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About Acidon

  • Birthday July 10

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  1. (SOLVED) - And I feel like an idiot. There is a mod called, "Original Login Screen UI Select SFX" that I did not have installed. I know. Ridiculous on my part. I do not know whether to delete this or keep it here for any other dum-dums like me. 😃 Please let me know. Thank you. -------------- First, thank you to the wonderful person that put together to new application and logistics of adding mods to the game. Originally, when hitting the initial buttons while logging in, they had that boing-ing sound. Now, It's not. I can't for the life of me figure out what mod I am using that would change that sound. I know I should systematically uninstall them until I figure it out, but my other concern is, what if it's a mod that I had previously installed that did not mention that change? At any rate, I was wondering if anyone knew off the top of their head where it comes from or what replaces it, really any information you may have. Thank you all and have a great day. And please let me know if this was the wrong place to ask this question. Thank you. BTW - Everlasting > Cake 🎂
  2. I just wanted to give you a HUGE thank you for this guide. I played the original and when it was sunset, I was so heart broken. When I discovered Homecoming, imagine my excitement. Your guide is absolutely perfect for what I would like to get out of the game this time around. I want to experience as much as possible! You are so great for putting this together, which couldn't have been easy, then sharing it with everyone. Thank you!
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