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Posts posted by AxerJ

  1. 16 hours ago, Uun said:

    You can pretty much do this with Wormhole - just point the exit target straight up.

    Nay, wormhole is great fun, but can't go as high as I was imagining. Even max KB-slotted Lift brings lvl 1s up to the top of small buildings -- I'm imagining a tier 9 that launches even cons into the sky, max map height, as if the gravity acting on them has suddenly reversed. They should probably disappear at max height to simulate continuing to fall upward. It would essentially be an outdoor death spell for single targets - exclude AVs, heroes, and giant monsters, fine. I just want to see some seriously extreme gravity alteration! Indoor -- it could just be extreme damage as they hit the ceiling, along with a quite long mag 4 hold pinning them against whatever surface they hit above them. 


    Reverse Gravity, Tier 9 Gravity Assault (or amend to Gravity Control =))) -- Yes!

  2. Wow. I just finished the 20-29 arc, and it was the most enjoyable mission series Ive played in a loong time! I love the effort that went into the writing - great humor, interesting new dynamic with investigating as a hero, and fun story! It was exactly what I thought new missions should be - it made me feel more like a real superhero, which we can do now with our present-day sensibility. Tweaks to ways we interacted with NPCs and how they with us which I'd love to see proliferated across the game's mission design. Feels like a real update in mission design. I expect the villain arc will make me feel more like a villain, which is an old criticism of red mission design. 


    What is this criticism, the balance? I found it was a little more challenging than other missions, WHICH IS GOOD! New missions should be more challenging because the rest of the game is too easy. Also, love love the new, interesting -maps-. So great to play in! Btw, I did the Masquerave with a group of 6 on +2/8 (only one I grouped for), and it was essentially non-stop intensity in an extremely fun way. Felt unlike any other mission I had played, and it was so good to feel that difference. It also introduces a new informal challenge - want to try to take on a whole lot of enemies at once, many more than usual? Well we tried, and were humbled. But the challenge is out there!


    I'm really looking forward to the 30-39 arc now. But please, devs, know so many of us appreciate the incredible work you put into making these new mission arcs - it refreshes the game in a way nothing else can. And I LOVE how you're referencing little things in the game we've become used to ignoring. Bravo! I'd be so happy with more work like this in the future. 


    Thank you again devs! Also - my god, thanks for the slide graphic fx. That has made my current main so much more fun to play.

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  3. Just found out Field Operative, of the Devices blaster secondary, leaves us quite translucent even in combat. This, unfortunately, ruins the set for me, because I actually want to see my character in combat. This power must be on all the time, as it's the set's "sustain" power, or the one which grants +50% end recovery. Not using it isn't an option. 


    So please, please, please offer a minimum FX for this power so I can just see my character - I was excited to level up a Devices blaster for the first time, but I can't do it if I'm going to be see-through the entire game. It's not the same issue as the stalkers' hide, as that stealth effect is intermittent. The stealth translucence from Field Operative stays on permanently.


    It'd be incredible if you could sneak this change into Issue 27 =DD


    Thank you!

  4. Hey all,


    1) Is neutrino bolt worthwhile with /storm? I love the animation, but it's so low damage - worthwhile somehow?


    2) Is O2 Boost worthwhile? It'd be nice to have, but seems pretty unnecessary. 


    3) What do you think about Cosmic Burst + Lightning Clap stacking 3+2 disorient for bosses? Not worth it?


    Any other insights into Rad/Storm would be much appreciated! I'm taking the Teleport travel power for the first time w him, which is... interesting!


    All team play, mostly casual. Id love to be able to do some damage. I was planning to take ranged def and whatever other def from sets + Scorpion Shield, Weave, and Hasten. Hoping to force feedback proc some storm.


    Thanks very much!

  5. Im coming from a Brute's perspective, and we dont get snipes as far as I know. Maybe the Body Mastery version could be converted into a snipe if it made sense, but the Energy Mastery version could just be buffed to Mu Lightning levels and that'd be nice. 


    I get the villain powers were originally conceived of as stronger, but I think a damage boost for LBE is reasonable since archetypes are unrestricted now, and since LBE is such an iconic attack.



  6. Laser Beam Eyes is just such an epic power. But it requires a power investment in the pool before we can choose it, AND it does lower damage than the corresponding patron tier 1 ranged attacks.


    I understand perhaps villain powers make sense as more damaging, but for a tier 2 epic, and for a power simply as epic and iconic as laser beam eyes, itd be so great to have the power feel stronger.


    It's at a 6-second recharge now, and that could be increased to balance with the increased dmg.


    Thank you! And amazing work keeping all of this running, I'm very grateful!

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