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Posts posted by Mallador

  1. I bet this has already been discussed in the past, I also can't remember if Shield Defense had a combat idle animation on live or not, but would it be possible to give characters with (activated) Shield Defense powers an idle animation instead of just the combat stance?  Would it be possible to make the idle animation just a couple of the idle animations or even just one of the many idle animations, since some may clip the character--Neutral Stance being my main vote.


    Not being able to see my character relax into an idle animation after I press Z, or just after a certain period of time, really bothers me lol.


    I asked this in the Homecoming server and a developer responded to me but they kind of just made a sarcastic type of comment and didn't answer my suggestion/question, in which they voluntarily responded to--I didn't ask them directly.  So, I'm assuming either this topic has been talked about A LOT, it's impossible to do, it's on "the list" of things to do but it might not be at the front, or it's attainable but it requires too much effort/time, so it won't be attempted, etc.  Could I get any confirmations on this, possibly?

  2. /thumbtack -2187.6 -37.0 1044.2


    In Croatoa, along basically the entire stretch of the little river and the little lake (or big pond) at the bottom of said river (right side of map), the sides are doing a little something that I don't think they should be doing.


  3. I found some floating tree leaves in 'Eden' at /thumbtack -2609.0 -29.4 3101.6 that can only be seen by a few angles, usually angles that are underneath them/below their y level.



    Another group of floating leaves at /thumbtack -2331.7 -0.5 4031.4 as well.


    In Cap Au Diable, I found some ground that is raised up and separated from the rest, right below the tree stump in the picture (maybe little hard to see) /thumbtack -1955.7 161.1 -1851.7 


  4. I thought we had at least one legging option that was similar to that of those Vanguard armored pants, unless I'm thinking of the Black Knight armor and how it had extra armor parts you can apply.  The Longbow one that you mentioned, I did think about that but I mean... they could still add in something like that maybe, maybe 🙂


    EDIT: The armored pants I was thinking of was the clockwork/warwork pants we have, I believe there's two versions--one with the armored padding and one without them.

  5. This has most likely already been talked about, but...


    Costumes!  I love 'em, but I know newly made costumes can be hard to implement and create depending on different variables; so, I was wondering if it would be possible to implement some (npc) costume parts that are already in the game, to us the players, for both male and female characters if doable.  They don't have to be added right this second of course, but it would be cool to have some sort of response as to whether it might ever be done in the future.


    These Vanguard Armored pants would be nice for example, since we don't have an option to add anything to our legs (leg accessories), this is one way to solve a problem for me.  Another example would be Longbow, who have a leg accessory but also an additional chest layer, which would be cool to have too.


    Another couple costume pieces would be from the Cimerorans, glove pieces specifically--we already have the boot versions of these two.


    This next one, which is the Cabal hat--I'm not sure if male characters have it but I know female characters have it, I was just wondering if we could get a hair option Cabal hat added? The reason I ask for this is because I saw a npc witch with a Cabal hat on with hair attached, I think.


    I'll add to this list later if I find something.

  6. Hey, so I'm not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but whenever I use any of my actual punching abilities for my SS powerset it's like the last half of the animations cancel out and I go into the base idle mode instead--not smooth whatsoever.  Also no, I'm not animation canceling the abilities myself--I'll be casting punch or knockout blow for example and then midway through the ability it'll, well, just stop mid animation.

  7. Well the roman greaves (I think it's called that) has a skin option, and there's other skin-like "boots" too.  Also, some fighters--not sure if they're a "type" of MMA/similar to MMA sport, they'll have something like these Tai boots with skin, but they're in the ring or in a place of practice and not running around like we would in the world.


  8. Yeah, single target AoE, same with Spinning Strike--which is something else I was thinking about too.  Both single target AoEs with two "conditions" and the only melee AoEs that have a six foot radius with two conditions attached to them. 


    I never noticed the smaller AoE with Spinning Strike in the past just because the animation didn't look too big (at least my character isn't too big), but the animation that comes with Touch of Fear is a bit bigger and I'd always question myself like, "That animation just suffocated those three guys... but they didn't get hit--it just did it again."  Then I checked the AoE and was like, "Oh, that seems a bit small."  Anyways, yeah, Touch of Fear and Spinning Strike will probably both stay as six feet due to their couple differences :V

  9. And all the other AoE melee abilities that I mentioned, which are all 8-15 feet in radius are also... melee and act like melee abilities.  Don't really get your point there @Arc-Mage.  That statement kind of just tells me that you want no melee abilities to be touched, even if they genuinely need a buff or nerf, or some kind of adjustment to make it feel more like a melee ability (if that's your logic).  This adds nothing to the conversation, but thank you for sharing.


    However, I did a little thinking last night and the reason the radius for Touch of Fear and Spinning Strike are both six feet is probably because they both can apply two "conditions," such as Fear and knockdown/knockback, or -Acc.  They're also not PBAoEs but are just targeted AoEs, if that matters.  All of the other melee AoEs are usually just pure damage or they have one "condition" to them, so they have a few more feet of radius.  So, it'll probably stay six feet, though missing those couple feet to the radius will just make the ability continue to feel awkward for me personally.


    It's more like a small/med sized cone ability the way it's used and the amount of enemies it can get, at least that's how it's felt so far in all the TFs I've ran with it.  Which, I guess could be fine, I'll just use it a bit more and see how things go--though I'd still prefer an additional foot added personally.  There, I answered my own curiosity I guess...

  10. Thoughts on increasing the AoE of Touch of Fear in the Dark melee powerset?  It would only have to be increased by one or two feet, as six feet has been feeling just a bit too short during my play through with it personally--makes me constantly wonder.  Additionally, other powersets that have AoE abilities, including passive skills like Blazing Aura, have an AoE spread of eight to fifteen feet--most of them being eight or ten feet.  In the melee powersets I only noticed two AoEs being six feet, which is Touch of Fear (Dark) and Spinning Strike (Street).


    Just curious on what y'all think.  

  11. @Rudra "are you useful enough that you believe you deserve the amount of increased XP you're receiving compared to playing alone?"

    You said you don't like any extra experience whatsoever, then, since you have a problem with even a little bit of extra experience, are you okay with being given increased amounts of experience while playing on a team--assuming that the team leader increases the difficulty and you think you're doing good enough on your part that you deserve that increased team XP gain?  Normally you level faster in a group than alone when going up the chain.


    "If you don't have any 50s yet and you've been playing as you've previously explained, how do you know that Patrol XP effects you that much if you've never done a comparison test (assuming) versus the hours you play the game (and a particular character) a week? "

    This is relevant because, as you even replied, "I already have fully incarnated 50s."  You don't want additional experience no matter how little it matters in grand scale of the game and end game.  You have 50s, what do you do with them now?  What exactly matters to you when you level a character...  the stories/arcs?  Simply playing until you get to level 50+?  Leveling so that you can unlock the cool abilities?  Patrol XP is like a drop in a bucket so I'm confused for what you want exactly and why it's a problem.  You said you don't want any free XP given to you, but why exactly?  As you said you can't explain it, I get that, things can be weird like that.  Depending on your goal for playing the game and leveling characters however, this could answer questions as to why Patrol XP might bother you or as to why your obsession against Patrol XP is just something completely random you can't control (or can).


    " If you like RP and you just want to stay lower level then just turn off the XP entirely for as long as you want, or for whatever other reason you have, I don't know. "

    This is also relevant.  RP takes many, many different forms.  Even just thinking yourself as this cool character of justice, defeating the villains and enjoying slowly cleaning the streets from baddies while you play, is RP.  You said you that you want to play ALL the content and fully complete ALL contacts so that you don't have to go through Ouroboros--this could be you simply wanting to enjoy the ride while even having your own internal RP thoughts.  If this is the reason you don't want Patrol XP, then how do you know that Patrol XP is exactly what allows you to over level some of your contacts?  Obviously additional XP is additional XP, but I'm not sure if you would over level contacts simply because of a boost of ~50% XP, though it's entirely possible.  So, the answer (or the closest answer) to your Patrol XP obsession is that you want to do all the content in all areas naturally without any additional XP, which is more understandable than where we were at before.  Also you get Patrol XP because you're supposedly (as I see it) performing off duty patrol when you're offline, so your character in the world of CoH doesn't just vanish when you log off, they go somewhere, which is patrol.  "You have spent your free time making the streets of Paragon City a safer place for its citizens earning the Patroller Day Job."


    "I actually enjoy a great many games. They don't force XP down my throat for blinking and sneezing though."

    I've been playing countless games from all kinds of sources since 04, so I know what you mean by that.  In my own opinion, CoH doesn't do that with Patrol XP (plus they at least tie it in with some explanation as to why you get it), especially since I was an alt-aholic in my past and I never got many of my characters anywhere so it didn't matter.  The couple characters I focused on though, I was able to complete everything without any problems.  I see what you mean though and I get what you are worried about now--some games are horrid with the giving out of free XP, but CoH is no where near as bad as 95% of those games on my personal scale.


    "So... uhm... I'm not sure how to take this... it reads like you are saying to just quit the game, but the rest of the post says otherwise." 

    If you're having fun still stay of course, though from past readings of your posts it sounds like you're being tortured to me.  Basically, depending on whether you've created this problem yourself or if it's just something you can't help, even if you don't know why you feel this way, or, if it's because you've created the issue yourself without even knowing about it, you should then try to not let this mentally ruin your games.  The reason I said this, was because it sounded like your time in CoH had been absolutely soul wrenching the way some things were phrased (to me), yet you've still tried to just trudge through it and play although you're in so much pain... "I am hoping that even if each and every one of my characters has to pay an exorbitant fee at P2W, that some option to no longer be subject to patrol XP is available so I can stop spending the first 10 minutes of my game time committing suicide with each character I decide to play that day."  As well as manually stopping your XP gains and worrying about everything else other than just enjoying the game and playing.  Sounded like there was little fun to be found in the game with phrasings like this.


    The simple answer, if you want it... I hope they add an option somewhere so that people like you can turn off/on Patrol XP so that you can enjoy your time playing how exactly you want, as it's 100% possible to do so and it's not asking for the impossible.  My whole post was mainly directed to figuring out your pain and frustrations as to why such little extra experience would completely botch all of your gaming experiences, in this game and many others.  There are just some things that people shouldn't worry over (doesn't mean they can't request for "it" to be changed/added) and if they didn't their free time would be filled with a more relaxing time instead of a constant, unnecessary frustration--met many, many friends and other people like that.  Not going against you and I'm not trying to drag your argument into the grave.  It's all love, although I may not phrase things entirely as such.


  12. @Rudra So, temporary Patrol XP ruins your experience for every game you play, for every character, even when that temporary XP is only about 50% (in CoH) and effects generally one level of your character?  Even the badge itself bothers you...  This bonus XP won't let you just out-level all your Contacts and you will eventually have to reach the level cap and beyond.  Additionally, if you're worried about "...getting XP for doing nothing," then I have other questions: Do you play alone?  Do you search for teams?  How exactly useful are you on said teams (if you play on teams) and are you useful enough that you believe you deserve the amount of increased XP you're receiving compared to playing alone?  Are you fine with the bonus XP that many mission arcs give you after you complete them, since that is also "free XP"?  Do you have any 50s yet and have you enjoyed the journey of leveling them up as you previously explained?  If you don't have any 50s yet and you've been playing as you've previously explained, how do you know that Patrol XP effects you that much if you've never done a comparison test (assuming) versus the hours you play the game (and a particular character) a week?  If you like RP and you just want to stay lower level then just turn off the XP entirely for as long as you want, or for whatever other reason you have, I don't know.  Your obsession for this seems a bit excessive, especially since you already found a "solution" to it at the moment.  You seem to make the game (and every other game) miserable for yourself and that's on you, in which I feel bad for you that you live like that and can't enjoy many games you find.


    I'm fine if there's no Patrol XP or if there is--I forget about it entirely.  I'm fine if you reach out to the HC team and talk to them about adding a Patrol XP on/off switch somewhere because it bothers you so much (and who knows who else).  What I'm not ok with is you just having this (odd) obsession that is ruining your experience in so many games you play and just trying to basically "deal with it" while playing the game anyways.  It's supposed to be entertainment and I'm not sure if you're just purposely trying to find a problem to ruin your gaming experience or if it's something that you never asked for--if it's the latter (or former), work to change it.  I have a couple friends with very odd obsessions similar to yours (relating to games) and it makes some of them literally sick or it fills them with pure rage.

  13. demonicaura.thumb.png.5bb7fe2a7dfd453d8f5e21f790e5ddac.png

    I don't know if this has already been talked about, but the Demonic Aura accolade is supposed to give RES and DEF to everything but psionic type damage.  However, while the aura does give RES and DEF to everything, it's missing its toxic damage DEF increase--seen in the picture above.


    For the Demonic Aura info. it's supposed to list after negative energy defense, like it does with the resistance side--we can just see this in combat stats though to confirm it's missing.

  14. spacer.png

    In one of the Slot Machine missions in St. Martial you have to defeat all of the Devouring Earth in a small cave, collect four jewels (chests), and then escort High Roller out of said cave.  However, when you try to escort him he loses you if you go farther than a few meters--a little less than the distance my character is away from him in that picture.


    It seems a bit short compared to other escorts, no?  Could be a feature since he's an "old retired villain" basically, or it's a bug, but I just wanted to check (lol).

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