have many characters that will never get IO's because the cost of getting them or playing something better that is already spec'd out.



  5. 12 hours ago, macskull said:

    No, the adjustments (and the ridiculously long recharge on some of the newly-added powers) are based on a design philosophy that epic/patron powers should somehow be lesser versions of in-set powers. Apparently the way this is implemented is by having longer recharge times and endurance costs.


    Of course, these penalties don’t really pass the sniff test these days, and the penalties do a great job of making some powers (or entire pools) DOA.



    My ... didnt convey my snark about the stupid long recharge times for powers now.  I was poking fun at previous reasons fro power changes and such.


    I do agree.  Multiple "epic" pools are not worth taking.


    As another posted, Fold Space is more useful now.  I already had it on multiple characters.  now, I might put it on others too. 


    I actually have Quicksand on my stone tank for thematic reasons, but I will probably drop it now. 

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, ShinMagmus said:

    Just as an aside, a bunch of the new ATTACKS are perfectly fine, but new buff and utility power variations in Recharge time are downright stupid.  Corrs/Defenders getting their iconic and somewhat broken Soul Drain nerfed to Spirit Drain is at least understandable... so hey now it's still a damaging attack on a 120s CD that gives you a buff objectively superior to Build Up.


    "Oh hey look, they're also letting us just take Build Up in Ice Mastery.  Let's just check the numbers and-"


    Build Up has a 180s CD compared to Spirit Drain's 120s.  This is objectively wrong and bad design.  Nobody will ever take Build Up.  If these 2 powers had identical CDs of 120s each, then Build Up would still be the inferior power 99% of the time but it would at least be usable as often.


    I have an Ice Blast Defender and I'd love to take Ice Mastery for theme but not with a 3 minute CD Build Up and a 9 minute CD Hoarfrost.  Nobody is going to take those powers, and I can't honestly believe any of the devs think that we would. 



    There are many powers I will skip because of stupid long recharge times. 

    • Thumbs Up 6
  7. 6 hours ago, arcane said:

    A T3 Aether effect/transformation costs no more than a build for a new alt (substantially less now, in fact). And that’s something most players can pull together in a week or two. I don’t think they cost too much at all. I have 22 mini modes in addition to my main having everything, and I’m perpetually broke.



    I always have to bow down to your greatness with everything you post about how great you are and how great things you achieve over everyone else. You are just amazing.


    now, for the normal people... and I play more than i should.  Tier 3 is out of my reach.  I will not be able to earn enough of the PaP or influence in normal play of task forces and incarnate to have the opportunity cost be worth getting them.



    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. On 1/31/2024 at 11:38 AM, StarkWhite said:

    Y'all can speak for yourselves on "powers nobody will take." Lots of us build *characters*, not perfectly optimized mathematical killbots.

    You know what sucks the fun out of the game? Players who math away anything interesting or different or flavorful in pursuit of brutal efficiency. "This isn't a Fire Blast clone so why bother? Nobody will play this."

    My favorite defender is a time Electric.

    My badge toon is a spines ice brute

    I have multiple controller combinations with electric radiation and earth dark being my favorites. Gravity time is also fun.


    Not everyone plays the optimal character.


    But there are some powers which are terrible because of long recharge or bad functionality which means I will never take them.



    • Thumbs Up 3
  9. The extremely long recharge times and new extended recharge times will make powers absolutely skippable...


    Really, why bother?


    I think I am the only person to take Quicksand on my tank and I will be dropping it next respec.


    Tar Patch will never be considered. Ever.


    If you want the powers to never be selected then leave the long recharge times.


    If you want variety then shorter recharge will make different power selections viable for more builds.





    • Thumbs Up 7
  10. On 1/21/2024 at 12:45 PM, arcane said:

    Figures… for years here you couldn’t find a single soul that would stand up for Telekinesis, and now the old version is everyone’s favorite power. Beanbag Argument 2.0.

    I stopped using it on live after the nerf then.


    Have not used it since. 


    Definitely will not used the new version.

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