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Posts posted by Redletter

  1. On 3/12/2022 at 7:24 PM, biostem said:

    Meghan received an experimental treatment derived from sea creatures, in order to save her life.  It had some... side effects.  Deciding to make the best of the situation, and in order to learn to control her new powers, she took up hero work, dubbing herself "Meg A. Lodon", (warm water and stealthy "Orca" looks):



    meg a lodon2.jpg

    meg a lodon3.jpg


    Oh hey! I played with you! We helped a person beat up Chernobog. Fun times!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 1615918345_Screenshot(381).png.538f4ffba66b39882236fa520b36202e.png

    Ok, but what if Im deaf? Does that mean Im fine?



    Here's everyone's favorite 'Slammer', Ricochet, chastising you on saving a man's life because now they have to try and help him out of his depression, and she JUST can't be fucking bothered. Only to go on to admit that she can't stay mad at you, because you're fucking tougher than she is...


    Why is Jessica the *only* good resistance contact? Why is she the *only* person to give out hugs?!


    Also, found these typos. This should read as:


    'Allo there, Mistyc.! 'Ame's Ath'rton Cromwell, Drudge Enforca. I ''eard abit 'bout you, ands I wantsa prapose a 'ittle deal...


    'Ou 'elp us Drudges 'en various task 'round Noight Ward, 'llectin' souls, makin' soor wes can collect sould, stouppin' thems who 'on't want us collectin' 'ouls inallat., an' we'll see 'at you're rewarded quite well, innit govna?

  3. In today's episode or Red Letter's Gold-side Costume Carnival...


    • Vanessa DeVore



    So, the first thing of note is her mask. It's a strange once, compared to the other carnie masks, it looks honestly more like very elaborate face paint by comparison. Still! i love the detailing on it and I'd love to see it in the CC. Next is her top, which is again, naturally very similar to the Carnival of Light top we get, but she also has this shoulder ruffles thing going on? Love it, I wanna slap it on a bolereo. As a side note, I don't know if it's just the way my lighting is or what, but she looks more toned than the carnival of light chest we get affords? Like, normally, to get defined muscluture ladies need to use the Barbarian pieces, but Vanessa seems to grab is just fine here. I'm uncertain how this is achieved (I imagine it's a texture) but if it could be made an option on tops that tend to expose skin, it'd be nice, as I hate looking like a string bean on my bruiser girls.


    Next is her lower body selection and the best bit here is that she has this beautiful  belt with some kind of relief on it, and all these gems, and it's just to die for? I'd like to see it in my stocking this christmas. The other thing of note is that her undies and garters get to be two different colors! That's really nice, wish I could mismatch my underdress.


    • Another Random Resistance Person (Storage Assistant)


    Our good friend Storage Assistant has a chest belt we dont get, that im positive would really benefit belt enthusiasts everywhere.


    And of course, she has Tron pants. I want Tron pants, you want Tron pants, we ALL want Tron pants!




    Feel free to work on my unreasonable demands at your leisure. 

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  4. On 1/4/2021 at 1:28 PM, Kallisti said:

    Kallisti Gold had a dream that she was able to get hold of Sister Solaris' dress and get it dyed a more appropriate colour:




    This was done using the Icon app in NPC mode. I was surprised how little clipping it caused, mostly to do with the Glam hairstyle, but that clips a lot of existing items.

    The biggest issue was the internal colours of the dress. Much like the trench coat, there is no control for the internal colours so they were initially black. What was most interesting was the front panel of the skirt is inside out, ie black was showing on the outside and gold/yellow on the inside. I had to manually edit the costume save file to get the colours to be correct.

    The other issue this costume has is it needs the 'nude' chest costume piece which is another NPC only object because the dress is actually a chest detail piece. You then add the belt and you've got the outfit.


    At least Kallisti Gold got to dream about being so marvellously sexy in this dress 🙂


    So lets have this piece made public please?????



    NPC Mode? Costume save file color edit?!


  5. On 3/11/2022 at 3:26 PM, Shred Monkey said:

    Just discovered neat trick with the Earth Blast set.   


    As I mentioned earlier I really like using Rock Shards with seismic shockwave up... But how do I use Seismic Force to boost my Rock Shards attack without burning the seismic shockwave?  I was beginning to hate this set's "aim" power because there are times when it's up that I don't want to click it, but then I can't use it to boost my favorite power.  Solution?  Jump!  If I click seismic force while in the air, it doesn't burn shockwave because I'm in "grounded."  And Seismic Shockwave will still running when I land and click Rock Shards.


    I absolutely love that this works.  Using a player skills based style is so much more fun than just relying on pure build power.  


    (note: I'm starting to understand the mechanics of seismic shockwave now.)



    ACTUAL, LITERAL, GAME CHANGER(Calliin' this the Monkey Maneuver from now on...)

  6. 10 hours ago, Frozen Burn said:


    Yes, you should test Meteor to see if you like it or not.  


    No, Meteor does not break stealth.  In fact, your stealth is not broken unless 1) something survives - so if all are dead, you keep your stealth; 2) if something does survive, your stealth doesn't break until AFTER the mobs get up and they have to hit you with an attack, or you attack.  Tested this in open RWZ on even con and +3 Rikti mobs (without a drone, b/c they have high perception).


    Even when I only used Meteor and there were a couple boss and LT survivors on the +3 mob, even though my stealth was not broken - they could not hit me b/c of my defenses and I did not attack - they were still aggroed on me and knew where I was.  However, I could run to the next mob and the new mob did not aggro because I was still stealthed.  


    As for timing of the Meteor - yes, it's best as an alpha strike.  Launch it, then you can get 2-3 more attacks (preferably AOEs) in before it hits.  Obviously, your next attack will break stealth so you need to survive a couple volleys until the Meteor hits.  But this just makes one HUGE instant strike to completely devastate mobs and typically, mobs are dead (even +4s) after the Meteor strike (as I've stated above, this mostly makes the KB issue a NON-issue).  


    Also after launching your Meteor, you can use those next 2-3 attacks in the few secs you have to help pull in outlying mobs into the Meteor blast zone.  The Meteor puts a shadow on the ground where it will hit showing you where to pull to.  Sometimes (not always), you can get a couple outlying mobs to get hit as well.  


    When on a team, it's like Rain of Arrows in that you have to think ahead of the team and fire it early so it hits at the right time.  Not all like that.  Others are fine with it.  


    I do encourage you to test to see if you like it or not.  


    Oh I did test it. Like, it's a monster. But for me, I find myself just kinda like doing solo stuff and I personally prefer like... i play in such a way where im always engaged, but not necessarily doing what's mechanically the most engaging or optimal. For me, my patience is such that waiting for the nuke to drop has me going like "wahhhh im not having fun, my party already started! waaaaahhhh i want the birthday cake nooooooooow". It's why I dont really enjoy PLAYING kinetic melee outside of like, RP.

    I just didnt test things that could make Meteor more immediately engaging for me on a personal level. It is good to know that it doesnt break stealth! That DOES make it more fun, since that means I can drop it on one mob group, engage another, and effectively "solo" two different, disparate mob groups (two birds with one stone🤔) or do what you suggested, pull a mob group INTO the meteor. In fact, this goes back to what I was thinking about with Fold Space. You could like... Fold space Group B to Group A, drop the meteor, then pull Group C so they run INTO the meteor zone -- call it the 3 for 1 special!

  7. I boost the damage I get by slapping an achilles into pretty much everything. It procs pretty well, and if Achilles procs then it's OTHER benefits really start to shine. I havent got to building it on a normal sever, but wi *really* enjoy how punchy my rock/time blaster plays on the test server. The recharge is NUTS, to the point where Seismic Force taking away my shockwaves isnt even an issue, since I just get them back so quickly.

    I personally skipped the nuke. I know, it's sacrelige. Especially fot me, a person who really enjoys the funny KB? My read on it so far is that it's a pretty ok nuke, but it takes forever to fucking land. I've died on solo runs in Dark Astoria before it even lands, and I imagine on teams youll be killing things too fast for the meteor to be worth it, over say, just go getting the temporary nuke power from that PVP zone. I know I'd rather have the extra powerslot from a PURELY mechanical standpoint.

    It is a big fucking nuke though. I havent tested it, but if it doesnt break stealth THAT would make it a LOT better, since you could START a fight with it without pulling the baddies. Alternatively, if youre way tougher than I am, you could probably do some wacky shit with Meteor and Fold Space, havent tested that either. But! if the timing lines up, that could be a great way to get around the wait till the bombs land.

  8. Im trying to make a time/rock defender, i figured id tie this to the time rocks that oroboros uses! But Im having trouble with the coloring...


    And my attempt...



    Any help would be nice, I REALLY don't like how hard it is to work with the "earth" texture power sets.

  9. On 2/7/2022 at 2:21 AM, Attache said:

    Ah, Satin Doll from Jocachi! I love the character name and this piece of art. But, still, there are a lot of things of changes I will someday make to her in the game.



    First, the overall look. My initial take on this character's look  isn't too far off this - she is supposed to be a femme fatale with somewhat impractical costume. I always saw her with a cape/poncho kind of get-up - something like a vintage nurse's cape. With none of the capes in game really looking like that and with the Hard Candy hairstyle cape clipping issues, I went with the jacket and she just ended up looking like a Black Canary homage.

    Not a bad outcome, especially since Black Canary's design (both modern and classic) is somewhat ubiquitous. I'd say it's nearly as common as the even MORE impratical combat mini-skirt.

    On 2/7/2022 at 2:21 AM, Attache said:

    When I get around to re-working her bio, I'll probably drop the Eye and Khaṭvāṅga of Kali and pull from the in-game mythos. I never could represent the Khaṭvāṅga in-game anyway so there isn't really a need to cling to it.

    To be fair, the in-game mythos this item could (and probably does) exist, though it may be in the hands of an indian hero, since the whole "CoXverse" has heroes all over the globe, not just here in sunny Paragon. My off the cuff reccomendation for a change would be to connect it to the shards that Oroboros uses? Theyre fairly ambiguous of origin, and have connections to time, which I personally feel is the strongest RP aspect of the domains Kali commands that we can directly emulate in game (time is wonderful on just about every class that has access to it)

    • Like 1
  10. On 2/9/2022 at 1:03 AM, Attache said:

    Brass Jaw would pop into my head from time -to-time as a pun on Glass Jaw even going back to Live  but I never made him until now. Steampunk isn't really my jam but the idea here is that it is a steam-powered robot from the Victorian-era designed to be some rich inventor's majordomo and bodyguard, accounting for his more human-like face.


    I am kind of warming up to him but not 100% on the name. The Beastly Rage Chest aura set to dark orange makes those orange chevrons appear to pulsating, suggesting some kind of fire burning within. He is a bio armor tanker with the SFX minimized, which leaves a lot of smoky effects happening in various places. 




    Beautiful! Before I finished reading the post I thought this was a take on a "nemesis" character, I appreciate the use of the Black Knight parts, which I find are difficult to incorporate due to how naturally dark they are (even at their brightest theyre like, a dark grey).


    I like to think his mustache is actually little steam pipes that make steam locomative noises like "choo choo" or "choooosh" and blow smoke to drmatic or comedic effect...

    • Like 1
  11. Active sets?


    Trick Arrow. Trick Arrow is the biggest, most active support set you've got and it's got TONS of "gameplay" goin' on.  You really need to stay on top of your arrows and what they all do, what their radius' are and if your pets are messing with the positioning of your enemies.


    Following that? Storm. Storm is less busy, but has tons of moves youll WANT to be staying on top of, like, literally your FIRST power, Gale, is going to be something you'll be using from level 1 to veteran level 1000000000. It's a knock cone, so its a weird one to work around.

    • Like 1
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  12. Hello there, I play Mercs/Emp.


    Dont play Mercs/Emp.


    Maybe instead, play Bots/Emp! It's not great, but it's not Mercs/Emp, so you'll be fine!


    Emp's best features arent stellar on pets, since Pain gives many of the same things, without wasting time on things that pets dont really benefit from. For instance, World of Pain is functionally more useful than Fortitude for a MM. Anguishing Cry, and Painbringer are wonderful tools.


    Kinetics is something I've only used on Demons so far. I definitely could have picked a better secondary, that's for sure, but I chose it for succubus flavor? And honestly, Siphon Power gets a goldstar all by itself. It's a wonderful power, and anyone that's like "ohhhhh huuurrrr u dont git no +rech speeeed 4 ur pets hurrr" aren't WRONG... but theyre also kinda neglecting both it AND the aboslutely legendary F U L C R U M    S H I F T

    Like... sure, it's probably not as good as Thermal, since Forge is just Fulcrum Shift, but better, but! More damage is nice for your pets, since they love damage buffs, because uhhh... I mean... theyre already a level lower than YOU, and YOU could be a level lower (or more) than the enemies your goons are expected to scrap with? So they're at like... -2 on average. They need all the DPS they can get.

  13. 1922145012_Screenshot(340).png.622711d82636e9fcff3a7dcb390ffa98.png2137317180_Screenshot(342).png.3ff04b4250895c8647ec17c2dae0338b.png1848554897_Screenshot(343).png.a6c668e3f8c4195313468ba9941000a4.png1391465497_Screenshot(344).png.f3b4e93174773b16e9c43891ed2fd874.png


    All of this pretty please. Namely the hair? But Ill take everything here, if you dont mind.

    As an aside, Ive been told this lady is supposed to have a Hi-Res booty. Im not sure how dedicated you have to be to see it, since her outfit covers her butt perfectly fine! But, if there's a Hi-Res booty, I would like that too! Hi-res cheekbones, bootys, abs, pecs, noses...

    • Like 3
  14. I dont make mistakes, Im perfect. 


    But. If I did...


    • Playing Mercs/Empathy, assuming the medic pet was in fact, a medic, instead of just clicking on the pet's details to read for myself WHAT and HOW it heals.
    • Playing a Sentinel
    • Playing a /War Mace tanker
    • Making a goldsider character, thinking I could use Null to change my alignment, not knowing that you are actually hard locked there until level 20 and you CAN NOT enter blue or red sides AT ALL until youve completed the level 20 mission for goldies. (There MIGHT be ways to get into PvP zones or places like Dark Astoria where villains AND heroes can coexist but I havent checked)
    • Playing an Arch/TA blaster, when I should have played a TA/Arch defender...
    • Taking fly trees on my peacebringer, thinking i would start flying faster


  15. 5 hours ago, Naraka said:


    Well, "elements concepts" tend to come with not only a damage typing/typing combo but secondary effect and it's that combination that describes the element.


    I think Radiation is fine because it's unique in dealing purely Energy damage combined with -def.  I know most players don't care about -def but that doesn't make the effect null..

    I think that's because Achilles: Chance for -res is a VERY expensive enhancement to throw into every power you have? Because im pretty sure you CAN do that on sets like Rad or Stone where EVERYTHING applies a -def.

    5 hours ago, Naraka said:


    Same with Elec blast. It's combination of energy, -END/-recovery AND the "shock" damage at low END is now the set's elemental concept.  I don't think it needs fire damage although that could be the design for a different set.

    "shock" is such a glowup. I'd like if it found its way onto the melee elec sets.

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