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Posts posted by Mallador

  1. After talking to some friends I'm giving up on my cause to try and make the fire and cold resistance values the same--didn't know there'd be so much disagreement over 2.50%.  Trading defensive value for offensive value is a means to give any excuse not to increase the defensive capabilities of Fire Armor in anyway possible and I don't know how to counter that if that's the main standpoint people will keep to and use.  Thus, I give up.  I'll just continue to embrace Fire Armor and where it stands as of now.

  2. Frozen Armor also has a 2.50% resistance bonus over Fire Shield, but those abilities don't mirror each other in the slightest besides the Fire/Cold reduction so I'm not going after that (yet).  Also, yes Rudra, that's one of the reasons why I'm posting about this because there's no point in using offensive abilities if you're dying too fast--doesn't mean Fire Armor needs to be super tanky or anything though, which is why I think a 2.50% boost to mirror would be fine.


    Fire Armor has also earned the name "Fire Farmer" for a reason... which makes me a little sad that that's all a lot of people use it for and associate it with.


    EDIT:  Also, for the simple fact that the abilities are the exact same is why I wished they matched number-wise :V

  3. spacer.png

    Fire Armor (Temperature Protection) ^


    Ice Armor (Permafrost) ^


    SO, I was just wondering why these two abilities that are exactly the same (element resistances are reversed of course--correlating to their themes) have a base resistance difference of 2.50%; specifically, Temperature Protection's cold resistance is 2.50% less than Permafrost's fire resistance of 12.50%.


    Mayhap Temperature Protection could receive a buff to its cold resistance to match that of Permafrost's 12.50%?  Across all ATs of course.  I don't see why not--I personally would like them both to be set to 15%, half of their primary theme resistance of 30%, but I'm also fine with them being the same at 12.50%.  It's a small difference BUT IT MATTERS TO ME OKAY?  Sorry...  ahem.  I rest my case your honors.

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  4. tp_warshade.png.a0e0fdd7276c3a76a00547292833ead8.png

    I haven't tried out any long ranged teleport based abilities in a while, since when the game first started shutting down, but I thought I remembered you being able to "float" after a teleport--according to the description above, I think you should be able to.  However, each time I teleport I float for about 0.75 seconds or so and then I drop straight down without and damage reduction it feels like.


    Is this a bug or is this just how teleport abilities/Warshade teleport abilities work now?  I forget.

  5. So, something I noticed when playing my Thug MM is that when you use the "Equip Thugs" ability to upgrade your minions and their LOOKS, they keep their new looks when traveling around wherever you go.  However, when you apply "Upgrade Equipment" to your minions, it upgrades their abilities and LOOKS, but, whenever you travel through a door or to a new location/mission they lose their new look, except for the Bruiser.



    The first picture is them having both upgrades on them, except I traveled to a new location, and again, only the Bruiser kept his look (it's hard to see, sorry about that).  The second picture is what they look like normally right after the upgrades and should continue to look like.


    It's definitely a bug, and a costume mishap with the minions--not sure if it's happening with any other MM pets though.  Hopefully this is the right section to put this in since it is a costume issue, just not with my character.

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  6. Now, this problem isn't super rare, but it's not super common either, yet it's common enough to take notice of over your natural play time... unless you get an unlucky day, then it might happen quite often.  After the completion of many missions, or, if the mission is simply to talk to someone, sometimes the dialogue screen that pops up will pop up like it should, but then it disappears almost instantly--you see it close.  There's one person that ALWAYS does this to me though (95% of the time), which is a lady in Atlas Park that you usually go to, to give her objects to investigate for a mission.  This is a bit bothersome because I've missed quite a few juicy pieces of information--it's happened throughout all the areas I've played so far, at some point.

  7. Some Tabs for the upper body don't allow certain chest and arms options, such as ANY of the tattoos chest and arms options--at least for the Unique Top I know this happens.  Same thing happens with the different Tabs you can choose for legs/lower body, you can't choose certain boots unless you simply keep it as "Tights."  So, there are slight differences and limitations.


    I would like it so that I can wear the Unique Top WITH the Tops and Skin Yakuza (plus the other tattoos) chest and arms option selected basically, since you can't right now.

  8. I was just wondering if the different tattoo chest pieces could be added to the Unique Top piece, including the Yakuza and Yakuza glowing tattoo chest pieces for female characters.  The reason I ask this is simply because, it's adds a little more variety.  One of my characters has tattoos (Yakuza, glowing), yet I can't show them on some (or maybe just one) of the different Tab selection choices for the upper body, one of them being the "Unique Top," and I was really hoping that I could keep the consistency with different costumes.  Also, the glowing Yakuza tattoos are pretty cool, so I would hate to miss out on being able to show those off on my character.

    • Thanks 1
  9. So, when choosing Wolf or Wolf with Helm, it'll show that you have the crab backpack in customization, but then when you actually enter the game you won't have it.  However, when you're already in the game and you go to the tailor to customize your character, since your character outside of the customization screen doesn't have the backpack, the tailor will always charge you for adding-back-on the crab backpack.  Wastes some influence basically :V

  10. Then we'll have it as an option to turn it off for people like you @PeregrineFalcon.  I personally don't want to waste 20 minutes searching every single crack n' cranny 5x over again (which I've done, many times)--I'm fine with searching, but there's a point where it can quite literally be labeled, "A waste of time."  There's a difference between a challenge and just seeing how much time you can spend looking for a random hostage stuffed in an odd corner of a cave that I keep missing for some reason.  To each their own though.

    • Thumbs Up 3
  11. I can't tell you the amount of times I've spent about 20 minutes scouring a larger map from head to toe looking for the last hostage or last couple hostages--always on weird cave type maps too.  I end up almost falling asleep and I have to struggle to try and keep myself awake--I'm only level 33 so far (first character)...


    I can't remember if I struggled with these missions back in the days of CoH, but I'm definitely struggling now, and just thinking about how I might have to waste another 20 minutes for almost every hostage mission makes me very feel very unenergetic about playing at times.


    SO, I was wondering if we could have hostages make some sort of similar sound effect to how the glowing objects that we have to find in missions make.  Someone else mentioned an idea like this I remember a bit ago and I can see why now.  It can even be an option in the settings, for those who don't want to hear sound effects from the hostages.

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  12. Sorry if this was already talked about or not, but I had a question about the customization of the Arachnos Soldier AT.  When looking at the "Epic Archtype" tab, you can select either: Wolf and Helm, Wolf, or Bane / Crab.  When you started out in the past, you didn't start out with any crab backpacks or crab stuff--only when you reached lvl 24 were you able to select them through the Crab Spider option or Bane Spider (though I just remember Crab). 


    So, is there a way to make my character without the backpack or must I have the backpack on?  When I select the cape option it just goes through the backpack if I try it on Wolf.  I remember my character a long time ago having a cape and I liked the couple different looks that you could have with or without the backpack.  Is there a possibility that this might be re-implemented? 


    It also kind of just makes the leveling process less special, or the upgrading "ranks" less special to me if everyone HAS to have a backpack, especially if you want a certain look; however, I also might just be missing something since I can be blind sometimes.  Just curious!

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