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  1. Thanks for the replies. I just picked up Arcane Bolt to help speed up my offensive ability (thanks August Drake). I had thought that you couldn't spec out of any trees that you went into but I just read that you can spec out of anything but Main/Secondary powers. Right now my only offense is PA, Spectral Wounds & (as of today) Arcane Bolt. I was also using Black Wand, Nemesis Staff & Sands of Mu. I'm going to pick up some Plasmatic Tasers and give it a shot (thanks Riverdusk). Cheers!
  2. Thanks for the suggestion. My original controller was Illusion/Rad and I wanted to try something different. Last night I leveled my Illusion/Dark controller to Level 8 and I can see why everyone was recommending other secondaries besides dark for solo play (not much offense so far). I'm hoping it will get much better when I get PA. Thanks for the advice everyone. Cheers!
  3. Thanks for the advice! Reading your posts I have found out how little I actually know. I haven't played the game in a long time (close to 10 years) and I think I will just roll an illusion/dark build as my first character for practice. I'm going to use Carnifax's character template that was in the post Riverdusk referred to and I will refer back to 5099y_74c05's post when I learn the game more. I will also make sure that I buy Attuned equipment. Cheers!
  4. Hello Everyone, I am looking for Recommendations on Controller Builds. City of Heroes is my favorite MMORPG of all time and I just found out about the Private Servers! I played an Illusion Controller on live and really enjoyed the gameplay. I mainly play solo due to time restrictions but enjoy grouping when I have time. I would like to find a build that can solo almost any content and that really shines at endgame. I would also like to PVP eventually but that won't be my focus right away. If anyone has an amazing Controller build they want to share that's great at soloing and reasonably efficient I would appreciate it. I have read through a bunch of posts in the Controller section and it looks like Illusion/Dark could be fun and powerful but I'm not set on that. I really don't have the experience to know what is going to be a very strong build and I am looking for help from experienced controllers. Thanks in advance! Cheers!
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