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Everything posted by amidthechaotic

  1. The "Generations" concept of, max level to achieve to Give a power set ability to another starting character not normally available, or further divided by, distinct powers available to that new character from its Last Generation. You could of course further divide easier available or distinct improvements UPON that skill, Range, number of targets, casting time, inherent recharge, so fourth. Instead of endlessly trying to juggle IO's and so fourth to empart valued changes in builds. Thus, you incorporate LONG chain Generational Character builds unlike any other. THIS is the future of long term CoH villainy or heroism. Making the journey, the full extent of time into the game and development of characters TRULY fully customizable. Further you could limit the Archtypes to a single time in a generational chain. So now you have the mixture, creating an end result differing from others. Some may feel stunted with certain archetypes but of course wish to see its inherent powersets or ability even ending on a particular effect further down the chain. The possibilities would then extend into The WOW factor. Also.. have to say, and Im not a fan anymore of the content but... Eventually, this would make PVP look a lot crazier. As well as level shifting missions could equally throw numbers or stats far beyond the usual content, as you could make NPC Villains with generational build random pools as well. *shrug* Thats my two cents of conceptual changes. *** Also, your AV's encountered by Generational characters in missions would have a pool of reward commensurate to that of the level of generation the mission/tf was started with. You of course could tailor them yourselves or for missions tailor them more into the rando generation style. The reason I add this on is because AE stuff as being the only farming of cash.. takes away from group activity and variety. Or you could of course.. sigh.. include the pool generation or reward generation into the AE, but.. honestly I think it just steals from the community and the individual willing to mind numbingly engage in such.
  2. I am simply here to point out an obvious flaw to the Accept gump... Your "read here address" is a 404 page. Uhm.. thats just ridiculous. How can anyone have actually read it, to accept its terms? Yes, some people actually look at and read these binding acceptance agreements, other than the mindless masses... I hope that gets rectified soon?
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