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Divine Dragonborn God

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Posts posted by Divine Dragonborn God

  1. Broadsword should work in tandem like dark melee works with dark armor. that being said, i suggest the AoE powers like whirling sword, head splitter, and slice should do more damage on tanks. For Brutes, i like the numbers that i can see in mid's but i wish the powers had a DoT (negative) since its damage type is commonly resisted. 

    Shield Defense is an overall good set, but due to the lack of a self heal within the power set- i feel that True Grit should offer a decent regeneration buff instead. if not, Against all odds could "add" a regen per enemy nearby mechanic with its dmg buff per enemy nearby if players prefer the +max HP. Thats my only suggestion.

    Elec melee is touchy for some, but ive found that due to the large amount of AoE built into the set, along with procs like chance for +recharge and chance for heal, that a major change can happen. while chain induction is great, i would prefer to have a ST high dmg with a DoT (like a taser effect). Ion judgement makes chain induction look silly anyhow.

    Martial arts getting a +def only on brutes (according to mids) seems criminal! i believe that Street Justice is perfect for brutes (the animations are more of a MMA/UFC fighter feel) wherein martial arts befits scrappers (because irl, real martial artists dont seek to fight and if they do, its to end it fast- so the scrappers higher base dmg and critical chance is ideal)


    Now that we have water blast power set, do we expect to see a water melee/assault/manipulation or armor?

    Are we ever going to see a cross between luminous and umbral powersets as a new AT?

    will the other Incarnate powers be released? will we get more judgements and lores? 

    are we ever going to see an AT that uses the Defender primaries but Dominator Secondaries?

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  2. well.... cant have just one so ill elaborate on my favorites thus far... a team on unstoppable gods.

    Tanks- Willpower/Dark Melee (getting recharge good enough to keep soul drain perma'd while being unkillable is this guy's specialty), Fire Aura/Dark Melee (all res cap'd, since Dark       Melee does -to hit, less focus on Def and more on +rech to keep soul drain perma'd. Fire Aura/ Electric Meleee (this is just a fun one, all res cap'd with nasty aoe thats end friendly- not   focusing on recharge, straight tank). Dark Armor/Dark Melee (One of the most bada** tanks out there, with the ability to cap all res and get def soft capd in melee with all others sitting     around 37% with a broken heal, end refill and possible perma'd soul drain- this is a monster) Shield Defense/ Dark Melee or Electric Melee (dark compliments shield better but electric is     more fun- dark has dark consumption and electric is end friendly so destiny should be radial rebirth which jacks regen and you want to snag melee core for the lack of res and additional   regen)

    Brutes- Radiation Melee/Dark Armor (end heavy, but once incarnates- this is a solid brute who can farm more than fire with all res cap'd) Psionic Melee/ Dark Armor (does more dmg than   rad/dark but doesnt have rad's def debuff.) Broad Sword/ Shield Defense (this is thematic more than practical, although- incarnates make this a solid choice). Electric Melee/ Electric   Armor (one of my original Lvl 50's back on live- 6/8 res cap'd with melee def soft cap'd)

    Scrapper- Spines/Bio Armor (thematic, however capable of farming and hard to kill). Dark Melee/ Electric Armor (recharge for perma soul drain with a lovely self heal and end drain-   incarnates can cover def hole) Dark Melee/ Willpower (same principle as dark/elec but res hole). Dark Melee/ Dark Armor (grab soul mastery and this is another Edgelord)

    Stalker- Electric Melee/ Dark Armor (i cant even describe how disgusting this one is) Broad Sword/Shield Defense (another hidden monster) Electric Melee/Shield Defense (all that high   dmg KD lol).

    Blaster- Fire Blast/Electric Manipulation (high dmg primary with end and regen friendly secondary). Fire Blast/Atomic Manipulation (high dmg primary with super balanced secondary).   Radiation/Electric (i snag fire for my epic and this is a fun one)

    Sentinel- Electric/Electric (had to make female counterpart to my elec/elec brute), Dark/Electric (since sent is more of a ranged tank, the aoe and -to hit balances out electric's lack of def   while having good regen) Fire/Electric (high dmg).

    Peacebringers and Warshades can be made unkillable with alot of work, with PB's coming out on top in all matters but farming.


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