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Nostalgic Flashback Screenshot origin: 06.29.05 "It will be fine, quit pouting Marvin, they can play back there, you can play over here.."
Upon receiving his eleventh doctorate in humanoid and superhuman healthcare as well as achieving his archery certification as Grand Master Bowman status, Gregory Amadeus Rios decided that he wanted to become a Superhero Physician and even perhaps an actual Hero himself. He consulted with the Superhero Registration Bureau to obtain his Heroing License. He had wanted to become the Hero.. Gregarious ! the SRB informed him that there was a Villain in the Rogue Isles currently operating nefariously under that moniker. Undeterred by this revelation, Dr. Rios decided that being a Superhero Physician was a Heroic enough endeavor unto itself, and so decided to be himself as his Hero identity. Thus was born the Hero.. Doctor Greg A. Rios ! Doctor Greg A. Rios : Natural [ Empathy / Archery ] Defender
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Morgan Masters had been the Chief Coroner in Steel Canyon for several years until a simple mistake turned his world upside-down. He had been tasked with performing an autopsy on a cadaver that had come into the morgue. The problem was that due to an oversight, the cadaver he was supposed to examine was sent to a secret Vanguard Laboratory. The cadaver that actually arrived was the one meant for Vanguard. The moment Morgan began his autopsy, the cadaver returned to life and began feasting on Morgan's arm ! What not even Morgan knew, was that he was a Mutant. The bite from the cadaver triggered Morgan's latent powers of regenerative discorporeal transmogrification which caused Morgan to assume the characteristics of the cadaver. Morgan was dismissed as Coroner and vowed revenge against the city that had forsaken him, becoming the Villain.. Morgue Master ! Morgue Master : Mutation [ Necromancy / Cold Domination ] Mastermind
Nice job ! Very creative !
Colt Ruger had been a Longbow Ammunitions Specialist for years. Years of training, years of service, he felt he had put in his time and was ready to retire and start a bakery. There was just one final mission to run and then he could focus on making pastries. He had a particularly enjoyable recipe for eclairs. He had been pulled for a mission to the Rogue Isles, to accompany some scientist who needed to retrieve samples from a Snake cave. The mission went sideways, and the team was ambushed. There was no back-up, no rescue attempt, no survivors. Longbow denied the incident. Colt did survive the incident, though, but was unable to locate any other survivors. Left for dead with no way home, Colt mended his wounds, infiltrated the local gangs to survive, and began building a new life. A life of survival, a life now focused on revenge. He had been trained by Longbow, now Longbow would pay for abandoning him, they would feel the wrath of the Villain.. Reigning Bullets ! Reigning Bullets : Mutation [ Dual Pistols / Storm Summoning ] Corruptor
Felix Martinus had not been having a good day. His girlfriend left him for some superhero, his apartment building was destroyed by the Winter Lord, and a gang of Outcasts just mugged him for his last 5 bucks on his way to work. He worked at the Museum of Roman History in Galaxy City as a Night Security Guard. Only a few hours into his shift, however, the building began shaking and ominous emanations of energy were manifesting all over the place. Felix managed to make his way to the Security Office to try and call for help but the line was dead. The walls were crumbling and the ceiling collapsed, knocking him unconscious. He awoke in a pile of rubble, with some boxes and equipment from the Office, but in an alley in Atlas Park. His uniform was ripped to shreds, luckily he found a box for the museum with Roman Soldier armor he put on. Asking around, it was like Galaxy City didn't even exist. Everything he knew was gone. The only choice left was to become a Hero. So now, he is... The Roamin' Warrior ! The Roamin' Warrior : Natural [ Battle Axe / Super Reflexes ] Brute
Arekku Numachi was a renown scientist in Paragon City. He had worked alongside Longbow and Vanguard for many years, working on ways to limit and reduce the effects of contamination on the environment from the various weapons, vehicles, and energies used by those organizations. One of his experiments required the collection of a rare specimen of plant found only amidst the Snake caves of the Rogue Isles. The upper echelons of Longbow leadership decided the long term benefits, and potential weaponization, of the experiment were well worth the risk of an infiltration operation to obtain the necessary samples. Unfortunately, Arreku and the Longbow force walked right into an ambush. There were no reported survivors, as the operation 'never occurred'. Arreku did survive, however, hiding within a Snake cave, he was transformed by his own experiment. Now, vowing revenge against those who abandoned him, he has become the Villain.. The Elemenvironmentalist ! The Elemenvironmentalist : Science [ Plant Control / Savage Assault ] Dominator
The N.I.G.H.T.Sentry 2000 ( Navigation and Illumination Generating Humanoid Traffic Sentry ) was designed to cut down traffic accidents and congestion in Skyway City. The prototype unit was functioning remarkably well until a wandering group of Clockwork decided to try and scavenge the unit for parts. An inadvertent side effect of the units programming allowed it to manifest a defense against the offending Clockwork. The unit was able to adapt itself to siphon energy from the Clockwork themselves and materialize blades of pure energy with which it was able to easily defeat its Clockwork assailants. An unforeseen result of the units adaptability, however, was that the unit was also able to incorporate a measure of self-awareness. After the incident with the Clockwork, the unit was taken back to the lab for inspection. The diagnostic program, acting as a catalyst, triggered full sentience and autonomy in the unit, which now fights crime and traffic as the Hero.. Stop n' Go ! Stop 'n Go : Technology [ Dual Blades / Electric Armor ] Brute
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Homage #2 Damien Caulfield had been a typical kid. His father worked for the Portal Corporation, and Damien would often read comic books in his father's office. One day, however, there was an accident at the lab. Several people were injured, including Damien. One of the scientists working for Damien's father was actual a Council spy who happened to notice a strange aura emanating from Damien after the accident. The spy reported that Damien had been vaporized in the accident then proceeded to sneak the unconscious Damien off to a Council facility for further study. The Council detained Damien and continued their experiments for years until Damien was finally rescued. It would later be discovered that the accident at Portal imbued Damien with abilities like the characters of the comics he was reading at the time. Now, Damien would be a Hero too.. he would be a League of One ! League of One : Science [ Energy Melee / Willpower ] Scrapper
Homage #1 His name is no longer relevant. He had been one of the foremost research & development scientists in Paragon City. He had been instrumental in the development of numerous scientific advances that had helped the Heroic community. He assisted in the creation of indestructible metal. . He helped develop mass and energy conversion. . He even participated in accessing alternate dimensions. . Whatever it was, he helped. It was the Heroes who didn't help him. Villains came by the hundreds after his most recent discovery. They killed his family in the process. The Heroes were nowhere to be found. They didn't help him. They didn't save his family. Now they will pay for their arrogance. . The Heroes will wish they had never abandoned him. The Villains will wish for mercy. They will all fall before him. . one by one. . and their prized iconic accessories will become his trophies of war. He is vengeance incarnate. . He is the Villain. . Vengeance Assembled ! Vengeance Assembled : Technology [ Shield Defense / War Mace ] Tanker
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Shenia McGunnis had always considered herself a normal girl. Her two younger brothers, Colt and Gauge, were always getting into mischief. Despite their hijinks, they loved to play Hero and Crooks with their sister. She would often watch the boys, and they would tease her and call her "Nanny Shenia". One day, their Portal Corp. scientist mother hosted an event at the boys' school in Skyway City. Their father, A PPD Officer, arranged to be part of the security working that day. During the demonstration of a new Device, a Superadine Troll raid caused an accident which appeared to vaporize Colt, Gauge, and their father. What actually happened was that all 3 were transformed; their father into Shenia's marksmanship, and the boys into revolvers ! Shenia opted to continue playing Hero to honor her family, and became.. Shenanni-Guns ! Shenanni-Guns : Science [ Dual Pistols / Pain Domination ] Corruptor
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As a young Troll growing up in Skyway City, Trevor Underhill had always wanted more out of life. His older brother, Roger, was always going off to Superadine Raves and getting into trouble with the Heroes. His father wanted him to be a TROLLbooth Operator or a TROLLey Conductor. One day, his brother was amped up on Superadine and wounded a number of Heroes before being apprehended. Trevor vowed that the Superadine menace had to be stopped. Trevor began studying hard and graduated valedictorian from Troll University with a Degree in Chemistry. During his graduation ceremony, the Hellions attacked the University, attempting to set fire to the whole campus. Some of the Trolls present has Superadine with them, which reacted to energy from some of the Heroes. Trevor was exposed to the mixture causing him to Mutate. He had the power to conTROLL poisonous Superadine ! Now, Trevor would be a Hero too. Graduate of Troll U. : Mutation [ Earth Control / Poison ] ConTROLLer
He had been fine living his life in the little pond my Ms. Liberty. She would visit him every day before taking her spot on the podium. She would even share her lunch with him. She began calling him "Admirari Diem", apparently it meant "Wonderful Day". He would overhear Positron when he came by sometimes, asking her "Why do you talk to that Carp?" He decided he didn't like Positron. One day, though, things changed. The Winter Lord attacked Atlas Park ! Magical chaos was everywhere. One stray magical blast happened to hit his pond. All of his friends in the pond were instantly vaporized, but he was spared. He began feeling weird, as the magical energies began transforming him. He was growing, his fins becoming limbs, his mind expanding, his connection to the pond strengthening.. When it was over, he knew he could now be a Hero too.. Carp A. Diem : Magic [ Water Blast / Poison ] Corruptor
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Nostalgic Flashback Screenshot origin: 06.30.06 "I'm gonna swing from the chandel... err, uh... I'm gonna BE the chandelier.. the chandelieeer"
Nostalgic Flashback Screenshot origin: 06.29.05 "Guys.. Guys.. It's not a money eating tentacle phone monst... (pauses) well.."