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Posts posted by ColdHeart

  1. This is beginning to get under my skin now. I have tried everything. I thought it was Tequila at first so I switched to the HC launcher, doesn't solve anything.
    Some days the game works swimmingly other days it works like dog shit, like today. I can't even play for 2 mins without it going haywire. What does it do?: I'll be playing the game normally, it freezes, cuts to a black screen with the music looping, then it kicks me out of the game to a white screen with a pop window that says: City of Heroes has stopped working a program has caused the game to stop working properly. Windows is checking for a solution.
    Does anyone else have this problem and how would I fix it? Maybe it's the drivers? Updated. I ran the file as admin and changed the compatibility. I have no idea what is causing can anyone help me figure this out??? This game is unplayable like this! 
    Does anyone know what kinds of drivers are needed to play this game functionally?

    It will say things like: 
    Display driver Nvidia windows kernel mode driver version 47304 has stopped working

    Anyone know of a driver that might be compatible for the game I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 TI and apparently the above listed version does not work either that or it is over heating but since it works swimmingly for hours without giving me an issue and this same thing happens to other games it leads me to believe it may be the driver...maybe overheating but further testing it required.

  2. 8 hours ago, UltraAlt said:


    I don't know how old your computer is or what version of windows you may be running (if you are running windows at all)

    Have you run all your Windows updates?

    if you are using the hard drive launcher click on the ... in the window for the server  you are launching and click on verify.

    Have you done a full hard drive scan for viruses?

    If you virus checker can do it, I would have it run a registry cleaner.

    Clear all the cookies from your browsers.

    Gave you run a check on your hard drive to check for damage sectors?



    Right click on the number in one of the extra trays. Click on close tray. Continue doing this until all the extra trays are closed.


    Are you viewing the game on a television?

    if so, you may have to go in and change the frame size, because it looks like to me that you are not seeing the whole screen image. It looks like the Hit Point bar is off the top of the screen on the right. 


    Try typing /menu to get into the option and set everything to default and see if that helps.


    Truth be told my PC has always worked fine throughout the years and I never saw an issue to replace it. Normally unless something breaks or dies I would replace and I have not done that here. The only games that have given me an issue similar to this one are: CoH, WoW, and ESO. Gw2, LoL, RIFT, FF14 have run swimmingly...
    Also no not all updates are available this latest one had an error and could not do it. 
    Hard drive launcher...I clicked it from an icon on the desktop background. I will try that.
    Full scan for viruses I have Microsoft Security Essentials do a scan and it seems fine.
    I may have to clear all cookies and do a hard drive scan.
    Check for damage sectors? Not sure how to do that I can Google it.

    All really helpful, thank you.

  3. 8 hours ago, UltraAlt said:


    I don't know how old your computer is or what version of windows you may be running (if you are running windows at all)

    Have you run all your Windows updates?

    if you are using the hard drive launcher click on the ... in the window for the server  you are launching and click on verify.

    Have you done a full hard drive scan for viruses?

    If you virus checker can do it, I would have it run a registry cleaner.

    Clear all the cookies from your browsers.

    Gave you run a check on your hard drive to check for damage sectors?



    Right click on the number in one of the extra trays. Click on close tray. Continue doing this until all the extra trays are closed.


    Are you viewing the game on a television?

    if so, you may have to go in and change the frame size, because it looks like to me that you are not seeing the whole screen image. It looks like the Hit Point bar is off the top of the screen on the right. 


    Try typing /menu to get into the option and set everything to default and see if that helps.


    There's a lot here to unpack so i will take it one step at a time: I got the 2nd issue solved with the trays so thank you SuggestorK!
    I am viewing the game on a monitor not a tv. I thought that HP bar being at the top right is normal but it is a monitor.

    As per how old my PC is I'd say it is really old around....2014ish I can show you the specs if need be? No I have not run all the updates but the issue I have is this: Display driver Nvidia windows kernel mode driver version 47304 has stopped working. And I just uninstalled and reinstalled and the game was working swimmingly yesterday all day...Anyway here are the specs: (If this helps)

    PC specs 2.JPG

    Specs PC.JPG

  4. But how is overheating an issue? Some days it works fine. In fact when I try to play the game it changes my background from an Asus look to a more windows 7i-sh look after it clears itself up. The reason being is that when I turn the PC on for the first time during the day and open the game it gives me that issue. All I do is browse the web.

    I am having a second issue in game and I have no idea how to fix it. It's this:  I have no idea how to fix it.



  5. This is beginning to get under my skin now. I have tried everything. I thought it was Tequila at first so I switched to the HC launcher, doesn't solve anything.
    Some days the game works swimmingly other days it works like dog shit, like today. I can't even play for 2 mins without it going haywire. What does it do?: I'll be playing the game normally, it freezes, cuts to a black screen with the music looping, then it kicks me out of the game to a white screen with a pop window that says: City of Heroes has stopped working a program has caused the game to stop working properly. Windows is checking for a solution.
    Does anyone else have this problem and how would I fix it? Maybe it's the drivers? Updated. I ran the file as admin and changed the compatibility. I have no idea what is causing can anyone help me figure this out??? This game is unplayable like this!

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