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  1. thanks @Greycat for the post. sorry you had to write it all out. i was hoping there was an existing thread, but great info. ill probly just hold out til 35 to start using the generic IOs and dig the system deeper then. slotting and mids isnt something im concerned with greatly, ive seen plenty of those things, it was the guts and bones of it that i couldnt find a good explanation for, and you provided it!
  2. hi there! love the tracker, but am having an issue. the badge dump doesnt seem to work exactly right for me. i can use the log to get the files i get in that play through (for example i went and got all the pratorian explores and used the parser and those load in fine.) but none of the badges i got before that will go in. i used the bind macro in the help, but that doesnt seem to do anything. i just get a "no new badges were found" message. on a side note, it lists me on everlasting and wont let me change it to excelsior, where i actually am lol any help or suggestions would be awesome. thanks! EDIT: so i resolved this. i think it was cause i had an old tequila launch and the newer one, and files for the game in 2 places. so just deleted everything and reDLd the game. it DOES still insist im on everliving instead of excelsior, and wont let me edit it, but maybe i did something wrong there!
  3. thanks for the things to look at. ill go do some info digging on those. much appreciated folks.
  4. hi there, i played coh before it was shut down back in the day. back then i never made 50, so i never got to the endgame enhancements, but i was well aware of the DO/SO usage. playing here though, the IO system, is generally speaking understandable, find or buy the items you need to make them. getting deeper than that is where my issues come in. lets start with: is there a good guide to explaining IOs for dummies? also, as a new player, other than some extremely nice person handing me 141m inf, im obviously not swimming in it. but my questions are going to stand so i can learn for if/when i get to the point i can make more of them. its also not relevant, as im not looking for a build, but im playing a rad/rad defender. thank you for your response(s)
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