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  1. Once you click the tick box that says "Temporal Warrior (PVP)", how different will your character be in comparison to other people's characters other than being a PVP only character? I myself isn't sure what a "PVP only character" means.
  2. Oh. I know about the Enhance button. 😀 What I meant is I'm not sure if my current Enhance method is the quick enhance or the full enhance(that you mentioned in your post with the 3 pics), so how do I make sure I'm doing the full enhance?
  3. Where is the button for full enhance in Krea? I can't seem to find it.
  4. To the writers in the Original City of Heroes Team; Whenever someone puts the words "spider" and "hero" together, almost instantly everyone will think of *that* superhero. Was it the intention of the writers to turn that concept on it's head or take a jab at the superhero by creating villain group Arachnos? (No disrespect meant 😀)
  5. For those using KREA, is there a way to "edit" or "tell" the AI to make the Enhanced face look to be of a certain race, cause there was once an asian looking character turned out looking white after I tried Enhancing the character.
  6. I posted this just for the lols before but this time I think I'm really going to really create a yet unnamed character for play this time.(Why did Krea give him human hands(?!)
  7. Finally Luddite Torch Bearer with Luddite Friar behind him.
  8. Since we are already talking about Krea, I used some of my old enemy screenshots and enhanced them using Krea. I'll display them here. Hope this is still on-topic. First up Red and Green Coralax Hybrid unenhanced and enhanced. Then we have Penumbra Gunner also unenhanced and enhanced
  9. I am a level 22 Katana/Willpower Brute. Earlier on I read in the Combat tab I used a Taunt on the Scrapyard Ghost although I don't remember activating a power with a Taunt. These are the Powers I currently have. When I checked the Powers, I found that only Dragon's Roar is a Taunt and I'm very sure I didn't activate it. What could be the Power that has an auto-taunt while being activated that I could have overlooked? Also, generally what further Powers in Katana(that I don't have yet) that I should avoid using if I don't want to attract attention from very powerful enemies that I can't fight yet? Thanks in advance.
  10. How do you find out the full name of any particular Enhancement name that has been shortened? Is there a thread in this forum that has a list of the full names?
  11. What do the words that I circled in red mean? Is SprDfnBrr-Rchg/+Status Protect(A) supposed to be an Enhancement? Are those other similar-looking words that I did not circle also meant to be a shortened descriptions of Enhancements?
  12. Ain't that right. 😂
  13. I don't remember clearly but if my fuzzy memory is correct, then I recall somebody telling me to be clear of EXP Debts before going on a DFB mission. So will having a high amount of Debt somehow drag down the EXP of the other team members and cause them to kick you out before going on a mission? Sorry for the ignorant question.
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