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  1. I thought about that, but then why even give the vertical option and not make it a ground based teleport like Shield Charge? But, fine, gimme a 6 second QoL hover built in and I'll deal with the three jump limit and I won't question why Mystic Flight gets unlimited jumps. What can I say, my 2 favorite travel powers are Superspeed and Teleport. 😉
  2. Every time I select this power, I remember why I don't take it. Basically a clone of Superspeed, but instead of phase shift and the added Momentum vertical movement from Issue 27, Speed of Sound is stuck with a broken teleport power. Why do I plummet like a stone tanker in Granite when I Jaunt up in the air? For the love of Mike, can we please get a built-in hover mechanic? The days of having to take hover with any other teleport power are long gone. The base hover time even increased from 6 seconds to 15 seconds for every other power, but nothing for Jaunt. Yes, I can use binds, but there was a reason many teleporters took hover back in the day. I know big changes to Experimentation would take a Power Pool update, but for a stretch goal, can we get rid of the 3 jump limit? Speed of sound, with it's limit of 3 jumps actually had me convinced that the Mystic Flight had the same limit of 3 jumps for the longest time. Then on my way to stop by and see Ada after the 2 minute warning, I was shocked to see that I could jump on an on and on. So short term, please keep me from dropping like a granite tanker. Long term, release the shackles! No jump limits!
  3. Hi, I had no issues yesterday. Saw there was a patch and reloaded the HC Launcher. I can log-in, and choose a server, but when I do I get this message. This is my version I figured out how to check for updates on the launcher, but confirms this is the newest version. I guess I need to run the patcher? No clue on where that is or what I need to do. Anyone able to help?
  4. When this came out I had it on a couple of alts but hated that it didn't take sets. But I've been on a few teams and seeing it in action, makes me want to give it another shot. I kind of figured that by now, it would have been adjusted to take sets, but sadly no. Is there any way we can get a very minor debuff added to it so we can slot one of the following sets in the power? Any of the Accurate To-Hit Debuff, Accurate Defense Debuff or Stuns sets would seem to fit the power thematically.
  5. Can we get the option, when creating a level 50 recipe, to either create the LVL 50 OR the attuned version of the recipe? You already got the drop, it's max level, why should you have to pay a catalyst penalty? If you are taking a LVL 25 and attuning it, then I can understand that you should have to use a catalyst, because you are potentially boosting an enhancement to it's max level, and yes, maybe you should pay a catalyst fee to do that. I've seen the suggestions of crafting the recipe then selling the enhancement, then buying the attuned version at the same cost to save money on the catalyst, but this never seems to work out for me and I seem to overspend trying to get the enhancement. There is a breaking point where it does make sense to just craft and then catalyst, but frequently it's a money sink. I end up with a lot of yellow recipes, but sometimes it seems like they are useless. Yes, you can use converters, at about 650k influence for 10 and try and convert them to a rare, but maybe I'd like to use that Multi-Strike or Doctored Wounds on my lowbies in the 20-30 range. For instance, on this recipe Multi-Strike Acc/Dam Cost to craft 490,400 inf Cost of materials: usually under 5-10k Cost to catalyst: ~ 1 million Total Cost to craft & catalyst 1.5 million Cost currently on the market (avg of last 5 sales): ~ 572k So I end up crafting the recipe and never using it or selling the recipe for 5k at a vendor. I'd even be happy to pay extra for the crafting price to make it attuned, maybe an additional 50% up to 100%, if there is too much push back on doing it for the normal crafting price. I also would like to consider doing the same thing for any recipes that is capped out at level 30 or 40, but I'm trying to reduce the freak-out to my overall suggestion. 😆
  6. Ok, just hoping there was another answer. Thanks for the quick response!
  7. So I am pretty sure the answer is no, but I've been gobsmacked before, so I'm asking just to make sure because what I do now drives me nuts lol. Is there anyway you can take a level 50 enhancement and use a catalyst to convert it to the attuned version, without slotting it in an existing level 50 character? For instance I have some lvl 50 PVP enhancements in my base. If I want to take my brand new level 10 brute, fresh off a couple of DFB runs and grab a few out of the bin, convert them, and then slot them, is there a way to do that? Currently, my process is this: 1 Drag out a 50. 2. Spend either influence on a few unslotters to remove existing enhancements, add the ones I want to attune, then use more unslotters to remove and then put the original enhancements back. OR occasionally when I have a backlog that I want to attune, I get said 50, create a 2nd or 3rd build. Spend time leveling it up to 50, slotting everything attuning everything, then doing a respec so I can then remove all of the attuned enhancements, and then change my build back so I'm not surprised when I log in the next time. To clarify further, these are enhancements never placed on a character, just drops that I've crafted and stored. I'll gladly be embarrassed at my lack of knowledge, again, if there is another way to do this 😁.
  8. I also had problems. I logged into beta this morning to play around with Maritime. While on test, I was experiencing rubber-banding, slow loading, delays in powers firing off. Figured it was just an issue with the test server. When I did go back to live, I kept getting this message "Can't connect to DBserver". Wasn't able to find any issues on my end, but nothing was being reported on the Forums. I was also able to log back into beta, with the same issues, but at least I could get in. Just tried to log in to live again before hitting the sack and was finally able to get in, but very slow loading. Not sure why logging into beta would affect live, but I had no problems last night playing.
  9. Slotting questions for the new power effects. 1) Tide Pool accepts Slow Movement sets, but, at least on controllers, the power description and detailed info both only give this info: +24.00%% strength to all damage for 4m 5s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements unresistable. So no information on the amount of - Jump or Run speed is displayed. Can you enhance the slow and the description is just missing? Or just proc it up? 2) Brine allows Accurate Healing! So anti-healing from a heal set? To paraphrase King George, I wasn’t aware that was something a heal set could do. So is this like a reverse Dull Pain? If I use it on a target with full health, the green bar doesn't change but his hit points just drop by 400 or so? I have it 6 slotted, (5 from Theft of Essence including the +End proc and the chance of Neg Damage proc from Touch of the Nictus. So it would seem that if you hit a target that has less than the -max hit points, that it should kill the target, but that doesn't happen. (Street sweeping with Brawl in AP and you can see the effect of the -resistance, but the -MaxHP is harder to quantify. Also, both procs reliably hit, though with only 1 target, the Chance for + End may not be worth the slot.
  10. Another thing I like, Tidal Pool acts like Faraday Cage in that I can just place a new Pool instead of having to remember to un-toggle it before I can use it again. Can we possibly get Lifegiving Spores this minor rework at some point?
  11. So as someone who plays Controllers 90% of the time when teaming, I saw the comments saying this would really benefit MM, and I thought what that could mean to trollers. What controller has the squishiest, stupidest pets that could love some steamy love? Fire Imps! And it gets even better when you start looking at the powers. Toroidal is going to buff my imps, but also the right out of the box recharge means pretty much a constant end boost to counter some of the end hit of Hot Feet. I started at level 17 just to get a feel at lower levels. but I am (so far) keeping Hot Feet on without any issues. Not to mention a little resistance boost to myself and my imps once I get them. Then throw in: Shifting Tides, boosting the little guys accuracy as well as more damage along with recharge. Wellspring with a + Absorb and + Def. Power of the Depths, + MaxHP, along with regen and more End. You may not get the damage boost of Fulcrum shift, (hard for me to understand how much +Dam I am getting from Tide Pool) but everything else seems to be a win for Fire Controllers. A couple of things I noticed. So I think the cone on Soothing Wave, in part, has to do with the -dam, so you can get that 45 feet of range to debuff baddies. I was curious to see, since it is a "heal" if they noticed. Not surprisingly, they noticed! One potential bug(s) on Tide Pool: The Show Detailed Info tab says that Enemies will not notice this attach under Aggro Type. So of course I was going to lay down the patch before attacking, just like NA, and aggro happened. I was confused at first looking thru the Combat Logs, because I didn't see anything that would have triggered them. Then I realized that I had a damage proc, doh! Removed the proc and no more aggro! So is it a bug that the proc damage does not show up or is that just some sort of pseudo-pet proc damage that doesn't show in the logs? Also when Tide Pool is dropped, I'm not seeing any visual indication that the targets are being de-buffed, but maybe those only show for -Resistance/-Def powers?
  12. Yeah, never-mind. I didn't realize the flight powers from the vendor have the same endurance cost as ninja run and the like. I still would like to be able to buy the Zero-G pack from the START vendor just because 😃
  13. Just wondering if this has ever been asked before. I love superspeed, I take it on 90% of my characters and teleport usually accounts for the other 10%. For those two sets, and also the Super Jump crowd, I totally see the necessity of the multiple temporary jump packs because there are a whole lot of places that fly is not a requirement, is at least really, really convenient. Occasionally however, for theme, I do want to choose Fly or Mystic Flight, and I again come to the realization, that I hate flying (or hovering) in caves, offices, even sometimes on open maps. I'm just a horrible flyer, despite playing since live. So when I have a flyer, or porter, I am stuck slogging through missions with Sprint alone. Yes, I'll slot swift an sprint with run speed IOs, but slots can be so critical in a fully IO'd build that I only use the base. Also, I do use the prestige powers like Athletic and Ninja run, but since there is no way to slot those for End Redux and to my knowledge, there has never been any movement to reduce the End Cost, for most builds, I have to cut them off at some points. Which leaves me back to slogging through maps. The days of me being able to squeeze in 2 travel powers left the station a long time ago. So I had to wonder, why is there not an option for other travel powers offered in START? Since I don't want to leave out wanna be jumpers, I would like to see a temporary jump pack as well. At least for Super Jump, there is an temporary power that exists, but only from KR safeguard mishes, the Zero-G Pack. I don't know that there was ever a temp power for Super Speed but I would hope that it would not be hard to come up with one. My idea would that these of course would be below base levels for the powers, but I would still love to have these options.
  14. For Soul Consumption, should this power allow Accurate Healing sets? Trying it on controller and it's not listed as an option.
  15. For reference, Full Auto, also a T AoE is also a cone.
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