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Sleepy Kitty

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About Sleepy Kitty

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. >.> these are more general questions, and kinda don't go together but... well, anyone who can and willing to answer them would be greatly appreciated. 1) Incarnate powers tier 4 and 5.... Genesis, Mind, and Vitae... Not sure where my notes got to since we weren't suppose to publish info on them till they launched and then never did but.. I recall one was going to be the next set of summon-able pets (sounded at the time like it would be the smaller mobs this time, minions and maybe a lieutenant, and more they increased in quantity than quality?), another attack power, and 1-4 slots that could be put anywhere (up to 7 slots on a power!) for more enhancements (7 slot brawl ftw!). Its been along time so, decent chance I'm miss remembering important bits so... is this info right? which was going to which power name? and had Omega been descended on yet? (and where any of them going to use the incarnate shard materials again rather than the threads? those things really had no use after alpha slot) 1b) >.> was asked to include this bit.. does the code for these incarnate powers still exist, or did they end up among the stuff lost during sun-setting? 2) The many faces of Nemesis... I've heard some interesting and crazy theories about various Multiversal Nemesis over the years... DJ Zero is the Nemesis from his dimensions... Praetorian Nemesis was actually who Praetorian Hamidon was... (o.o seriously.. portal mission with Nemesis Hami, this needs to be done!).. Are any of these actually true? And where there any more planned Nemesesi? 3) Revamping portal corp and Shadow Shard. Obviously, the SS TFs needed work, but as awesome as the shard was, it was missing quite a lot of things and was never finished. We have lots of lore areas we never see, and despite NPCs talking about ruins and such, they never appear. Where there any plans to ever finish/revamp it to where it should be? Along those same lines, while portal corp missions have a lot of interesting sounding location worlds you go to, most of them where just one of 2 or 3 boomtown maps, with either a boss to kill, or a blinkie to click. 4) Time Travel. When the midnighter's club's ice and flame pillar was added and crimoria gone to, there was some talk about there being more future destinations (though it might have largely been Jack Emmert doing said talking). Where there any planned and never worked on? or worked on abit then reused for things like Praetoria? Since things like the moon, space station and shuttle got started and nixed a couple times, it would be interesting to hear about other intended locations and time... and what Requiem was ultimately up to. that's it for now, Thanks a ton and hope you guys have been doing great in the intervening years!
  2. a wintry atlas? it's been so long... any chance someone can steal the ice stuff from the FrostFire Mission and the trees from the chalet and add them to the base editor?
  3. *sets up a GONE FISHING sign* z.z right, nothings happening here, so I'm going to go visit lake michigan. have fun.
  4. z.z of course we wear pants. we look good in anything. >_> also.... be warned, giving catsi a controlled substance is a dangerous thing. *drinks some catnip tea*
  5. [o.o] to be fair, those windmills are up to something and probably need to be stopped.
  6. [o.o] great, now you've done it. This thread'll balloon up and then POP!!! at this rate.
  7. *dumps a quilt over MrSamoa* [o.o] don't draw attention to yourself! Catsi ate something sugary.
  8. *hides further in the blanket pile*
  9. >_< not coming out! get a new sponsor!
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