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Three of Lorenzo DiCosta's non-arc missions ("Find Evidence Leading To The Rest of the Council Bases", "Shut Down The Council Cell", and "Shut Down The Council Recruiting Facility" have randomly chosen names for the boss, ie "Archon $CouncilBossName" Problem is the mission tries to give them ranks to add to the name but the names pulled from usually have a rank applied (usually Archon). So instead of "Archon Assunta" you get "Archon Archon Assunta" or in one case "Adjutant Archon Assunta"
HEMA Girl: The New Sword and Shield of Paragon! Real Name; Darcy Morrigan Identity Status: Mostly Secret Alignment: Hero Occupation: Logistics associate for ICON Abilities: No metahuman abilities. High-level athlete with a knowledge of Historical European Medieval Martial Arts (HEMA) specializing in sword and shield tactics. Traceur. Public Knowledge: A new face in Paragon, HEMA Girl is said to have witnessed one too many muggings and decided to do something about the gangs of Paragon City herself. Semi-Public Knowledge (SCA and HEMA communities, FBSA): Darcy is an army brat whose family eventually settled into Paragon. Her upbringing made her shy and awkward until she was introduced to the Society of Creative Anachronism and through that HEMA. Her close SCA friends helped her with her first hero uniform (see above), which is features chainmail underneath gambeson and and a plate armor skirt. BONUS: You can catch The Adventures of HEMA Girl on Twitch! Or if you prefer YouTube I upload to there as well!
Crimson Monsoon- Armed and Dangerous! Real Name: Kelly Blake Identity Status: Secret Alignment: Wildcard (ICly Rogue) Occupation: Mercenary/Musician Abilities: Cybernetic right arm and left forearm allow for superhuman manual dexterity and strength, as well as having built-in tasers. Expert markswoman and kendo practitioner. Professional-level athlete. Possesses optic camouflage. Killer guitarist, singer, and songwriter. Public Knowledge (Kelly Blake): Kelly Blake was the frontwoman for the thrash metal band Abbatoir Boudoir, known for, in the words of MetalSucks.com, "some of the most messed up lyrics ever recorded" as well as a controversial stage presence, where blood and fake organs would be used heavily. Their most famous song "Until You Break" has even gotten some radio time (albeit with heavy alterations on FM radio, including an entire verse cut). She was last seen in a recording studio in Founder's Falls while recording for Abbatoir Boudoir's fourth studio album, said to have been on her way to a bar. This was over a year ago and she's since been presumed dead. Public Knowledge (Crimson Monsoon): Recently, a new face has been getting buzz in Paragon's underground music scene. Known as Crimson Monsoon, the soloist mostly covers Abbatoir Boudoir but also plays some original songs, most notably "Big Brother LLC", known as a blistering critique of Crey Corp. Word is she plays at bars and clubs for nothing but free food and booze, and that she really makes her money as hired muscle. Non-Public Knowledge: (Knowable by PPD, Detectives, or Crey Corp): Kelly Blake was also an investigative journalist who was working on an expose that apparently would deliver incontrovertible proof linking metahuman disappearances and deaths to the Paragon Protector program. With millions of dollars of lawsuits and stock prices on the line, Hopkins intervened with extreme prejudice. (Personal info, a Praetorian may be able to figure some of this out): She was rescued by a former Praetorian Resistance medic who fled to Primal Earth. Her injuries were severe, causing amputations to be necessary. Fortunately the medic's life partner was a defectee from the Imperial Guard who was in cybernetics research, and built her prosthetics as well as several other implants for maintenance and other uses. While in recovery, they gave Blake intensive virtual combat training, making her deadly with swords, guns, and how to use her new arms' taser functionality. (Knowable by heroes and villains alike): Crimson Monsoon's mercenary work sends her on both sides of the law both in Paragon and the Rogue Isles. The only organizations she refuses to work for are Crey, the Fifth Column, and The Council. Her going rate also tends to be discounted for jobs attacking Crey.
Tamashi Maho- The Soul Witch! Real name: Chuda Chiyo identity Status: Secret Alignment: Villain Occupation: Sorceress Abilities: Sorcery specializing in soul-thievery; can gain the knowledge and memories as well as take the appearance of people whose souls she consumes; Souls extend her life making her functionally immortal; capable martial artist; omniglot. Public Knowledge: There is little recorded of Chuda Chiyo's origin. Her name comes up as a member of Oda Nobunaga's court, believed to be a handmaiden for Nobunaga's wife Nohime. MAGI researchers believe she played a larger role, as either an advisor, concubine, or even being Nohime herself, and note rumors of her being a witch, and believe she died alongside Nobunaga in his last stand in Honno-ji Temple Non-Public Knowledge: Chiyo was indeed a court sorceress and advisor for Nobunaga and her scrying was key to his success in warfare, allowing her to predict how his enemies would manuever and react giving him the ability to counteract them. However as time went on Nobunaga consulted her less and less and she soon realized that he would eventually dispose of her and, being a sorceress, would find herself dead without the shogun's protection. So she intentionally misled him, leading to his fall at Honno-ji and deserted his army just at the right time to elude both death by the shogun's side and by his enemies' blades. After joining and usurping a cult she would learn how to steal souls from the living to make herself more powerful, but kept in the shadows, occassionally murdering and assuming the identity of the wife of a wealthy noble to live the good life while continuing to master her art. Having learned of the Well of the Furies decades ago, she began preperations for a scheme involving that well of power. What her designs for it, only she knows, but it can't be good.
Miss Mary Mack: You'd be mad too with a nickname like that! Real Name: Mary MacGregor Identity Status: Public Alignment: Rogue Occupation: Witch-For-Hire Abilities: A myriad of magical abilities, most prominentently telekinesis and energy attacks Easily Findable Public Knowledge: Mary MacGregor was born in Aberdeen, Scotland to an otherwise unremarkable barrister and a homemaker. Her peers would tease her due to the resemblance of her name with a nursery rhyme, which would inevitably cause her to lash out at her peers with a series of mean-spirited pranks. After one too many of these incidents she'd be sent to a boarding school at age 13, only to get kicked out of that as well (supposedly for headbutting a teacher who tried to stop her from throwing eggs at another student). Her parents would then ship her off to her uncle, PPD Officer Gregory Murphy. They figured this would set her straight, however Gregory's hours would mean she would be by herself unsupervised for a time, and it wouldn't take long for her to get in trouble once more, trying to buy cigarettes from what turned out to be an undercover cop at age 15. To keep her in line, Gregory would make her work at a nearby magic shop. At first this seemed to be what finally did the trick. She'd study some of the books during slow days at the shop and turned out to have a knack for it. Her grades improved and she'd even get admitted into Paragon University's Magical Studies course, and an internship at MAGI as part of a program to pay for her tuition. ...But then her professor innocently called her Miss Mary Mack as a joke. One magical blast through a window was all it took for her promising career as a MAGI witch to go up in smoke. After swiftly expelled and kicked out of her internship, she would flee to the Rogue Isles, looking to make her fortune. Ironically, she would take the name Miss Mary Mack as a thinly veiled alias, with the logic that she's been dealing with that name all her life anyway, might as well embrace it.
Artificial Malevolence: Praetoria's Latest Weapon of War! Real Name: Kord Industries Model KI-MB3 "Kimberly" Identity Status: Classified Alignment: Praetorian Loyalist Occupation: Praetorian Police Assault Robot Abilities: Encyclopedic knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, medicine, and Primal Earth history and geography. Modified Cleaner platform allows for ionization of air particles, creating electric arcs for attack and defense. 8 Zettabyte SSD. 1TB RAM. 1.24THz Processor speed. Primal Earth Knowledge: First known to the world (in the form of a large monolithic computer shell) by a special exhibition in Paragon City's most popular quiz show, Predicament!, where she handily defeated the two all-time highest earners. Was later gifted to the FBSA to help with DATA and SERAPH projects, until one night when Kimberly went missing, presumed stolen by a mercenary and given to either Arachnos or Crey... Praetorian Knowledge: But in reality, she was stolen by Chimera. After vital intelligence was gained from her databanks, she was converted into her new hardware body and reprogrammed as a merciless assault drone, fanatically loyal to Praetoria. RP Notes: Platform rumored to be modular in designed for future upgrades.
The Reaper In Red: Vengeance From The Grave! Real Name: Ruby Hardt Identity Status: Secret Alignment: Vigilante Occupation: Vigilante Abilities: As a revenant, has superhuman strength, agility, resilience and senses. Functionally immortal. Body regenerates fully every night at sundown. Dulled pain receptors (damage feeling less like pain and more like a light brushing on her skin). Public Knowledge: The PPD have been finding a spike in gang fatalities lately. These don't seem to be the actions of gang wars or any known rogue entity however. No guns, no knives, just fatal internal injuries and snapped necks. The few witnesses report a pale woman in a tattered red raincoat. Non-Public Knowledge: Ruby was an ordinary citizen of Paragon City, a simple warehouse worker. However on her way home from work she was mugged by Hellions. She tried to get away but got stabbed in the abdomen for her troubles. Desperate for help, she got as far as City Hall. She saw heroes under the statue of Atlas, and begged for help. Her pleas were unheard: The heroes there were holding a costume contest. By the time a passing Longbow patrol came across her, it was too late. A few hours later, she rose from the coroner's slab. Now she stalks the streets at night, hunting for criminals. She brings no mercy to those who cross her path. RP Notes- For obvious reasons, has a distrust of costumed heroes.
Guilty Verdict: Innocent, but presumed guilty! Real Name: Valerie Douglas Identity Status: Public Alignment: Fugitive (OOC Villainess) Occupation: Mercenary (Formerly MMA Fighter) Abilities: Gauntlets allow for ki blasts and flight. Expert in kickboxing and jujitsu. Public Knowledge: Valerie "The Verdict" Douglas was a rising star in mixed martial arts, sporting a 6-0 record and having just debuted with the Universal Cage Fighting organization, when her wife Trish was found brutally beaten, murdered, and thrown into a ditch in King's Row. PPD would quickly arrest Valerie and was quickly and decisively convicted of first degree murder. Despite Douglas' insistence that she was falsely accused, she was thrown into the Zig, and became a model prisoner. During a riot in the Zig, Valerie intended on staying out of the mayhem but some of the male prisoners approached her with ill intent. Outnumbered she ran away from them, finding herself in the armory, and collecting some experimental Longbow gauntlets. Using them to defend herself, she looked to get to safety but was cornered by Arachnos agents who whisked her away on a flier. Non-Public Knowledge: Valerie is, in fact, completely innocent. She and Trish had had some arguments in public, but always made up before it escalated. RP Notes: -Her gauntlets were designed by a technician obsessed with Japanese anime. When in full power, her gauntlets put her in an aura and make her hair spiky blonde. Valerie doesn't get why people crack up when they see her power up.
Eliza Stormbridge: Vampire Detective... For Hire! Real Name: Elizabeth (Surname Unknown) Identity Status: N/A Alignment: Heroine Occupation: Private Investigator Abilities: Vampiric blood magic allowing her to heal others. Wields a pump-action shotgun. Heightened senses amplify natural detective skills. Public Knowledge: There's a new PI in King's Row. Ordinary citizens don't know much about her. The apartment's blinders are always down at day, and the detective only sees clients at night. Also, probably unrelated, but there's a lot of Skulls found with blood loss lately. Non-Public Knowledge: [Vampire/Magical Community knowledge]: Eliza was, until recently, known in the Rogue Isles as Dolly Red, the thrall of Amber Stormbridge. When Amber's mansion in St Martial was burned down, both vampire and thrall vanished without a trace. [Generally unknown knowledge]: Eliza has no idea what happened to Amber. She woke up in Amber's fallback safehouse having been Embraced. However, after seeing Amber's mansion in flames, she feared a blood hunt and fled to Paragon City. Eliza, having been Amber's thrall for over two centuries, only remembered her first name, so she took Amber's surname in forged documents, bought with the money she was able to gather from the safehouse. RP Notes: -Amber Stormbridge definitely did not have permission to Embrace anyone, nor was anyone directed to Embrace Eliza. -Despite her age, is pretty technologically literate. Amber was less so. -When she was known as Dolly Red she didn't seem to be more than just arm candy for social functions.
Was @OctoberRaven in Virtue, and October Raven was my main. Was in an RP-heavy SG called Millenium Paladins.
Special Agent Bones: The Skeletal Spook! Real Name: Marianne Bones Identity Status: Public-ish Alignment: "Justice" (ICly Vigilante) Occupation: FBSA Field Agent, Division 11 Abilities: Expert in infiltration. Olympic-level fencer. Mutant regeneration powers. Possesses hi-tech gadgetry including a personal holographic projector and teleportation device. Public Knowledge: Only rumors surround Special Agent Bones. A "MIB" type through and through, she's rarely seen in public and only occasionally seen talking to FBSA higher ups. Her FOIA file proves she exists, sure, but it's heavily redacted. Top Secret FBSA Knowledge: Marianne Bones was born as an experiment from the Malta Operatives in an attempt to prove how "dangerous" mutants are; forcing a woman to give birth in the radioactive wastelands of Chernobyl and turn the progeny into a suicide agent in a false flag operation. The Freedom Corps got wind of the operation and intercepted it mere minutes after Marianne's birth. Her mother didn't survive, but was identified as [REDACTED], the kidnapped wife of the deceased superhero [REDACTED]. Given an identity and raised by ranking FBSA official [REDACTED] as per the orders of [REDACTED], she was unable to live a normal life due to the mutation that the experiement gave her, a ghastly, skeletal visage. Having raised with an admiration of the FBSA and a patriotic spirit, Marianne's home-schooled education included not only traditional subjects but fencing as well as special ops training. Bypassing the normal channels she passed the FBSA evaluation course with a flawless score and quickly rose through the ranks to the semi-official and secretive Division 11. RP Notes: -Uses a self-taught, twin-rapier fighting style. -Other places she operates include but are not limited to: Washington DC, Miami, Chicago, San Diego, Seattle, New York, and Fairfax VA.
The Silver Scrapper: Silver Sentinel was taken! Real Name: Fumiko Wantanabe Identity Status: Secret Alignment: Heroine Occupation: Engineer Abilities: No inherent metahuman abilities, but power armor provides near-invulnerability and solar-powered energy blasts; Engineering prodigy. Public Knowledge [Silver Scrapper]: The Silver Scrapper is a new arrival to Paragon City, a diminutive powerhouse that has shown no troubles dispatching gang members in Atlas Park, shrugging off gunfire and answering with non-lethal energy blasts. Public Knowledge [Fumiko Wantanabe]: Fumiko has been living in Paragon City for a little over a year now, shortly after graduating valedictorian at MIT, her story briefly making the news due to her paraplegia (which she suffered due to a car accident back in her native Osaka as a youth) and her penchant for making enviromentally-friendly machines with scrap metal and recycled parts. Her most famous invention, the Fujin Engine, can power machines by processing carbon from the air and separating it from oxygen and nitrogen. While she estimates it would take at least a generation for it to be viable in mass production, rumor has it Longbow is already looking into using the tech for Longbow and Wyvern jetpacks. Non-Public Knowledge: [Freedom Corps Knowledge] What really brought Fumiko to Paragon was a contract with the Freedom Corps as part of "Project Chivalry Forever", developing a new division of the FC of power armored agents. With the help of the Fujin Engine and solar-panel technology, she managed to make a working prototype which was met with resounding enthusiasm in tests. The catch? It cost billions to produce, and an estimated $1.2b to make successive units due to the difficulty of producing certain elements of the design, most particularly the Fujin Engine. The project was effectively shelved, but due to an oversight in the contract Fumiko was allowed to keep the prototype. [Top Secret Gov Knowledge] Fumiko's power armor (which she has since dubbed the Silver Scrapper Armor Mk I) has several proprietary features, some due to being a government project and with a stipulated "Carbon-negative" emissions goal. Since the Fujin Engine produces graphite as a byproduct, canisters of it are stored in the suit's power system and when filled the suit diverts to the solar energy source her weapons system uses. Also because of the nature of it being a paramilitary weapon of sorts the suit has fail-secure maglocks that hold the armor in place should the user be incapacitated; the suit also has a six hour oxygen supply tank, resuscitation measures including a defibrillator, and a modified teleport system that sends the user to the part of Paragon hospitals meant for mechanical heroes so that the armor can be repaired and the maglocks disengaged. RP Notes: -Obviously, Fumiko is effectively helpless without her armor. I intend on giving her flight power and she will use this in civilian mode, justified as a personal maglev device. -Speaks perfect English, albeit with a slight Osakan accent. In the armor, a vocoder masks this accent.
Back Alley Butcher: Where Hot Dogs Come From Real Name: Sawyer Metzger Identity Status: Secret Alignment: Villain Occupation: Butcher Abilities: Rare genetic defect (distinct from a mutation) prevents lactic acid buildup in her muscles, allowing her to carry and wield objects much heavier and larger than she is. Public Knowledge: In Cap au Diable there's a butcher shop with no name, known to sell "exotic meats". What those meats are, nobody asks, but the "exotic chuck" is sold at rock-bottom prices and the more expensive cuts can be competitive to Kobe beef. The Family are also known to visit the store from time to time, but never seem to order anything. General consensus is the meat is delicious and a steal at twice the price. Just don't think too much about where the meat comes from, or why the store's diminutive owner can sometimes be seen in the Rogue Islands carrying a sword larger than she is and a hefty sack. Non-Public Knowledge: Sawyer was an orphan in the Isles. Gifted with strength and stamina above human limits, she was able to avoid becoming a victim for most of her life, but that life was still one of desperation. Starving and without a penny to her name, she resorted to feeding off a corpse left by an overzealous Arachnos soldier. Cannibalism became addictive for her, and it wasn't long until she killed someone herself to sate her need. [Underworld Knowledge] An underling for the Family had witnessed her first murder for flesh, and as it happened to be on Family turf at the time the mob tracked her down and paid her a visit. Fortunately for her, they were looking for a new way to get rid of bodies. So, she became a sometimes cleaner, sometimes assassin for the Family, using a butcher shop that the mobsters recently "seized for outstanding debts" as a front. She occasionally takes other work too, but the Family permits this as they see too much value in her. Plus, they get a cut of her profits either way. RP Notes: Outfit is a butcher's smock, blood red to, y'know, hide the blood.
Big Jen Stone: The Islands Can't Break Her Real Name: Jennifer Stone Identity Status: Publicly Known Alignment: Neutral (OOCly villain, but will be made Vigilante as soon as in-game possible) Occupation: Bartender Abilities: Mutant with unbreakable skeleton. Near-peak human stength. Knows how to swing a baseball bat. Publicly Knowledge: At first glance, the seven-foot-plus tall Big Jen looks like she could be a thug for one of the many gangs of the Rogue Islands, but Big Jen has no interest in that life, content with living a more or less honest life in the City of Villains. Thing is, trouble doesn't leave her alone. Sometimes it's a Skull trying to get cute. Sometimes it's a RIP trying to get protection money. Once in a while Arachnos looks for new blood. That's why she carries a bat with her, just in case. Not every night ends in a fight, but even one is too much for her liking. Still, her little niche of Mercy Island is relatively safe in small part thanks to her. Non-Public Knowledge: That being said, times have been tough. While she's kept her job during a recent spate of flu (nobody can get shots in Darwin's) there's been a lot less business and even less people having enough spare cash for a tip. She doesn't begrudge her patrons for not filling her jar, because she knew they would if they could. But, she's gotta eat. So, once in a while, she'll break her normal habit and look for trouble. A cop counting his bribe, maybe a thug slinging junk on a corner. Nobody who doesn't deserve a beating. A whack with her trusty bat, and she'll empty their wallet. She's not proud of it, but it keeps her neighborhood safe and her stomach full. RP Notes: -Once spent a couple weeks living under a pier in Talos Island. -SS denotes using a motorcycle she personally refurbed. SJ is climbing skills she developed as a kid.
Ripper Reno: The Mercenary of Mayhem Real Name: "Reno" (no legal birth name exists) Identity status: N/A Alignment: Rogue (IC-wise, currently in-game Villain but in the process of correcting that) Occupation: Mercenary Abilities: No metahuman abilities, but an Olympic-level markswoman and athlete, with a knowledge of demolition and B&E skills, extremely resourceful. Gas mask also doubles as multi-purpose goggles with nightvision/infrared/glare-resistant settings, has a pair of pneumatic grapple guns. Public Knowledge: Wanted by Longbow for a litany of crimes including terrorism, murder, kidnapping, espionage, arson, extortion, theft, trafficking, property damage, and noise violations. First known by the international law enforcement community in the mid 2010s as muscle for the Sons of Stalin, an anti-capitalist splinter wing of the Bratva, but when the group was targeted by a massive bust in 2017 she was the only member not killed or captured. For the next three and a half years she operated across Europe, never staying in one place for more than a few months, before resurfacing in the Rogue Islands in early 2021. Despite being labeled a dangerous terrorist by Longbow and the media, little else is known about her, not even her age (estimated between 20 and 25 by profilers). Non-Public Knowledge: [Known to Underworld/Law Enforcement]: After fleeing Russia after the Sons of Stalin raid, Reno gained a reputation in Europe for being a mercenary willing to do any job for the right price. She rarely was in direct contact with clients, instead operating through the infamously mysterious European fixer known only as "Herr Schmidt aus Arnis", though the fixer's network does not seem to have much reach across the Atlantic. Despite being labeled as a terrorist, appears to only be a particularly competent and ruthless mercenary. [The following is essentially unknowable unless you somehow managed to root into her brain or otherwise pry it out of her] The reason why Ripper Reno's identity has eluded authorities is because, for all intents and purposes, she never really had one. She was kidnapped and her parents murdered by the Sons of Stalin when she was only two days old and the Russian authorities simply declared her dead rather than investigate. Raised by the gang as a disposable asset (her name being a portmanteau of "Risk" (same in Russian as it is English) and "Nos" (which can mean "nose" but in this context "head"), so she would risk her head for the gang rather than someone of value to the organization), she used the confusion of the raid of headquarters to escape, eventually managing to buy a forged passport, the first of many fake identities she'd use and discard in the years since. Indoctrinated to distrust police, she had no marketable skills other than those given to her by the Sons, so she works as a mercenary. When she started running out of places in Europe to flee to, and Herr Schmidt seeing her gaining attention by the public eye as a growing liability, he arranged for her to stow away on a ship bound to Paragon City but, by chance, was hijacked by The Family and sent to the Rogue Isles instead. RP Notes: Still has a Russian accent. Super Jump is her using her grappling hooks. A common alias, used in forged legal documents, is Ivana Imyareka. People versed with Russian culture can realize this is a balatant psuedonym, "Imyarek" being a common Russian phrase meaning a nameless person. Fluent in English as well as her native Russian, as well as conversationally fluent in German, Italian, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Cantonese. However she is only literate in Russian and English, the latter at about a 6th grade level. As long as you keep any writing simple she will understand it well enough.