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  1. and the admins allow this to be posted, because theyre abusive just like you
  2. this was a waste of time, nobody cares to help anyone in this community... thanks for reminding me...
  3. how come when posting the builds, alot of the enhancements are abbreviated? apologies for not knowing how to interpret them...
  4. thanks everyone for all your suggestions, appreciate the advice...
  5. wanted to create a vampire type character, but kinda lost as to what power sets to choose. any ideas? thanks
  6. its funny how many of those so called "good natured" gamers are really toxic, abusive cyber bullies. you are not allowed an opinion there without being verbally chastised. they have a mob mentality and gang up on 1 person if they dont like what they are saying. an extremely toxic community you have here, and do nothing about it but support them.
  7. i have not received NO emails regarding this why? why do you allow other players to be abusive towards me and i am not allowed to stand up for myself?
  8. the title says it all... and it continues here on the forums... even the moderators are straight up abusive... i pray to god one day all of you will experience what its like to be verbally attacked for asking questions...
  9. is there a thread here that shows the weekly TFs available?
  10. so shouldnt the provider be handling this? it will take days to fix IMHO... because providers couldnt care less about the problems experienced...
  11. here we have another example of an abusive person who likes to embarrass others to make themselves feel good... why would i want to share anything with low life losers like this hanging around?
  12. i have NEVER once sent random messages to players BEGGING them to team up with me... i ask in LFG and there only...
  13. i dont know much about these crafted or special enhancements found on the AH... i have a ice/ice controller and would like to boost it with better enhancements. i dont know where to start, looking at them on the AH confuses me to the point where i quit the game and make a new character... can anyone help me?
  14. i want to know why the community doesnt seem to care about new players who dont know the ropes.... i can never seem to get a full team together, and when i do, they all quit within 1-2 radio missions... then try to recruit and nobody cares to join... whats the use? now i truly see that the world doesnt care and everyone around me is rude and abusive... THAT is what games breed...
  15. how do you rename your global account?
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