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  1. Yea i remember but there was a way before but you got more inf if you lowered the exp you got. I wished that they kept the lowered exp but took off the extra inf you got.
  2. This. I wish we had that again there are so many story arcs i wish i could do and i hate having to turn off my exp all the time.
  3. Yea made it this month.
  4. I have no idea what your talking about sir or ma'am! Radiation glow is a thing in real life its just the clouds is kinda off putting to me and costume ideas.
  5. You know that would be cool for radiation armor had the alt power glow like energy armor.
  6. Nice made this time.
  7. I don't remember if there was but if not i hope its something that can be added to null the gull i miss the foot stomp.
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